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LArray 0.27 released

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Gaëtan de Menten

Nov 30, 2017, 10:47:25 AM11/30/17

Hello all,

We are pleased to announce that version 0.27 of LArray is now available.

The complete description of changes including examples can be found at:

The highlights of this release include:

  • during array subset assignment (array[condition] = value) the axes/labels of the value are checked to be actually compatible with the destination. This will potentially break your code if you relied on the wrong behavior.
  • a few minor syntax changes which will output warnings if you used them.
  • implemented Axis.insert and LArray.insert to add values at a given position of an axis.
  • added the ability to save the history of commands typed in the viewer console.
  • indicesofsorted and labelsofsorted gained the possibility to sort values in descending order.
  • sort_values can now be called without argument and can sort along an axis.

As always, *any* feedback is very welcome, preferably on the larray-users mailing list: (you need to register to be able to post).

Those who already have larray 0.25 or later can upgrade by simply clicking on "Update LArray" in the "LArray" menu of the Windows start menu.


Those who do not have this menu (who have an earlier version of larray), rather need to type the following command in a "Command Prompt" window (right-click on the "Windows" icon and choose "Command Prompt"):


    conda update larrayenv



Gaëtan de Menten

Federal Planning Bureau
Economic Analyses & Forecasts
Avenue des Arts, 47-49 | 1000 Brussels
tel. +32 (0)2 507 7459
fax  +32 (0)2 507 7373
email : |

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