The Drive For Thermonuclear War Must Be Stopped

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Philippine LaRouche Society (PLS)

Mar 3, 2012, 11:30:26 AM3/3/12


The March 4th Russian presidential elections this Sunday have been identified by Lyndon LaRouche as a highly probable trigger point for the British to launch World War III. Were Vladimir Putin to win that election, as is slated, the possibility that Russia would cede its sovereignty to “regime change” intimidation would be nullified. In no uncertain terms, Putin intends to defend the sovereignty of his nation: "The battle for Russia is on, and we will prevail!"

LaRouche continued his warning -- if Russia does not concede to the British Empire’s demands for “regime change” through "peaceful" means, the British are prepared to kill, even going as far as to provoke a thermonuclear war of mutual and assured destruction, rather than let sovereign and independent Russian impulses prevail. Published death threats and foiled assassination plots against Putin exposed over the past several days, eliminate any doubt that LaRouche's warnings have been anything but precise and without exaggeration. So, Russia and China’s commitment to science, technological progress and physically productive societies -- at the same moment that the "green" economies of Western Europe and the United States are facing an end-game breakdown crisis -- make those scientifically progressive nations, Russia and China, the mortal enemy of an empire whose own commitment is to radical global depopulation, ending of manned space exploration, and green energy.

For this reason, Putin's policies must be defended not only by patriots of Russia, but also patriots of all nations around the world.

Only the efforts of Lyndon LaRouche and his international organization, since the Obama-instigated murder of Libyan President Gaddafi, have catalyzed the opposition among leading military layers in the U.S. and elsewhere to prevent this thermonuclear war from having started already months ago. Furthermore, with British-tool Obama still in office, and the recent decision by Democrats including former President Clinton not to oppose his incumbency, we remain on a hair-trigger for Nuclear World War III. For that reason, Helga Zepp-LaRouche has issued a call for an International Day of Action this Saturday, March 3, inviting patriots on every continent to participate in mass actions to stop Nuclear World War III.

The international LaRouche movement will be hosting demonstrations in locations on several continents. These locations include:

· United States -- DC Metro, Boston, NY Metro, Detroit, Houston, Philadelphia, LA, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, Sioux Falls
· Germany -- Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt, Dresden, Munich, Hamburg
· Denmark -- Aarhus
· Sweden -- Stokholm
· Italy --- Mantua
· Canada -- Montreal
· Australia -- Melbourne
· Mexico -- Mexico City
· Argentina -- Buenos Aires
· and several other locations internationally

We strongly encourage you to participate.

Marching Orders:

· Contact our national headquarters and say you wish to attend a demonstration.
Call 1-800-929-7566

· Click here to print out copies of the leaflet, and distribute them where you are located.

· Mobilize your friends and networks, get them signed up to be LPAC members. Click Here to Visit the Membership Page

· Make announcements at local events, and circulate this appeal.

· Contribute money to help finance the continuing efforts of LaRouche PAC by clicking the button below.

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