CSE CA supplemental exam

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Alexis Davis Millar

Mar 1, 2019, 1:15:15 AM3/1/19
to LARE Exam
Hello LARE community! I just passed my last section of the LARE in December and wanted to encourage you all to keep going! Yes, it takes tremendous amount of study time & determination - but you too will get there!!! Wishing you all the best in April. I'm trying to ramp up now for taking the time to California exam. Does anyone happen to know of a prep. class or study tools? Seems sparse out there. Thanks so much, Alexis

Joel G

Mar 3, 2019, 1:03:42 AM3/3/19
to LARE Exam
Hi Alexis,
Congrats on getting to this point! I too am preparing for the CSE, going a little slowly as I passed my last two sections of the LARE in April. I got a couple young kids that keep me extra busy! 😂😂
I've got a few friends who have taken it and I've done a little sleuthing online. I agree the info is sparse!
There are a few posts on this forum I believe.

The best/only study guide us the 'pass the CSE for landscape architects' book by John Denson. It is a PDF, reasonably priced for a textbook IMO, and you can get study questions with a key. I'm reading it now and my friend who passed in December said it was the best sole source to study. But reading it illuminated some areas where he needed to do a little more review/ look for supplemental sources.

If you got this far with the LARE then you know how to study and dig for extra material when you need it.

Let me know if you find anything else of interest! And best of luck with your studies

Alexis Davis Millar

Mar 5, 2019, 4:41:17 PM3/5/19
to LARE Exam
Thanks so much for your response Joel.  This heads me in the right direction!  I am going to get the Denson pdf.  I have also downloaded the MWELO pdf.  If you want a book on CA native plants - I have found the Carol Bornstein/David Fross/Bart O'Brien 'California Native Plants for the Garden' to be an easy format + good resource.  The Bob Perry book is pretty amazing too - for plant communities, but definitely more expensive.
Best to you on your next steps - have always appreciated your thoughtful ideas on this Google Groups.
Take care, Alexis

Alexis Davis Millar

Mar 5, 2019, 4:42:04 PM3/5/19
to LARE Exam
oh and - congrats to you too on getting through the LARE!


Jun 17, 2019, 7:57:33 PM6/17/19
to LARE Exam
Have either of you taken the CSE yet? I am currently studying for it and am curious if the Denson PDF was enough to pass.

Joel G

Jun 17, 2019, 11:17:34 PM6/17/19
to LARE Exam
I have not taken it yet, but plan to in a month. I'm studying Denson and his practice tests, as well as the quizzes on his website.

Alexis Davis Millar

Jun 18, 2019, 11:15:16 AM6/18/19
to LARE Exam
I haven't taken it yet either but plan to next month as well. I've been emphasizing in Denson + CA.gov updates for things like CALGreen, ADA + MWELO. EBMud Firescape is also good. Note that Denson does not reflect a few impt 2015 MWELO updates. Best to you & Joel in your studies! Alexis


Jun 18, 2019, 11:19:35 AM6/18/19
to LARE Exam
Alexis - your comment is dead on. Denson's book does a great job of covering the breadth of content on the CSE but a good deal of his information is very outdated - not just MWELO. I would recommend confirming any code language, specific statistics with more current information.


Jun 18, 2019, 12:04:20 PM6/18/19
to LARE Exam
Thanks for getting back to me. I'm taking the test in a couple weeks and am in the process of compiling a study guide that should include a summary of all the information from the documents you have described below. I am happy to share that study guide if anyone wants it. Regardless, I will let you both know if my study methods were enough to pass and if not what addition topics need to be learned. Thanks again for your input and good luck studying!

Alexis Davis Millar

Jun 18, 2019, 12:20:12 PM6/18/19
to LARE Exam
Fantastic - it will be a great resource! I'll report back as well. I scheduled my exam for test July 11th. Best of luck and thanks everyone! Alexis


Jul 8, 2019, 1:16:58 PM7/8/19
to LARE Exam
I passed the CSE last week! In addition to researching relevant California codes for irrigation, gray water, recycled water, fire safety, ada, and contractor's warranties, I used Denson's book plus read his blog posts online at his website. I also reviewed timesaver standards for erosion control, ada, and earthquakes/natural disasters. Lastly, I reviewed the fire pdfs recommended by LATC. There were a significant number of plant related questions where you must identify the correct plant(s) to use in a given situation, so sunset garden book is a great study resource as well. 

Joel G

Jul 25, 2019, 12:26:14 PM7/25/19
to LARE Exam
Congrats LM!
I passed the CSE two days ago. The study materials mentioned above were all good ones to use.
In general, I found the questions trickier than I expected. You need to know everything cold, and be able to not get confused or tricked by some questions.

Good luck everyone!

Alexis Davis Millar

Jul 26, 2019, 11:20:11 AM7/26/19
to LARE Exam
Congrats to you both!! I passed as well. What a relief - that was a lot of work & I too found the exam difficult! Yes, thank you both for the study tips - very valuable. Here are a few notes for those studying next for the CSE:
1. Know a solid list of plants & preferred microclimate and characteristics (including poisonous + invasive). I found some of the plant questions to be strangely specific to regions - but deductive reasoning helps here.
2. Purchase Denson Guide + practice tests supplement + his online practice quizzes- but only with the caveat that it is best used for broad base understanding of the areas the CSE covers. Much of the actual data is not up to date (such as WELO thresholds, some Title 24, etc.)
3. Surprisingly less on firescaping than I expected, but reading resources included, so one should be ready. (+ it is important stuff for us to know in practice!)
4. Know current WELO , CalGreen + ADA requirements (check CA.gov resources for updates)
5. Agency jurisdictions - especially related to zoning + wetlands.
6. Current code on graywater, recycled water and a bit on rainwater harvesting.
7. Clear understanding of stormwater (LID) construction measures (like silt fencing, etc.)
8. Bike circulation safety factors.

Best to all of you in your studies and next steps in this field of practice.
We can do a lot of good!

S Flower

Sep 11, 2019, 8:36:35 PM9/11/19
to LARE Exam
Congrats to you all! Thanks everyone for sharing your study tips! I have a question about timeline or study schedule. How many months should I budget for CSE? How many hours you guys put into? Thanks!


Sep 11, 2019, 11:16:10 PM9/11/19
to LARE Exam
If you've taken the 4 LARE sections recently (I did one each exam period) then you should be pretty close to being prepared. Just a few weeks brushing up on what people have posted above. I think I spent 2-3 weeks but I was working part time at an office so if youre full time maybe 3-4 weeks at the VERY most. Tbh you could probably get away with 1 week.

Joel G

Sep 11, 2019, 11:29:56 PM9/11/19
to LARE Exam
I think the study time is very dependent on the individual and the amount of existing knowledge on the topics tested.
For me it was similar to studying for a single section of the LARE, though the breadth of the exam is greater.
I spent between 6 and 8 weeks studying and probably a total of around 30 hours.
Good luck!


Sep 13, 2019, 2:04:05 PM9/13/19
to LARE Exam
I passed the 4 LARE exams with in 6 months and took the CSE right afterwards, so the information from those tests was fresh in my mind. I only spent 4 days studying for the CSE and I passed. That being said, the test felt pretty difficult and I think it would have been easier if I had spent more time preparing. 

S Flower

Sep 13, 2019, 2:07:47 PM9/13/19
to LARE Exam
Wow...you guys are amazing! Do you remember the processing time of CSE application? I called their office and they said it may take 4-6 weeks....


Sep 13, 2019, 2:16:36 PM9/13/19
to LARE Exam
Mine took 6-7 weeks. They cashed my check at about 4 weeks, but never gave me confirmation that I could sign up to take it. Apparently the testing center is suppose to notify you when they receive your approval from LATC, which did not happen. I contacted LATC about 3 times to check in and ask for a status update, which LATC was pretty quick to respond to me. Once I did receive approval though, test spots are available almost immediately for you to sit down and take it. So be sure to be studying during the processing time because once you are approved you can sign up and take the test that same week.  

Joel G

Sep 13, 2019, 4:26:31 PM9/13/19
to LARE Exam
I had basically the same experience as LM.
1. Submit everything, begin studying.
2. Call LATC about 4 weeks later to get your login password. I got a pamphlet in the mail but nowhere did I get the pin number I needed to actually sign up for a test spot.
3. Schedule test. IME you can get dates within a week or two of the current date

PS if I had been fresh on LARE I may have needed less study time but I took LAREs over 3 years and the last one over a year before I took CSE. Family grew from 2 to 4 over that time so I lost a few brain cells 😂

S Flower

Sep 16, 2019, 6:11:43 PM9/16/19
to LARE Exam


Thanks all again! I found a TEST PLAN on the LATC website. Does everyone know the meanings of numbers highlighted in yellow? Are they reference numbers or something else?? Can't understand!


Oct 21, 2019, 3:55:43 PM10/21/19
to LARE Exam

I'd love to reference your study guide.
Would you mind sending it?


Daniel Prostak

Nov 7, 2019, 9:55:27 PM11/7/19
to LARE Exam
I'd love to reference your study guide too!

Would you mind sending it?

mahalo too!

Anthony G

Dec 16, 2019, 12:55:19 AM12/16/19
to LARE Exam
Hi LM,
I would love to see your study guide if you would be so kind as to share. thanks so much,

Brian Horton

Dec 19, 2019, 7:44:22 PM12/19/19
to LARE Exam
Hello Everyone! The Google groups have been great so far for information. My reciprocity information has just been submitted for approval. I am currently changing my TX license for CA. I am wondering if anyone who is taking the CSE has a study group? Reference materials / study material (all the books suggested that I currently do not own is about $1,200. Trying to avoid the full cost of that expense right now.) Looking forward to hearing from you!  

K.C. Farrell

Jan 15, 2020, 11:36:42 AM1/15/20
to LARE Exam
Hello LM,

I am preparing for the CSE and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind sending me your study guide.  I've been studying for several weeks and just now came across this google group. My test is set for this Saturday (01/18/2020) but if possible I'd like to review your study guide to see if there are any additional areas I should focus on.

Thank you so much!!


Feb 4, 2020, 11:17:27 PM2/4/20
to LARE Exam
Any good plant lists for the CSE out there?

E Crowman

Feb 25, 2020, 11:00:59 PM2/25/20
to LARE Exam
Congratulations on passing. I too am looking for study guide to help prepare for the CSE, would you be kind to send it to me? 
Thanks Eric

Jen J

Oct 4, 2020, 4:09:52 AM10/4/20
to LARE Exam
Hi LM, Can you share your study guide with me as well? Thank you so much in advance! 

Nicole Stern

Oct 11, 2020, 5:33:46 PM10/11/20
to LARE Exam
I'm studying for CSE and have the Denson guides.  Does anyone know how updated the exam itself is?  I'm seeing comments that Denson/codes are outdated but is the exam reflecting all current codes? 


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Jen J

Nov 6, 2020, 12:44:26 AM11/6/20
to LARE Exam
For the CSE exam, are there plant questions with plant images that you need to ID? Are there a lot of graphics on this exam or is it mostly just text and multiple choice?


Nov 6, 2020, 3:45:42 AM11/6/20
to LARE Exam
The CSE I believe keeps up with whatever rules/regulations are in place for the present. If you aren't sure, I suggest calling them and asking them how current their test is and when they plan on updating again. 

As for plant questions, they are all botanical/latin names. They might ask what plants are good for what situation. There are no images or graphics on this exam at all. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. 

Jeff Danner

Mar 6, 2023, 11:52:25 AM3/6/23
to LARE Exam
Is this group still active?


Mar 6, 2023, 11:54:38 AM3/6/23
to LARE Exam
Yes you just need to ask a question or make a comment

Jeff Danner

Jul 17, 2023, 11:59:16 PM7/17/23
to LARE Exam

Question about the CSE. I am reviewing the CA Plumbing Code, but also using Denson's study guide. The code clearly says:

1501.12 Separation Requirements
Underground alternate water source service piping other than gray water shall be separated from the building sewer in accordance with this code. Treated non potable water pipes shall be permitted to be run or laid in the same trench as potable water pipes with a 12 inch (305 mm) minimum vertical and horizontal separation where both pipe materials are approved for use within a building. Where horizontal piping materials do not comply with this requirement the minimum separation shall be increased to 60 inches (1524 mm). The potable water piping shall be installed at an elevation above the treated nonpotable water piping.

Denson has a question in his practice problems asking:

Can recycled water pipes and potable water pipes be laid in
the same trench?

his answer..... Answer: d. no, potable and recycled water pipes should be
separated 10 feet horizontally

According to the California Plumbing Code, recycled water
lines must be installed in separate trenches at least 10 feet
horizontally from either potable water lines or sewage lines.

When the a potable and recycled water line cross, the recycled water line must be at least 12 inches below the potable water line.

Are his questions outdated? Are these not talking about the same thing? What am I missing here?

Thank you.


Nov 5, 2023, 1:42:36 PM11/5/23
to LARE Exam
I'm taking the CSE soon. I found this very interesting source on Erosion Control from CAL Trans: https://dot.ca.gov/programs/design/lap-erosion-control-design/tool-1-lap-erosion-control-toolbox
The "Erosion Control Design Toolbox"
Anyone think this would be useful, or anyone have any better sources for erosion and sediment control practices particularly relevant to California?


Nov 5, 2023, 7:50:50 PM11/5/23
to LARE Exam
Is remembering a huge list of plants by their latin names required? Can anyone share their tricks to remember?

Sarah Gronquist

Nov 6, 2023, 11:59:57 AM11/6/23
to LARE Exam
Hi all, we have begun an updated CSE course at www.sarahgronquist.com. You can check it out. There are modules on planting, irrigation, and codes and regulations. 

I also started a Quizlet flashcard deck that is free, '100 or so Plants for the CSE' with common plants and their most important qualities (native, fire-resistant, etc). You can copy it and add to it if you want. Let me know if you try it and if you think there are missing plants: 


Nov 25, 2023, 5:44:26 PM11/25/23
to LARE Exam
Thank you.  Really appreciate your help and love your website.  It looks like modules 1, 8 and 9 are completed.  Assuming modules 2 through 7 will come soon?

Sarah Gronquist

Nov 25, 2023, 7:19:24 PM11/25/23
to LARE Exam
We have been delayed by the massive task of updating everything for the 2023 Blueprint but I will be getting back to this in December. If anyone has topic requests, please email me!


Dec 27, 2023, 5:13:39 PM12/27/23
to LARE Exam
How important is it to know about the federal (vs state) agencies you mention on your site?  For example, NEPA vs CEQA.  Obviously I need to know about CEQA but NEPA too?  Thanks.

Sarah Gronquist

Dec 27, 2023, 6:52:14 PM12/27/23
to LARE Exam
LATC's website has been updated and there is more information about the exam than we've had in the past. I'd also recommend you check the current test plan as it seems to have changed fairly recently. (I would expect the core information tested to change slowly over time as is common with these large, statistically backstopped exams.) With that said - one of the new pieces of info (under 'Taking the Exam') says  "The CSE consists of individually timed sections that may include general multiple-choice items and project scenario related items pertaining to the content within the CSE Test Plan and applicable knowledge and ability statements." I would prepare to be able to analyze a project based on a written scenario. If the project is federally funded or on federally owned land, you may be expected to know NEPA.  It is very similar to CEQA but some of the terminology is different. Hope that helps .
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Sarah Gronquist

Jun 6, 2024, 9:58:52 PMJun 6
to LARE Exam
Just popping in to say we have a newly updated, fairly comprehensive CSE Study Guide at last. I will also be running short webinars three times a year (right after you get your LARE results, as usual) for the CSE. I am excited to share our work! Email me with questions.
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Jun 15, 2024, 12:36:47 PMJun 15
to LARE Exam
Hi LM<
Would appreciate it if you wouldn't mind sharing the doc.  I plan to take it in about a month.  Thanks.

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