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Douglas E. Welch

Dec 29, 2008, 1:53:29 AM12/29/08
Hello all,

My name is Douglas E. Welch and I am a independent computer and new media consultant. I have been podcasting since the term was invented and love helping others get started with blogging, podcasting and new media.

Besides this group, I have 2 others that I organize:

New Media Interchange -
Bringing new media to everyone

LA Friday Coffee -
Coffee and casual conversation between work and dinner

I regularly attend several events including the LA Wordpress User Group, LA Geek Dinners and occasionally visit the LA Flash User Group and LA Drupal Groups.

You can find our more about me than you probably want to know at my own web site, http:/


Build the Career You Deserve
Career Opportunities weekly column and podcast

Amanda Abelove

Dec 29, 2008, 2:54:24 AM12/29/08
My name is Amanda Abelove. I'm a product manager. I run LA Agile & Scrum, a group going into it's third year. We are the founding organization for Scrum Club, a program that is run by user groups to support certifications, build fun stuff at Startup Weekend and help non-profits solve technology problems. There are two other participating groups in LA: LA Project Managers and LA Product Managers.


toni k

Dec 29, 2008, 7:00:41 AM12/29/08

My name is Toni Koch (pronounced like Coke a Cola) and I am part of COSMO, the Coalition of Socal Music Organizations as well as run my own indie business, TK Promotions, which assists artists, songwriters & entrepreneurs promote their business or products.  I have helped authors and also book speakers when the opportunity arises.  I sometimes work & travel with Rob Case, music publisher, to do Songwriter Workshops on music publishing and creating revenue streams.  We plan on visiting Sydney Australia again in 2009 to introduce them to Pitch-A-Song (TM), a new adventure we beginning to introduce to the world.

I book shows in L.A. area at the Talking Stick in Venice, CA as well as larger venues when warranted.  I work with a few up and coming artists, James Sudakow and Marian Call, who are positive in their message and very talented in their artistry.  I am booking talent for event nights for the Methodfest Film Festival for the 3rd year and have learned a lot about the film industry from the experience.

I support various non-profit songwriter organizations (national and international) and currently am coordinating a new concept for songwriters to get placement in film/tv with Pitch-A-Song (TM), that invites industry pros to be on panels to hear quality music that is "ready for clearance and to be pitched" to music supervisors, licensing companies, etc.  Instead of being "critiqued", these panelists are actually looking for music that is properly produced and we laison the right people to each other so all benefit.  Integrity is key as we all know in Hollywood that is not always the key ingredient with some deals. ;-)

I thank Doug for the invitation.  You can join me on Linkedin, Plaxo Pulse, and and probably a few others I'm not remembering at 4am.

I am not technically as "internet savvy" as most but get the job done.  Hopefully, with Doug's help, i'm getting better every day!

have a happy new year!

Toni K.
TK Promotions
480-227-4053 cell
818-831-1704 office/fax
Toni Koch
TK Promo
818-831-1704 office/fax
480-227-4053 cell

heather vescent

Dec 29, 2008, 1:46:26 PM12/29/08
Hi Everyone,

I'm heathervescent. I am an internet product and community consultant
( with big interests in fringe/alt
entertainment. I organize the LA Geek Dinner and various
cacophony/social interruption/burningmaneque events publicly and
privately. I have also organized several unconferences (BarcampLA 2&3)
and StartupLA as well as represented companies at more traditional
trade shows and technology conferences. I have helped fund raise
sponsors for events, support, promote and evangelize other technology
events. I've also thrown large multi-day private parties and
co-organized LA's local Santacon (which drew over 350 participants
this year and got tons of press). I also have a performance troupe
that has performed in San Francisco and LA and I'm looking to expand
the scope of the troupe and take it on tour next year.

I'm really good at organizing, logistics, big picture vision, the
roadmap necessary to achieve the end goals and DOing stuff. I'm
sometimes bad at people/interaction/leaderships skills and being too

Looking forward to participating in this group.

Heather Schlegel, heathervescent

"We must not be afraid of dreaming the seemingly impossible if we want
the seemingly impossible to become a reality." --Vaclav Havel

Thomas Edwards

Dec 29, 2008, 3:42:16 PM12/29/08
Hi! I'm Thomas Edwards, a curator for meetings of Dorkbot SoCal, the
Southern California branch of the international Dorkbot technological
arts organization. The motto of Dorkbot is "people doing strange
things with electricity". Garnet Hertz is the "overlord" of the
chapter. I've been in LA just over a year, having previously been in
Washington, DC where I founded Dorkbot DC.

Dorkbot SoCal has meetings every two months, usually at 1PM on a
Saturday. We've been lucky to have an excellent venue at the Machine
Project gallery in Echo Park. Most Dorkbots in the US run as a
zero-money operation, but we do encourage attendees to contribute to
our venue.

Dorkbot meetings consist of 3 or so presenters each giving a 20-minute
overview of a project or set of projects they have worked on.
Presenters range from hobbyists to professional artists, and topics
range all over the art and technological world. Our URL is:

And our next meeting is January 10.

Regarding tips on PR, I suggest the LA Weekly calendar (submit 3 weeks
in advance):

Great to meet everyone!

-Thomas Edwards

Douglas E. Welch

Dec 29, 2008, 3:46:07 PM12/29/08

Thanks for the info and introduction.

Thanks especially for the LA Weekly info.

Join the LA Organizers Consortium
"An organization of organizers"

Douglas Campbell

Dec 30, 2008, 6:11:45 AM12/30/08
Hola amigos,

Most of the time I'm Doug Campbell. I like the possibilities of passive income through technology, traveling while wearing tuxedos and bringing people together in order to spread knowledge, inspire ideas and build community.

I founded Mindshare back in 2006 - I know a few of you have already attended. For those that haven't: Mindshare was created to promote the cross pollination that arises from gathering individuals who might not otherwise interact. It is an energetic mix of open-minded people from architects to programmers to writers to painters to engineers and all others in between. There's a series of equally diverse presentations and then the evening gives way to networking and music, fueled by the open bar.

In addition to the monthly event (next one on the 15th January) there is also a 10 person R&D branch called Mindshare Labs which creates monthly technology installations with the aim to get attendees having fun while interacting. A good example is David Guttmans 'Sonic Stalagmites' which he'll be presenting at Dorkbot on the 10th.

The website is and you can see last month's pics here:

If you haven't been and want to come check it out - let me know. For now, I'm heading off on a Baja road trip tomorrow for a week, eating lobster tacos and avoiding banditos!

Happy 2009 everyone!

- Doug


Douglas Campbell


Jan 6, 2009, 10:56:58 PM1/6/09
to LA Organizers Consortium
Hi everyone,

My name is Olmo Maldonado. I'm a the President for the Engineering
Graduates Student Association (EGSA) at UCLA. We're basically the
student government of the Engineering school. We oversee 1400~
graduate students (from Masters all the way to Post docs) in the seven
engineering departments (
index.html). There's a lot of internal (within the association and
school of Engineering) that keeps me busy, but I've joined this group
to learn from your experiences and to provide another resource for
you; so that we all benefit.

Traditionally EGSA has "Socials" every quarter that have reached up to
750 attendees (that's over half of the student body -- if you're
counting :)). I'm looking to improve external involvement with the
school and students, so I look forward to announcing your events --
and if you're interested you attending some of ours (see more here:

P.S. I'm still working on my elevator pitch, but contact me for more
information. :)

On Dec 30 2008, 3:11 am, "Douglas Campbell" <>
> Hola amigos,
> Most of the time I'm Doug Campbell. I like the possibilities of passive
> income through technology, traveling while wearing tuxedos and bringing
> people together in order to spread knowledge, inspire ideas and build
> community.
> I founded Mindshare back in 2006 - I know a few of you have already
> attended. For those that haven't: Mindshare was created to promote the cross
> pollination that arises from gathering individuals who might not otherwise
> interact. It is an energetic mix of open-minded people from architects to
> programmers to writers to painters to engineers and all others in between.
> There's a series of equally diverse presentations and then the evening gives
> way to networking and music, fueled by the open bar.
> In addition to the monthly event (next one on the 15th January) there is
> also a 10 person R&D branch called Mindshare Labs which creates monthly
> technology installations with the aim to get attendees having fun while
> interacting. A good example is David Guttmans 'Sonic Stalagmites' which
> he'll be presenting at Dorkbot on the 10th.
> The website iswww.mindshare.laand you can see last month's pics here:


Jan 14, 2009, 1:50:35 PM1/14/09
to LA Organizers Consortium
Hi all,

I'm Dave Viner. My day job - which is to pay my bills - is as CTO/
Director of Technology for 60Frames Entertainment, a digital studio in
Beverly Hills creating original video content for the web. My night
job - which is for love - is my startup, which is an
online scrapbooking website. I've helped organize a few events
including StartupLA. I also try to get to as many events as I can
(when my daughter lets me out of the house :) Most recently I've been
helping the DealMaker LA team get things planted here in LA.

I've worked as a software engineer, manager, director, and CTO for
quite a while and also have an MBA from Anderson (so I can bore almost
anyone with business buzzwords).

Dave Viner
> > The website iswww.mindshare.laandyou can see last month's pics here:
> > If you haven't been and want to come check it out - let me know. For now,
> > I'm heading off on a Baja road trip tomorrow for a week, eating lobster
> > tacos and avoiding banditos!
> > Happy 2009 everyone!
> > - Doug
> > --
> > Douglas Campbellhttp://www.projectfresh.comhttp://www.mindshare.lahttp://www.tuxedotr...
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