Re: [LORA:231] Tar Sands Pipeline Environmental Impact Study

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Jun 9, 2011, 2:51:48 PM6/9/11
>Thanks for the good idea Anne,
I sent a copy of comments below to Pres O, HC, and LJ as

Your letter was way better than mine!
> I made some modifications here and there and sent mine
> also to the President, Hillary Clinton, and Lisa Jackson
> via their general individual websites.
> Anne
> On Jun 6, 2011, at 12:20 PM, John Mayo wrote:
> > Today is the last day you may comment on the revised
> > Environmental Impact Study by the Department of State on
> > the Keystone XL pipeline. Another land grab for foreign
> > (and corporate) profit using eminent domain.
> > Below are my comments. I hope many of you have been able
> > to comment also. If not you have until the end of the
> > day to be sure your comments are accepted.
> > Comment at:: Keystone XL Project EIS Official Comments
> > Page John Mayo.
> >
> > Comment on the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact
> > Statement for the Trans Canada Tar Sands Pipeline:
> >
> > The SDEIS ignores the obvious dangers of the proposed
> > scheme to transport toxic and highly abrasive oil
> > through America’s heartland, and stands in support of
> > foreign oil company (Trans-Canada) trying to bully us in
> > to becoming a conduit for their highly toxic DilBit
> (chemically diluted sandy oil sludge), pumped at high
> > temperature and even higher pressure. This DilBit has
> > never before been transported by pipeline in Texas, and
> > has been pipeline transported for only a short time in
> other parts of the US. (Up to this time the sandy bitumen
> > has been upgraded to lighter, less abrasive oil for
> > pipeline transport.) Very disturbingly, a one year old
> > pipeline running through Michigan has spilt toxic oil 12
> > times! The most serious spill of 840,000 gallons of this
> > toxic sludge laid waste to 30 miles of the Kalamazoo
> River and adjoining wetlands. There are serious technical
> > voids in their plan to prevent corrosion and leaks in
> > their thin walled pipe as well as valves and other
> > controls. Add to that their use of standard thickness
> > pipe (.465”) which is made in India and not subject to
> quality control safety standards in place here in the US.
> > What they have already tried in Michigan and are
> > planning to use here in Texas is an accident waiting to
> > happen. So serious is the danger from piping this toxic
> > sludge, Canada won’t allow pipeline transport either
> > their east or west coast. They know something we should
> > know. It is too costly and dangerous to allow it being
> piped across their country to either of their coast, so
> > Trans Canada want to plumb it through good old US of A
> > to our coast. Profit for them, nothing but risk for us.
> > In fact pipeline companies involved with this oil
> > transport are demanding indemnity from property owners
> > for any damage resulting from leaks and spillage. It’s
> not our typical crude oil. Trans-Canada’s planned
> > will transport heated and pressurized heavier than water
> > toxic DilBit through our farmland, across our rivers
> > (Red River, Sabine, Sulfur, Angelina, Neches, just to
> > name a few in Texas alone), over three aquifers
> (including the Carrizo –Wilcox which supplies water for
> > 10-12 million people in 60 counties), and even active
> > faults in the Mount Enterprise Fault zone which is in
> > the immediate vicinity of the outcrop area of the
> > Carrizo-Wicox aquifer. It will pass dangerously close
> to Lake Nacogdoches. I know a lot of people who drink that
> > water and want it to stay clean!
> > Mining of Tar Sands bitumen is the most energy
> > consuming form of oil production known and runs opposed
> > to President Obama’s policy of energy efficiency and
> > of renewable energy sources. Tar Sands DilBit is also
> > the most toxic form of oil to be refined, and will
> increase already dangerous levels of air and water
> > pollution for the millions of people living in the gulf
> coast area. >
> > To review, twelve leaks in one year along 1700miles of
> > new pipeline proves to us that pipeline technology
> > currently in use (compressing, heating and flowing) is
> > not capable of carrying this highly abrasive, deadly
> substance. For the few jobs that will be created (most of
> > them temporary, and no new jobs at refineries), it will
> > not be worth the risk. For the land that will be taken
> > from citizens for pennies on the dollar, it will not be
> > worth the risk. For the increased air and water
> pollution along the gulf coast it’s not worth the risk.
> > There are really no benefits to Americans with this
> > pipeline, in fact there is really only risk and a
> > possibility that gas prices in the US may actually
> > increase do to bypassing Midwest refineries. Keep in
> mind, there is plenty of pipeline space in US at this
> > time. This pipeline is for Canadian use only and their
> > dirty oil is not for our profit, it’s for Canadian
> > their Chinese partners) profit. We don’t make any
> > royalties off this pipeline or the seriously scary goo
> > they propose to pass through it. Please stop this Tar
> > Sands pipeline project in its tracks. It permanently
> > takes property away from US citizens for someone
> profit, and leaves us with dangerous and potentially
> > catastrophic environmental consequences. There is no
> > upside for Americans in this scheme.
> > Sincerely,
> > John Mayo.
> >
> > --
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