Error: Biomass Succession with Fire extension

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Anastasia Popova

Feb 16, 2023, 2:28:28 PM2/16/23
to LANDIS-II Users
Dear LANDIS-II users and developers,

Has anyone meet an error with Biomass Succession and Fire extension?
I use Landis-II 7.0, Biomass Succession 6.0 and try to use Base Fire 4.0. But I got error even when running on example files (I downloaded it from Biomass Succession site) without changes. I tried to use Dynamic Fuels & Fire System and got the same error too.
What I get in log:

Running Base Fire ...
Processing landscape for Fire events ...
Internal error occurred within the program:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Stack trace:
  at Landis.Extension.Succession.Biomass.FireEffects.ReduceLayers(Byte severity, Site site) in C:\Users\rschell\Documents\GitHub\Extension-Biomass-Succession\src\FireEffects.cs:line 89
   at Landis.Extension.Succession.Biomass.PlugIn.CohortTotalMortality(Object sender, DeathEventArgs eventArgs) in C:\Users\rschell\Documents\GitHub\Extension-Biomass-Succession\src\PlugIn.cs:line 285
   at Landis.Library.BiomassCohorts.SpeciesCohorts.RemoveCohort(Int32 index, ICohort cohort, ActiveSite site, ExtensionType disturbanceType)
   at Landis.Library.BiomassCohorts.SpeciesCohorts.MarkCohorts(IDisturbance disturbance)
   at Landis.Library.BiomassCohorts.SiteCohorts.ReduceOrKillBiomassCohorts(IDisturbance disturbance)
   at Landis.Library.BiomassCohorts.SiteCohorts.Landis.Library.AgeOnlyCohorts.ISiteCohorts.RemoveMarkedCohorts(ICohortDisturbance disturbance)
   at Landis.Extension.BaseFire.Event.Spread(Int32 currentTime)
   at Landis.Extension.BaseFire.Event.Initiate(ActiveSite site, Int32 currentTime, Int32 timestep)
   at Landis.Extension.BaseFire.PlugIn.Run()
   at Landis.Model.Run(String scenarioPath, IUserInterface ui)
   at Landis.App.Main(String[] args) in D:\CGAProjects\Rob\LANDIS_FINAL\GitHubRepo\Core-Model-v7\Tool-Console\src\App.cs:line 98

I would appreciate any help and advice,
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