Bug(?) within LUC+?

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May 31, 2021, 9:41:49 AM5/31/21
to LANDIS-II Developers

Hello everyone!

 I’m a long time user of LANDIS-II but totally new to the LUC or LUC+ extensions.  Actually, I’m running with issues with LUC+ that I cannot explain. Maybe it’s because I’m a newbie with the extension and I’m just wrongly parameterizing my input files. So, here is my “problem”.


I want to simulate different land-use for some subregions in my area. These regions will go from typical forest with harvesting (mapCode == 1) for 20 years,  then conservation for years 20 – 70 (mapCode == 2) and then again typical forest with harvesting for the rest of the simulation.

The LUC+ input maps at each timestep are correctly written (I can provide them if you want).

Here's the input file (very simple):


LandisData "Land Use"

Timestep   10

InputMaps  "..\..\..\..\landUse_MesurInter20Harvest-{timestep}.tif"

>>SiteLog    land-use/site-log.csv    << optional: default = don't generate log


LandUse Rien


MapCode          0

AllowHarvest?    no

LandCoverChange  NoChange


LandUse forest


MapCode          1

AllowHarvest?    yes

LandCoverChange  NoChange


LandUse Conservation


MapCode          2

AllowHarvest?    no

LandCoverChange  NoChange


The problem is that although I’m not allowing harvest when land-use maps == 2 for a given timestep, this area still end up with harvested patches in what should be conservation zone. Maybe I just didn’t parameterize the LAND-use input files correctly…


I’m using LUC+ v3.2 and BiomassHarvest v4.3.


I'm wondering if this could be related to the LandCoverChange.ApplyTo function or because BiomassHarvest was updated to Succession Library v8 (and not LUC+?)


Thanks a lot for your time!


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