Harvest and Succession code diagrams

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Brian Miranda

Jan 31, 2017, 4:56:51 PM1/31/17
to LANDIS-II Developers
When cohorts are removed (in whole or partially) by the harvest extensions (or LandUse+) the sequence of functions crosses back and forth between the succession extension and the harvest libraries.  I found it hard to track what the order of the functions needs to be in order to execute and record the removals correctly.  So I developed some diagrams by originally following the code in Biomass Succession and Biomass Harvest.  I have added diagrams for PnET-Succession and NECN-Succession as well.  With the idea that these might be useful to others working with the harvest libraries and the interactions with succession I am sharing these diagrams here (file attached).  They are not very technical, just a flow chart showing the order of operations, but I found them helpful in debugging several issue.  If anyone has any questions on these diagrams feel free to contact me directly.

-Brian Miranda

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