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Missing Developer Help Files

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Clément Hardy

Aug 5, 2019, 7:50:51 AM8/5/19
to LANDIS-II Developers
Hello, everybody !

I feel out of luck; today, as I wanted to finally start digging into the programming of the LANDIS-II extension we wanted to create, I just realized that the link for the Developer Help Files - that were on the "Developers" page of the LANDIS-II website - disapeared recently from the page.

Does anybody knows if they will be put back up eventually ? They seemed usefull, but I didn't had the time to download them. It would be a shame to start working without taking a look at them, I believe.

Robert Scheller

Aug 5, 2019, 7:52:37 AM8/5/19
to LANDIS-II Developers

I took those down as they were very outdated, reflecting an older version of the Core.  I will keep an eye out for an opportunity to have them recreated for the new core, it would require about 10 hours of student time.


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