[Daily] Curation, Data Ownership, and such

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George Siemens

Jan 12, 2011, 7:44:48 PM1/12/11
to LA...@googlegroups.com

How are things going? This course is distributed, and as stated in our initial course overview meeting, don't try and follow everything. Take what interests you now and begin to participate in topics that you find interesting. As the course progresses, participants will form sub-networks to reflect their interests and level of familiarity with the content...

We haven't had much discussion to date on the readings for this week: http://learninganalytics.net/syllabus.html#Week_1 . Did these articles help clarify analytics and their role in education? The moodle forums are standing by :).

I've posted an article reflecting on open courses and the role of curation in LAK11: http://www.learninganalytics.net/?p=89

...and, while we're talking about data, this article - "Who Owns Your Data" concludes with this interesting statement: "The important question isn’t who owns the data. Ultimately, we all do. A better question is, who owns the means of analysis?" (http://mashable.com/2011/01/12/data-ownership/). Agree?

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