[Daily]: Educational Data Mining

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George Siemens

Jan 18, 2011, 11:54:43 PM1/18/11
to LA...@googlegroups.com

We had another great presentation today by Ryan S.J.d. Baker on educational data mining. The archive of the session has been posted to the course recordings page: http://www.learninganalytics.net/?page_id=71

One of the questions that came up during the presentation was about how educational data mining differs from learning analytics. Xavier Ochoa (one of the keynote presenters for the LAK11 conference: http://bit.ly/atYvVR ) has kicked off a discussion on this in Moodle: http://bit.ly/fe43aM

Feeling overwhelmed?? You're not alone - as Niklas Karlsson states, it feels challenging to catch up in an open course: http://bit.ly/eybF1s . Wolfgang Greller talks about the need to develop a strategy to manage the "knowledge spread" of the course: http://bit.ly/hN5sMP.  

As mentioned during initial course orientations: don't try and read/follow everything. Engage with topics that resonate with you now. The archives will wait for you :).

In need of additional reading and video resources? While tracking the LAK11 tag on Twitter ( http://bit.ly/hylRqj ), I came across this video by Peter Norvig (Google) talking about the "unreasonable effectiveness of data": http://bit.ly/dWxXJl

LAK11 Facilitators.
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