essay 3 draft

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Nov 22, 2008, 2:24:18 AM11/22/08
to LACC English courses w/O'Connell
Duke, Yolanda
English 101, Section 0459
November 19, 2008

Our US Military a symbol of power, and the government, whom they
represent, have exhausted the use of our military in a war that is no
longer significant to per sue. Searching for Bin laden, and the
weapons of mass destruction. That were never there to begin with,
spending 5000.00 per second has contributed to the dent on our
economy, and a loss of irreplaceable innocent lives. I believe we are
done with Iraq, and should bring our Military back home.
Looking into Antony and Cleopatra, we can compare the similarity of
how irresponsible, incorrect, and unplanned attack to take over Rome,
lead them to their own destruction. Antony chose pleasure, over his
country and his family and friends, who truly admired him as a leader.
Cleopatra the gritty cheap slut who killed her own brother to gain
control over Egypt, she did not care who she ruined, as long as she
got what she wanted. Which brings me to compare our bureaucratic
president Mr. George W. Bush, with our Military in Iraq, Invading a
country, to implement change; our military was sent to look for
weapons of mass destruction we are done with Iraq. Let them solve the
rest of their issues on their own.
Another comparison is how Antony was exiled from Rome by Caesar, for
his negligence to tend to his job as leader of the Roman military, to
be with his mistress Cleopatra. We can associate how President Bush
has focused, more into Iraq’s’ reconstruction on which his fellow
corporation owners would benefit in filling their pockets. But did not
take into consideration the billions is costing us to maintain the
military in Iraq. For instance the U.S. monthly spending in Iraq is
$12 billion, in 2008, and about $9 billion unaccounted for, in
taxpayers’ money, those are just some examples of an incorrect
In Cullen Murphy’s’ chapter 5 “The borders” are similarities of what
America is currently in the works of, with the Mexican border wall.
There are many disadvantages and costs that our government is willing
to take, to control human movement and international trade. One
disadvantage is corruption in illegal drugs and human trafficking. One
of our biggest problems not only in America but in many other part of
the world, a positive advantage is the many foreigners that come to
settle in the U.S., make a huge contribution to our economy, and will
work at any low paying jobs, for a better life, something their
countries don’t offer. The Roman Empire had a similar situation to
built a wall to keep the barbarian hordes out, a well to control and
regulate border crossing. The difference with Rome and its foreigners
was that Rome mainly used them as military and left them to make
battle decisions, which is where Rome went wrong with their
foreigners. We can conclude that Murphy was correct in comparing
America to the Roman Empire.
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