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Dong O

Dec 20, 2008, 10:31:15 AM12/20/08
to LACC English courses w/O'Connell
Shakespeare, W. (1623) “Antony and Cleopatra.” Act 5, Scene 2.
Retrieved from

a) What I liked about this particular scene is that is provides and
summarizes Octavius Cesar’s typical attitude towards the outsiders –
Cleopatra in the scene. Cesar orders his men to bury her next to
Antony, with no name bared on the grave, which is an attitude that
neglects and ravaging Cleopatra’s position as the queen of Egypt. It
provides a good insight on Rome – how Rome was arrogant and ignorant
to others, thus a good comparison with America.

b) One thing I did not like was that how it differs from the history –
how Cleopatra killed herself. Since there is no believable proof of
how she killed herself, it is understandable. But as a reader, it is
sometimes confusing to have many different ‘versions’ on the same
story. Also, how Cleopatra is depicted throughout the novel is that
she was a flamboyant, seductive queen whose only interest was to
seduce Antony and make him as her side. In Egyptian point of view,
Cleopatra could be a brave queen who tried to balance the power and
make Egypt independent from Rome’s rule. It the novel, we don’t see
any of that.

c) What I’d like to see more is the scene of Antoy and Cleopatra’s
graves, laying next to each others as the end – showing a tragic end
for the two.

AmeriSpan Study Abroad. (November 18, 2003) “America’s ignorance of
the world is no a national liability” Retrieved from

a) One thing I liked about this article is that the article explains
how many students of the U.S. are reluctant to learn other nations,
contrary to a huge number of foreign students flocked to the U.S. It
argues the importance of American students’ learning of other nations.
Also, it points out that many of students who leave to overseas to
study are limited to what we would call ‘developed nations’ such as
Britain, Italy, Spain or France, implying that students of the U.S.
are not willing to take challenges.

b) One thing I did not like about this article is that it misses one
fact that number of foreign students coming into the U.S. is actually
declining, due to Anti-Americanism spread throughout the world.

c) What I’d like to see more is that what actions in detail should be
taken to improve the current situation, and what American students
should do to go to overseas and learn.

Common (June 8, 2004) “America’s ignorance is a threat to
humanity” Originally published on the International Herald Tribune.
Retrieved from

a) What I liked about this article is that it provides keen view about
America’s ignorance to the outside world, which is one of trait Murphy
mentions in his book, and a theme of my essay 3. The article urges
America to understand other world better and argues that America’s
ignorance is dangerous to the world.

b) One thing I did not like about the article is that despite the
article argues importance of America’s understandings on outside
worlds, it has an undertone that America should be a superpower
solving every issue of the world at the same time – which can also be
an arrogant viewpoint that America is the only nation capable of
solving the world issue as well.

c) What I’d like to see more is that what actions America should take
in a concrete ways, and what to be concerned and careful about in
solving issues around the world. Although America is undoubtedly a
superpower in the world, it cannot control or stick its fork
everywhere around the world, as it would lead to oppositions from the
outsiders as well.


Dec 20, 2008, 10:32:06 AM12/20/08
to LACC English courses w/O'Connell
Dong O
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More options Dec 20, 6:49 am
Hitchens C. (August, 2008). “Believe me, It’s Torture.” Vanity Fair.
Retrieved from
a) What I liked about this article is that the author, Christopher
Hitchens actually attempted to be in torture situation to experience
what torture is really like. It’s like putting himself in ‘shoes’ of
those who have been tortured. Also, argument by Mr. Nance’s, one of
Hitchens’ interviewees, cleverly and wisely points out why it is
for America to adopt waterboarding for interrogation.
b) On thing I did not like was that although the author admitted
waterboarding is unarguably ‘torture,’ his comparison himself with
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was somehow childish – thinking himself as job
well-done compared to an actual victim of torture deteriorated his
bravery attempt to be in torturing situation.
c) What I’d like to see more is that despite its inefficiency, why
America was willing to adopt the technique, instead of using much
softer techniques to appease enemies in detail, and what American
policymakers think of torture. (Particularly when its violation of
Geneva Conventions)
Mayer J. (January, 2007). “Video: Making them talk: Jane Mayer of
torture in ‘24’” The New Yorker. Retrieved from
a) What I liked about this article(video) is that it points out how a
CBS TV series, ‘24’ presents every kinds of torture in nearly all its
episode, making its views insensible to torture and possibly
justified, since the method is used by the hero of the show. Also, it
criticizes the producer of the show, Joel Surnow for advocating
torture. It also criticizes that torture is not that effective, as
mentioned on Christopher Hitchens’ article on Vanity Fair. One good
point is that how the show’s torture scenes will damage America’s
reputation and images around the world, since the show is popular
b) One thing I did not like was that the article has an undertone
of an old myth of how mass media can influence the public and thus
negative and harmful things should be kept away – which is a
controversial issue with no definite conclusion.
c) What I’d like to see more is a direct interview with the producer
of the show, Joel Surnow and hear his opinions in person, since he
would have his own agendas for this issue.
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