essay 3 rubric

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Nov 8, 2008, 9:42:01 AM11/8/08
to LACC English courses w/O'Connell
Grading rubric for essay 3
Half-done draft due November 22
Final draft due December 13

_____ 6-page essay (at least 1500 words in 12-point, double-spaced
Verdana, with 1” margins) with clear introduction, body, and
conclusion, written in formal academic English, free of grammar,
spelling, or punctuation errors, with in-text citations and references
prepared in APA style;

_____ Introduction clearly states a thesis that has as its topic the
metaphoric lessons (at least) two characters from Shakespeare’s Antony
and Cleopatra offer understanding the situation of the US' view of the
rest of the world, borders, or bureaucratic complexity (topics
corresponding to Murphy’s chapters 4, 5, and Epilogue). The opinion
for the thesis should interpret the two characters to represent
correct and incorrect courses of action on the current issue or event
and evaluate Murphy’s claims in the selected chapter. Introduction
should also outline the argument of reasons to support the thesis;

_____ Body systematically examines the issue or event through
details and opinions of 4 recent editorials and news stories not
previously used for essays 1 or 2 (small bonus available for
researching through Thomas and analyzing as one source a Congressional
bill—but not the same bill used for essay 2). Op/ed pieces which
support thesis are explained with reasoning that extends beyond the
ideas of the original editorials, and arguments which contradict the
thesis are refuted so that data presented in the original works can
actually be seen to support thesis. Paragraphs thoroughly explain all
short quotes and researched details, with no long quotes or
unexplained details;

_____ Conclusion restates thesis and summarizes the argument of
support in a fresh-sounding fashion, makes a prediction based on
current events and conditions, then recommends a concrete step of
action each reader could undertake to approach success and avoid
misfortune with the topic.


Nov 8, 2008, 9:44:07 AM11/8/08
to LACC English courses w/O'Connell
The following examples of topic + opinion are presented in the style
of essay 3. These examples use topics from Murphy's chapters 1, 2, and
3, as well as characters and plot points from Shaw's Caesar and
Cleopatra, but note that for essay 3, students should select a topic
from Murphy's chapter 4, 5, or Epilogue and characters from
Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra.

Essay 3 thesis =
Topic: US' view of the rest of the world (cf. Murphy's Ch 4), borders
(Ch 5), or bureaucratic complexity (Epilogue)
Opinon: correct course of action on topic explained and metaphorically
interpreted through character 1;
incorrect course of action on topic explained and metaphorically
interpreted through character 2

Examples in the essay 3 format using Murphy's topics of Shaw's Caesar
and Cleopatra (but students should use Murphy's topics of Ch 4, 5, or
Epilogue and Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra)

Thesis =
Topic: US' view of self
Opinion: should be more like Caesar—modest, even self-deprecatory, but
effective and successful; it’s now too much like the Egyptians in the
beginning of the play (soldiers in Act I, politicians in Act II)—too
proud and arrogant before the conclusion is reached

Thesis =
Topic: US' use of military around the world
Opinion: ironically, should be more like Caesar—but not the military
dictator and imperial conqueror—politic, strategic, and ambassadorial;
no matter the place, time or parties involved, foreign military
intervention often stirs up honest and fervent "Egypt for the
Egyptians!" indigenous resistance at the same time as Achillus' type
of dual agents appear, willing to send men into battle from or at
either side or both at the same time and able to crow their patriotism
the while, as long as they get their share of the spoils

Thesis =
Topic: corruption in the US
Opinion: will be best reduced through honest, effective leadership
motivated by republican principles; Shaw's Egypt presents a range of
several better and worse attempts of dealing with corruption—
• Best: Caesar (as a model for Egypt to use for themselves)—honest,
effective leadership motivated by republican principles (in the case
of the play, those Roman principles directly conflict with Egypt's
self-interest, hence the war, but many Egyptians still acknowledge the
effectiveness of their opponent's model of leadership)
• Not good enough: Ptolemy—head of state honestly resists but loses
• Not good enough: Rufio (as a model for Egypt)/Ftatateeta—honest but
ironically excessive loyalty leads to their following less than
effective emotional approaches over more practical stratagems
• Very bad: Cleopatra—head of state cooperates with foreign conqueror
• Very bad: Pothinus—high-level politicians cooperate with foreign
• Very bad: Achillus/Lucius Septimus—high-level military officers
cooperate with foreign conqueror
• Worst: Caesar—foreign invader conquers country


Nov 22, 2008, 10:48:46 AM11/22/08
to LACC English courses w/O'Connell
Full text of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra:
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