essay 2

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Oct 11, 2008, 3:22:08 AM10/11/08
to LACC English courses w/O'Connell

Yolanda Duke
English 101
Section 0459
October 9, 2008
Is America, Rome?
Cullen Murphy, 2007 Are we Rome? In The Capitals Murphy point out five
different scenarios, with history of the Roman Empire, on which Murphy
compares the U S. With a trail of events that contrast with modern
America. Not acknowledging, the great progress America has
accomplished, Murphy continues to make assumption that America will
follow Rome’s footsteps. Murphy points out how our founding fathers
had overthrown a great empire and how they looked to Rome for
republican political models. The U.S. and Rome have some consequential
event, but the U.S. is by far more organized with their military and
follows a democratic government.
Murphy begins with how the Roman Empire was sought to be discovered,
how the great empire began to unfold, he talks about the how a
monarchy rules for centuries, up until the sixth century B.C., when
the monarchy gave way to a republic, with a senate consuls, and
popular voting for some offices (pg 29). Murphy writes, about how the
beginning of the Roman Empire was expanding and taking over the rest
of the Italian peninsula and then stationed its military along the
Mediterranean coast, Rome continued on in going to war with northern
Africa, on which brought Rome to control the rest of the Mediterranean
world. Then discussing about how it came to a decline and the causes
of it, he implies that the military was the one of the mayor factors
in how Rome came to fall. Then Murphy talks about how Rome welcomed
any newcomers all races, which brings us to how America, is multi-
ethnic country, just like Rome was at one point, before the fall. The
difference between Rome and America is as we know that Rome did not
know how to control the overwhelming size population, and how to
maintain a solid military. America instead of taking over and
conquering countries, as Rome did, America is significantly different
by helping other nations establish their own government like the
U.S.'s current goals with Iraq. On which it brings us to our founding
fathers George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, these men created our American constitution,
and looked at Rome as a republican political model in particular for
ideas of “checks and balances” (pg37), which is a separation of power,
executive, legislative and judicial branches of power. Our form of
governing system would be what Rome lacked. And can conclude that the
Roman Empire was not like America. Another example is the Washington
of Henry Adams Democracy (1880). In conclusion there were laws
introduced, “congressional bills” such as these examples: (1) Border
Security Accountability Act of 2008 (Introduced in House). (2) To keep
faith with the thousands of Iraqi nationals who have risked everything
by assisting and working for the United States Government and United
States Armed Forces in Iraq, and... (Introduced in House) 2007. (3)
Support for Democracy and Human Rights in Ethiopia Act of 2008
(Introduced in Senate)
For which in return delivers a democratic state of government, that
One which it bring us to our most current event, the Presidential
election, passing judgment on who will do a better job these next four
years, as President of the United States, Senator: Barak Obama (2008)
or Senator: John McCain (2008) These are some of the options Rome, did
not give their citizens, therefore we are a country that might follow
some of the Roman, footsteps, but have accomplished bigger better
grounds, then the Roman empire had done.


Nov 7, 2008, 8:51:48 PM11/7/08
to LACC English courses w/O'Connell
Leilani Cajulis
English 101/ Class#0459/ O’Connell/ Essay 2 half-draft
Murphy, C. (2007) Are we Rome? A compelling question for
concerned Americans after Murphy drew his six comparisons in his book
that led to the fall of the Roman Empire and the possibility of
America’s decline to power unless we alter the course to avoid having
the same fate. Chapter 2, the legions, is America’s military system;
its overstretched budget and huge expenditure to maintain the U.S.
foreign bases, war supplies in foreign allies in conflict, rebuild
infrastructures destroyed by war, and train military professionals
sophistication in technology. According to Murphy, no comparison
involving Rome and America receives more attention or is more
frequently involved than the military comparison.
Joseph S. Nye, Jr. (2003, Apr) believes that America should
shift from using hard power by imperial overstretching to the use of
soft power thru openness with the rest of the world because the
demand for military intervention is too overwhelming for America to
handling alone and its huge expenditure is draining its economy.
President Dwight Eisenhower, in his farewell speech in 1961, stated
that America should learn to settle differences by peaceful means and
not by arms which could cost many lives and hurt the economy because
wars produce more debts and taxes. President Jimmy Carter (2005,
Nov.), Our Endangered Values: America’s moral crisis, wrote that the
Bush administration used force and distorted claims after 9/11 and
attack in Iraq with almost no global support is wasteful and
demoralized America’s prestige.
Congressional bills –Kucinich’s (06/10/2008) Impeaching of
George W. Bush, President of the United States, of high crimes and
misdemeanor for creating a false case against Iraq, violating the
Charter and International Criminal Law for invading Iraq, misspending
funds, and other offenses related with the attack on Iraq. Lofgren’s
(05/08/2008) states that any person who served the Armed forces
honorably shall be eligible for naturalization.
(Relevant current events) – Research on presidential plans
candidates re: issues on war, military, etc.
Nye, Joseph S. 2003, Apr. Why the world’s only superpower can’t go
alone. The paradox of American power.
Eisenhower, Pres. D. 1961. Military-industrial complex speech.
Public papers of the president, Dwight d. Eisenhower, 1960, p. 1035-
Carter, Pres. J. 2005, Nov. America’s moral crisis. Our endangered
Kucinich, Rep. D. 2008, Jun. 10. H.RES.1258: Impeaching President
George W. Bush of war deception to invade Iraq.
Lofgren, Rep. Z. 2008, May 8. H.R.6020: To amend the immigration
Nationality Act to protect the well-being of soldiers and their
families, and for other purposes.
The U.S. naval station Sangley Point, southwest of Manila,
Philiipines, occupied the northern portion of Cavite City. It was
built in 1898 as a major ship-repair and supply facility of the U.S.
Navy; was headquarters of the U.S. Asiatic Fleet, and the station was
used extensively during the Vietnam War. The base was turned over
the Philippine government in 1975 but the U.S. continued the
of the other naval base, the Subic Bay in Olonggapo City, northwest
Manila. During the time when these bases existed in the country, the
Filipinos had a very high regard for the Americans and it was a great
blessing to any family for the sons to join the U.S. military.
The year was 1958, when a 21-year-old 3rd year college male student
decided to pursue his American dream by joining the U.S. Navy. His
family was affluent but the green money was more attractive and
prestigious for him. He was also a very bright medicine student from
one of the best Universities in Manila that he thought joining the
U.S. Navy was the easiest and fastest way to get to America to pursue
his career. There were thousands of young males like him recruited
every year at the two U.S. Naval bases in the country and they only
had one common purpose – to be identified with the Americans. At
same year, he enlisted as a ship steward and sailed with the U.S.
fleet to the West Pacific Coast carrying his American dream and his
family honor.
The first three years of his navy life was fruitful and
honorable. His monthly remittance to his family was his mother’s
pride. He became one of the thousands young Filipino eligible
bachelors most families would like their young daughters to marry.
His was able to purchase himself some properties and he was the envy
of every other young native men.
In 1959, the Vietnam War broke (1959-1975) involving the
North Vietnamese and the National Liberation Front against the United
States forces and the South Vietnamese army. Vietnam was at that
divided into two regions; the North which was controlled by the
communist and the South who favored France. Since 1965, American
troops were sent to prevent South Vietnamese government from


Nov 7, 2008, 8:53:57 PM11/7/08
to LACC English courses w/O'Connell
Dong Chul Oh
Eng.101, Sec. #0495
October 25th, 2008
Essay 2
In his sensational, sharply-analyzing book “Are We Rome?: The
Fall of
an Empire and the Fate of America” published in year 2007, Cullen
Murphy asserts that America resembles Rome in six ways. In chapter 1
of the book, The Capital, Cullen Murphy claims that overweening
importance and self-centeredness of America’s capital, Washington
parallel and furthermore, surpass Rome. (Which is also called ‘Inside
the Beltway Mindset’) Rather than providing judgments whether the
similarities between Rome and America are failure or success, Murphy
plainly offers his opinions to readers, allowing them to think for
themselves, which evokes and allows the readers to decide by
themselves. Despite his objective-sounded comparisons, what Murphy
tries to assert is clear: that America is dangerously close to what
Rome was even from its foundation. Many Americans, particularly
politicians, should take notice on Murphy’s assertions on the
capital’s attitudes, as they provide significant warning that America
resembles Rome from its start, therefore it could follow the very
path Rome went through, despite the fact that America would never
become an empirical state.
Throughout the chapter 1, Murphy points out American capital’s
view of self, which can be summarized as self-importance of the
capital, or inside the beltway mindset. Even from its founding,
America was doomed to follow Rome, as America’s Founding Fathers
models from Republican Rome.
However, such ideas of the Founding Fathers won’t be too
problematic as long as they are well followed, as the ideas focus on
democracy that balance the power of the capital and prevent too much
power to be given to the president. But in recent years, the ideas
have been disobeyed, as we witness the coming of emperor in disguised
form – the president. Murphy’s claim that too much weight being
shifted to the capital, particularly the president of the U.S. is
significant evidence that America is heading toward its own version
empire. Ever since the Korean War, which was approved by the U.N.
Security Council (thanks to absent of the Soviet representative and
silence by Chinese representative), all wars carried out by America
have been solely approved by the president, instead of the Congress,
which are violations of the Constitution. As too much weight has been
shifted and given to the president, the president of the U.S. now
almost like an emperor. What is even worse is that the capital’s
groupthink (a term used by Irving I. Janis) hasn’t attempted to stop
the president’s excessive use of power. Shortly after 9/11, America
completely lost rationality to view the issue in clear, objective
views, and consequently committed an error of put all its focuses and
efforts in the war on terrorism by invading Afghanistan and Iraq,
which has resulted in a catastrophic financial crisis that draws the
dark cloud of another Great Depression not only over America, but the
rest of the world as well. Rome, in its history, experienced huge
downfalls during periods of some tyrannical emperors like Nero and
Caligula. In the modern history, it is very likely that America would
go through similar experiences, as a result of overpowered presidency
that has no limit in its power. America was founded based on
Rome practiced in the republican era, which the Founding Fathers of
America sought after. However, unfortunately, in less than 300 years,
America is heading towards empirical state, an empirical state with
true emperor, but with a figure that resembles an emperor – the
president. This
He views that such attitudes of America’s capital hinders the
central government to see the reality as it is. Despite the fact that
America still hasn’t won wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, $20 million
been set aside for an eventual “day of celebration” making American
victory in Iraq and Afghanistan. This attitude is no different from
that of Rome, when its west empire had fallen by a warrior named
Odoacer, the Roman Senate ordered new coins to be made, with the
legend “Roma Invica” – “Rome Un-conquered.”
In 1997 film “The Devil’s Advocate,” John Milton, played by Al
Pacino delivers the last line of the film as he reveal himself at the
end – ‘Vanity, definitely my favorite sin.’ Vanity and arrogance it
the first weapon a devil uses when targeting man.


Nov 7, 2008, 9:02:29 PM11/7/08
to LACC English courses w/O'Connell
Oct 24, 2:14 pm
Axel D.
E 2.1
The Legions
In recent years it has become very common for the American
to outsource all kinds of services to the private sector. These
services can involve the simplest task imagine such as a janitorial
service in a federal building up to a well organized private militia
like Black-water. Black Water provides very controversial services
that include the intervention of its members in combats and the
detention of Iraqi insurgents in the current war against Iraq. This
outsourcing has been compared by Cullen Murphy (2007, Are we Rome) to
the way the Roman Empire assimilated the Barbarians into its
military. Murphy remarks on the military similarities between
and the Roman Empire and compares these two nations logistically,
politically and culturally. Logistically Murphy suggests that the US
has the capability to mobilize great quantities of military supply
personnel in a matter of hours to any where in the world as the
did in the past. The problem is that the military (according to
Murphy) is overstretched and in the future it may be difficult to
supply the best equipped and trained force. Politically according to
Senator Daniel Moynihan “America not only has no military rival; its
annual spending in military is the equivalent to that of the next 15
countries”. The question is (Murphy p.74) how long the US will be
able to support such expenses. Finally Murphy compares Conan the
Barbarian to Conan the contractor as he refers to all private
contractors like Black-water and many others like DYNA Corp. Murphy
argues that these similarities should be taken into consideration to
avoid a future decline. Even though Murphy’s comparisons are
intriguing they are not relevant because occurred in a different
and underestimates the US power.
Taking in consideration that America has become a World Trade
and nothing moves without going through its hands, we could say that
everything that happen in this Nation will cause effect somewhere
and vice versa. Consequently if the US economy fails all the rest of
the countries will suffer a severe damage as we have experienced in
the last few years. America has the power and the knowledge to
manipulate the different changes in economy. It doesn’t mean that it
is immune to suffer some economic downfall but the key is that many
economists are coming up with new ideas to overcome these situations.
Logistically America has the power to mobilize military equipment and
personal at any time anywhere as long as is approved by the congress.
America is characterized by innovation and constant progress. Thanks
to the advance technology military logistics are becoming more
efficient and less expensive. Henry Adams said in 1776 “The success
the American system is a matter of economy” in this respect he
continued “the US heads a modern version of a lopsided universal
empire with the ability to enforce its will.”
Politically the US has the capability not only to organize
finance but to implement constant expansion which is a fundamental
part of the capitalist system. If the US ceases expanding the
capitalist system it will decline like communism in the Soviet Union
years ago. Consequently it is mandatory for the US to maintain a
structured military in order to preserve its Ideals. Lloyd Kramer a
history professor at the University of North Carolina referring to
this topic said “the cost of military preparedness and defense
the basic economic system.”
Murphy also claims that the US has incurred in the same
mistake as
the Romans, when they recruited foreigners and assimilated Barbarians
into their military. He compares that situation to the famous and
recent case involving the US government and Black-Water the private
contractor company which has been called by many a group of
mercenaries. Black-Water provides different kinds of services to the
US military that include personal protection and transportation of US
diplomats traveling in the middle east, they also secure Iraqi
prisoners, protect military installations in the conflict area and
involve in combat if necessary. This case has caused a
debate in the last few years. Pat Morrison a San Diego Resident
refers to Black Water business as slick on the count. Pat says that
they don’t wear the nation’s uniform, they are too well paid to be
soldiers and worst of all they don’t have limitations. (LA Times,
8, 2008). In other article by Mark Kakis published in Times magazine
jun,12,2008 ,he questions Black Water’s and other security
contractors’ immunity arguing that such immunity is sensitive in
of Iraqi civilians deaths of gunmen from these Western Firms. After a
few incidents that led to some Iraqi civilians death in hands of
Water workers, a Bill was introduced by Senator Bernard Sanders on
November 16, 2007, (S.2398.IS) cited as “Stop outsourcing Security
Act” This Bill was later referred to the committee of Homeland
Security and Governmental Affairs.
Even though Murphy’s comparisons between those events
Romans and Barbarians and the US government and Private contractors
are very similar, they are not relevant because occurred in a total
different epoch. The US government regulates and inspects all
contractors in order to avoid these unfortunate and sporadic
The Romans didn’t regulate or inspected the Barbarians. Finally a
solution that could avoid the privatization of the military is to
encourage and reaffirm patriotic duties among the new American
generations and increase incentives.
Murphy C. 2007, Are we Rome?
D.G. Martin (2004,April,5) Just like the Roman Empire-Well,
quite. Retrieved from:
Mark K. (2008, Jun 12) Fighting for the Right to Detain
Retrieved from:
Mike Z. (2008, Jun 5) Black Water and Constitution.
America the Super Duper Power (2003, july 10) retrieved from: www.the
Thomas Legislative Information in the Internet retrieved from
Axel D.
Short story
Danny was 9 years old when he immigrated to the United States.
He and
his parents had fled their country in Central America after surviving
many years of war and terror. Danny adapted the American culture
rapidly and realized that this was the kind of life he had dreamed
of. Even though he lived for a few years in a poor neighborhood
infested with drugs and violence, Danny managed to get his High
Diploma and decided to join the Army. His best friend Saul an
American born Mexican descendent tried to discourage him arguing that
the US was about to go into war against Iraq and he was very
about this war. Saul claimed that oil companies and big
were behind this situation and he personally wouldn’t die for someone
also interests. Daniel looked at Saul and with a smile responded. I
respect your position and I don’t want to argue with you because I
consider you my best friend, but I personally feel the need to serve
this country. America has giving me the opportunity (Daniel replied)
to be myself, to destroy or improve my life, to be able to become a
better person if I want to. I am an American and I believe in this
system. I am part of this system and I need to be there in good and
bad times. After a few seconds of silence Daniel hugged Saul and
him I am just going to do my part as an American body let the
government do theirs if they are right or wrong it will be their
After completing his training program Daniel was deployed to
where he got to experience the cruel reality of war. Though the
environment conditions where he was stationed were not what he ever
imagined, Daniel always keep it to himself and never complained to
parents After two years of service in Iraq Daniel came back to
to spend some time with his parents. He tried to locate his friend
Saul but he couldn’t.
A few weeks later he was sent back to one of the more conflictive
areas in Iraq. The time went by and a few months later he was
seriously injured by a car bomb. Daniel felt happy when the doctor
told him that he would be able to play soccer again and when he was
released from the hospital he was sent back to combat where he
completed his term.
As soon as he came back to America Daniel enrolled in college
started enjoying his life as a civilian. It took him a while to adapt
again to this nice life style where he wouldn’t have to worry about
getting kill or being force to kill. His life slowly came back to
normal. One day in the way back home from college, Daniel decided to
visit his old friend Alejandro to find out about Saul. Alejandro
informed Daniel that Saul has pass away a few months ago due to an
over dose. Daniel was very sad and went home thinking that his
has died for the interest of a drug dealer.


Nov 7, 2008, 9:05:19 PM11/7/08
to LACC English courses w/O'Connell
Minor T
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More options Oct 19, 9:39 am
In Cullen Murphy’s 2007 Are we Rome, Rome has become a base
comparison to the United States, more importantly the possible demise
of the United States. Six points are brought to question in the
comparison but the most significant one would be the corruption of
both Rome and the United States. We are currently in the middle of
situation that has become a clear representation of the corruption of
the United States, the war against Iraq. By following the same
of the Romans, Murphy’s comparison would appear to be accurate.
In the 110th congress in the House of Representatives a
bill was passed that relates to the corruption of the Iraqi
in terms of the war in Iraq and its repercussions to the United
States. The bill explicit states that we the people as well as
Congress deserve the right to know the extent of the Iraqi government
corruption. I find this bill hysterical because this appears to be
of the forms government has chosen to deal with the situation in
saying that they are corrupt and that we should intervene and help
them make the right decisions. The United States is in no state to be
providing aid to other nations when we ourselves are in need. In this
sense we are similar to Rome; we neglect our weaknesses and
the situation to create the illusion that all is fine, when everyone
knows the reality. There have been many different claims in the
reasons why we are in Iraq, but the mere fact that one is sure about
why assures any spectator that there is obviously no communication
between government and the people. What is the cause of this
separation, the corruption of the government? I believe so for the
simple fact that whether or not they blame the Iraqi government or
own the congress still admits that there is a separation between them
and the upper most power.
Many would argue that the United States is a powerful nation, who has
learned from the decline of all the previous empires but the question
remains, have we really? There are many spectators that say that Iraq
is the first step we took that will lead us to our demise, but just
like the Romans, we never admit when we make a bad decision and place
the blame on someone else. Ed Kent stated in his February 18, 2008
article that:
“Unforgivable, however, were the oil interests — Halliburton
particularly — which have benefited immensely from our move to
dominate Middle Eastern oil at the cost of billions of taxpayer
dollars, the loss of many thousands of lives, the stimulus to
terrorism, and the manifest destruction of global trust in the
integrity of the United States.”
The nation realizes what the government is doing but they are so
unwilling to admit their own corruption that creates different
scenarios for them arriving, staying, and never leaving. This
corruption is what led Rome to its fall and its will ultimately lead
to the demise of the United States.
Danny walked into his room when he saw a letter on his bed.
realized his roommate had gotten the mail today and had left his mail
on the bed. He opened the letter and was surprised when he read that
he was leaving for Iraq the following week. Danny had enrolled in the
military thinking he would never be called up for duty because the
Unites States had not taken part in any disputes, with the exception
of previous year. The catastrophe had arrived of September 11, 2001.
he told his friends and family of the situation and celebrated his
departure with a big party, and he found out that a few of his
who had enrolled with him were also going with him so he felt a
relieved that he would not be alone. The day finally arrived when he
had to go, he was packed and was not sure what to expect but was
to deal with whatever he was confronted with.
About year later his family received word that the camp where
was in had just been attacked and it had been a few days and still no
reports of any survivors. The following day the family received a
package from Danny that had been sent before the attack. It was a
diary of some sort where he wrote down everything he witnessed and
everything he was forced to do, as well as his opinion on each event.
As the family sat down and read it they were shocked at the things
Danny had to do such a killing little kids and watching some of his
friends being killed. But the on thing they realized that was
was that all the actions they were doing had no real intent that none
of the soldiers knew what they were looking for or fighting for, they
seemed to just be attacking for know reason, in some of the later
entries of the journal they read that Danny and a few others went to
the general to ask him what they were looking for, and by doing that
they were beaten severely.


Nov 7, 2008, 9:08:58 PM11/7/08
to LACC English courses w/O'Connell
Kenya Pineda
Essay 2.
In are we Rome? By Cullen Murphy, in his third chapter explains that
Rome and America are alike because of “A self-centeredness that
deforms attitudes toward and perceptions of the rest of the world,”
according to Drehers July 30, 2007 review. This just means that
because America has become so powerful, because we now have this
perception of ourselves as being all great and mighty, we have
changed. Americans attitudes have changed because of the recently
gained power. We are all thinking that we are superior to every other
country that our attitudes have changed and enveloped more of a cocky
“im better and I know it” attitude. Also because we have such a high
confidence and because we now have a mew perception of ourselves, we
have a new perception of others as well. We see them as inferior and
not important. As the United States slowly but surely gains power,
people in the U.S. take this new found power to their heads.
In the 110th of the CONGRESS Senate Bills from the U.S.
Printing Office, it explains that there is a memorial that they are
trying to put together for the lost members of the holocaust. If a
country is as self centered and vain as Murphy believes, then there
would be no reason for anyone in the United States t want to make a
memorial. But because people of the United States care for something
other than themselves and their future, they propose this. We have
sorrow in our hearts and sympathy for the decease people of the
holocaust and their families. If the Americans are so self-centered,
then they would have no reason to make a memorial for the holocaust
people and families. Americans are truly caring. The only reason that
Murphy believes that Americans are no good is because people are only
seen for the bad that they do. Not many people notice the good
the bad is more scandalous.
In truth, Americans aren’t the heinous careless people that
plays them out to be. Americans have good attitudes and he is wrong.
Americans care for things other then themselves and aren’t these vain
characters that everyone believes us to be.

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More options Oct 18, 11:05 pm
Essay 2.
Short story.
New students=shy, not talkative, out casts.
It is a bright early September day when a child wakes up at 6 in the
morning. "BUZZZZ" goes his alarm. Hearing it just makes him more
affricated. THUMP. The alarm falls to the floor after a mighty swing
it with a pillow.
Getting dressed, eating breakfast and already dreading the day yet to
come, the child begins to leave the house. "Love you mom” he yells,
waiting for a response, he grabs his lunch and leaves.
Once on the bus, he sits in the last seat in the last row. Blasting
his iPod on the heaviest music available, he just sits there. He
ignores anything and everything around him and ultimately envelopes
himself in a cocoon of silence. He does nothing and speaks to nobody.
Homeroom is a drag. Once in there he tried to sit in the back
alphabetical order puts him in the middle of the class. First period
passes extremely quickly, but mostly because a whole 3o minutes were
wasted by him because he was lost in the school. He sits in the back
and while every child converses, he sits and waits patiently for the
bell to ring.
Nutrition, one of the best subjects to him. He goes to get a snack
from his locker, but now has no place to go, so he just sits there.
goes to second period now. Finding it was easier than thought since a
large part of his homeroom class was there. Here, once again, he sits
in the back reading a book. Everyone stares and justs laughs not
understanding his lonesome feelings. Now his favorite subject, lunch.
Still not having met a single soul, he goes to s [end his lunch time
in the bathrooms. He eats there then washes his hands and waits for
the bell to ring. Now fifth period. It was surprisingly quick and
painless. Then on to 6th period, and the physical education teachers
are mean. These teachers scream at the highest levels that their
voices can go and scream for complete randomness. That class is over
and now to the bus.
He gets on in the same fusion as when he got on in the morning. IPod
is on and nobody is sitting next to him. He arrives home and the
thing he hears is “how was your day honey?” “Great mom” he responds.
“Make any new friends?” and the boy answered as truthfully as
“no mom. I don’t like these kids”
Lonesome new child doesn’t make friends because he isn’t out going
doesn’t talk to anybody.


Nov 7, 2008, 9:20:04 PM11/7/08
to LACC English courses w/O'Connell

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More options Oct 17, 7:55 pm
Yolanda Duke
English 101
Section 0459
October 17, 2008
Essay 2
Is America, Rome?
Cullen Murphy, 2007 Are we Rome? In The Capitals Murphy points out
five different scenarios, with history of the Roman Empire, on which
Murphy compares the U S. With a trail of events that contrast with
modern America. Not acknowledging, the great progress America has
accomplished, Murphy continues to make assumption that America will
follow Rome’s footsteps. Murphy points out how our founding fathers
had overthrown a great empire and how they looked to Rome for
republican political models. The U.S. and Rome have some
event, but the U.S. is by far more organized with their military and
follows a democratic government.
Murphy begins with how the Roman Empire was sought to be discovered,
how the great empire began to unfold, he talks about the how a
monarchy rules for centuries, up until the sixth century B.C., when
the monarchy gave way to a republic, with a senate consuls, and
popular voting for some offices (pg 29). Murphy writes, about how
beginning of the Roman Empire was expanding and taking over the rest
of the Italian peninsula and then stationed its military along the
Mediterranean coast, Rome continued on in going to war with northern
Africa, on which brought Rome to control the rest of the
world. Then discussing about how it came to a decline and the causes
of it, he implies that the military was the one of the mayor factors
in how Rome came to fall. Then Murphy talks about how Rome welcomed
any newcomers, all races, which brings us to how America, has become
multi-ethnic country, just like Rome was at one point, before the
fall. The difference between Rome and America is as we know that Rome
did not know how to control the overwhelming size in population, and
how to maintain a solid military. America instead of taking over and
conquering countries, as Rome did, America is significantly different
by helping other nations establish their own government like the
U.S.'s current goals with Iraq. On which it brings us to our
fathers George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, these men created our American constitution,
and looked at Rome as a republican political model in particular for
ideas of “checks and balances” (pg37), which is a separation of
executive, legislative and judicial branches. A form of governing
system, of which the Rome Empire lacked while in power, and can
conclude that the Roman Empire was not like America. In conclusion
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