Errors encountered when opening the "labscript-suite" components

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May 13, 2024, 1:22:36 AMMay 13
to the labscript suite
Hi all,
I was trying to install the "labscript-suite" in my PC according to the instructions given here- After installing when I tried to open the components like-  BLACS, runviewer, runmanager, etc., errors were showing. Here, I have attached a screenshot of the errors showing. I tried to find in web for any solutions, but I did not find anything helpful.
I am very new to this "labscript-suite" interface and I will be grateful if anyone can give me some suggestions regarding this problem.

Best regards,
Error_Screenshot 2024-05-12 175607.png

Chris Billington

May 13, 2024, 2:49:56 AMMay 13
Hi Soumya,

It looks like the file storing the encryption key used by labscript for network communication doesn't exist. This file would normally be generated when you run labscript-profile-create.

There is a problem with the latest zeromq package from Anaconda, which means it does not include cryptography support. Perhaps when labscript-profile-create attempted to generate a key, it was not able to because of this (you may have seen an error about this when you ran labscript-profile-create).

You may want to try downgrading zeromq:
conda install zeromq=4.3.4
Then I would suggest you simply delete the "C:\Users\Soumya Roy\labscript-suite" directory (assuming you have not created any files in here that you care about) and run  labscript-profile-create again. If you get errors whilst running it, include them in your reply and we'll try to figure out what else might be going wrong.



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May 13, 2024, 3:47:02 PMMay 13
to the labscript suite
Hi Chris,

Thank you for your suggestions! I did as you suggested and I am now able to open the "runviewer" and "runmanager" in my PC without any errors. However, when I try to open the "BLACS" and "lyse", different errors are showing for each of them (attached screenshots). It will be great if you kindly see them once and give me some suggestions regarding these.

Best regards,

Error2_Lyse_Screenshot 2024-05-13 153359.png
Error-Blacs_Screenshot 2024-05-13 152506.png

May 16, 2024, 7:52:29 PMMay 16
to the labscript suite

The lyse error is just a symptom of the first run of lyse. If you close it and open again, I believe it will go away.

The BLACS error is due to not having a compiled connection table configured. You need to carefully follow the first run instructions outlined in the docs to clear that up.



May 17, 2024, 6:43:39 PMMay 17
to the labscript suite
Hi David,

Thank you for the suggestions! I have solved the previous problem in the BLACS. Now, I am able to open all the components of "labscript-suite" without any errors. Now, I am trying to run the labscript-file (shown in screenshot) in the runmanager and I have noticed that there are some errors occurring (shown in screenshot). I am still trying to solve these errors and it will be helpful if you can give me some suggestions regarding these also. 

Labscript_file_Screenshot 2024-05-17 182045.png
runmanger_error_Screenshot 2024-05-17 143703.png

Chris Billington

May 19, 2024, 8:50:45 PMMay 19
Hi Soumya,

The compilation itself is succeeding, and the error is occuring when the resulting shot file is sent to BLACS to be run on the hardware. This error indicates that there is a mismatch between your lab connection table (the file BLACS uses to know what hardware is available), and the connection table part of the labscript file you are compiling (in this case, the labscript file only contains a connection table and nothing more).

To ensure they match, follow the instructions for compiling a connection table similar to what you said you've done already, but include in the connection table the same lines as in the labscript file you are trying to compile. In this case since the labscript file you are trying to compile is actually just a connection table and nothing more, you should use it verbatim as your lab connection table.

When later you want to compile labscript shots that use different hardware, you will need to keep your lab connection table up to date with whatever hardware you want to use, such that it always contains all hardware that is used by any labscript shots you want to run.



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