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Template not accurate

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Alicia Grimaldi

Sep 17, 2024, 3:51:46 PM9/17/24
to Labelmaker
Hello! I am trying to create labels for the Avery Printable Tab Inserts (code 11136; `1/5 cut 1/2" x 2"). The template is inaccurate and does not match the product I am trying to print.  How can this be fixed?

Labelmaker Support

Sep 17, 2024, 4:12:09 PM9/17/24
to Labelmaker
First of all, thank you for using Labelmaker. I'm sorry to hear you are having a hard time printing your labels. 
Let's have a look at different things so that I can investigate further: 
1- Can you confirm you are printing it with margins set to "NONE"?  
2- Can you check if the scale is 100% when printing and you are using a Letter format for paper size? 
3- Have you considered lowering the font size or reducing the amount of text? Labels can only contain a certain amount of characters, when there are more inside them, they will grow and misalign
4- Could you take a picture of the misalignment you noticed?
Please check this guide which explains step-by-step how to fix issues with your labels:

Let me know how it goes,
All the best,
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