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refund for "free" trial?

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Sarah Maljaars

Sep 30, 2024, 4:12:56 AM9/30/24
to Labelmaker
Hi, I thought I was getting a free trial but it looks like I've been charged the monthly subscription price already... I figured I would only be charged if I didn't cancel my subscription? As it turns out, the labelmaker is not working for me. So I've canceled the subscription (after trying it out for a couple hours), but the monthly fee was not refunded. Could I have that money back so my trial was indeed, "free"? 
Thankyou very much,

Labelmaker Support

Oct 2, 2024, 7:34:42 AM10/2/24
to Labelmaker
Hi there,

I am sorry to see you leave. 
I confirm that your membership has been cancelled, and the last payment was refunded. Depending on your bank's processing time, it can take 5-10 business days to show up in your bank account.

As we're looking to improve Labelmaker, what makes you cancel your subscription? Your feedback is precious to me.

Best regards
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