Do OCI DLL files distributed with Lab128 cause a problem?

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Sergei - Lab128

Aug 29, 2014, 1:17:10 AM8/29/14
Starting with version 1.6.6 Lab128 is distributed with Oracle Client Interface (OCI) DLL files. There are two DLL files and no other Oracle software is needed to make connection to Oracle database.

But sometimes there is another Oracle client already installed. At least two users reported problems, after they upgraded to the latest Lab128 version 1.6.7 including OCI files. They had another Oracle client installed. Somehow these DLLs interfered and Lab128 couldn't connect. Removing those DLL files fixed the the problem. Another alternative was setting NLS_LANG environment variable: 'set NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8' and then running Lab128 - it worked with OCI files distributed with Lab128 and ignored the client that have been already installed.

If you experienced a similar problem caused by OCI DLLs, can you share your configuration? This will help to find a perfect solution which will work everywhere.

Thank you,
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