Re: Brazil Publishing House

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Scott Cytacki

Oct 27, 2014, 10:41:01 PM10/27/14
to Thiago Juliani, Chad Dorsey, nextgenmw, Ahmed Ibrahim, lab-models
Hi Thiago, 

It would be great for us to have a Portuguese translation. We were also contacted by Ahmed Ibrahim, who wanted to do a Brazilian Portuguese translation.
I've cc'd him on this email.

I'm not sure how much you have found out about the Lab interactives. Here is a few links to the interactives:
A user friendly view of them are here:

A more developer centric index is here:

To get started you should join the lab-models google group, that is the best place to ask questions while doing the localization.
I've cc'd that list, so folks there know what I have told you so far.

It would be best to start localizing the Lab framework and a sample interactive, by following these directions:

After you have localized the Lab framework then you can work on localizing the interactives:

It is best to ask questions on the lab-models list because there several developers familiar with Lab, and you will be more likely to get an answer quickly.


On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 7:06 AM, Thiago Juliani <> wrote:

Hello, Mr. Dorsey!


Thank you very much for your answer. We’d love to share your interactives with our teachers and students in Brazil, and help them to get to know Concord Consortium’s work. It’d be a pleasure to translate them to Portuguese and share the translation with you, if you’d like. No doubt you have a good Portuguese-speaking audience too.


Have a good day.




Thiago Juliani

Educational Textbooks Management

Casa Publicadora Brasileira

(+55) 15 3205 8898


From: Chad Dorsey []
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 12:04 PM
To: Thiago Juliani
Cc: nextgenmw
Subject: Re: Brazil Publishing House




Thanks so much for your inquiry. Though others on this list can give you more details, I wanted to respond initially to let you know that the basic answer is quite simple: the work you're investigating is licensed under open source and open content licenses, so you are free to use and incorporate it as you wish provided you give attribution to our organization in the process. We'd be happy to talk to you more about translation opportunities and about how to use and incorporate the interactives into your portal.




Chad Dorsey

President and CEO

The Concord Consortium

25 Love LN

Concord, MA 01742


Revolutionary digital learning for science, math and engineering


On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Thiago Juliani <> wrote:



My name is Thiago Juliani and I work in a Brazilian publishing house with the production and publication of education content in our website. We have approximately 180,000 students and 10,000 teachers using our textbooks and accessing complementary information in our portal.


We are really impressed with your interactive models. We’d like to discuss the possibility of licensing them. We’d like to translate to Portuguese and publish them in our website to our students and teachers.


Please let me know your license fees and how it works.


I’m looking forward to your answer.    




Thiago Juliani

Educational Textbooks Management

Casa Publicadora Brasileira

(+55) 15 3205 8898




Scott Cytacki
The Concord Consortium

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