How Libya's 2011 War changed Africa
Noble as the cause was, the destruction of Moammar Qaddafi's
dictatorship by a spontaneous uprising and a Western intervention has
just wreaked havoc in Africa's northern half. This map attempts to show
all that came after Qaddafi's fall; that it is so overwhelmingly complex
is precisely the point. The place to center your gaze is the patterned
orange overlay across Libya, Algeria, Mali, and Niger: this shows where
the Tuaregs, a semi-nomadic ethnic minority group, lives. Qaddafi used
Libya's oil wealth to train, arm, and fund large numbers of Tuaregs to
fight the armed uprising in 2011. When he fell, the Tuaregs took the
guns back out with them to Algeria and Mali, where they took control of
territory. In Mali, they led a full-fledged rebellion that, for a time,
seized the country's northern half. Al-Qaeda moved into the vacuum they
left, conquering entire towns in Mali and seizing fossil fuel facilities
in Algeria. Criminal enterprises have flourished in this semi-arid belt
of land known as the Sahel. So have vast migration routes, of Africans
looking to find work and a better life in Europe. At the same time,
armed conflict is getting worse in Nigeria and Sudan, both major oil
producers. Qaddafi's fall was far from the sole cause of all of this,
but it brought just the right combination of disorder, guns, and
militias to make everything a lot worse.