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L.A. pol & whore found in State-owned CORVETTE

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Feb 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/20/99
Is this sleazeball being protected by poweful, monied politically-correct
L.A. interests because of politics?
Because he's African-American?
And why in the world is The State of California giving ANY public employees
-- much less a corrupt, sleazebag carpetbagger such as this -- a pricey
CORVETTE, followed (after he was found with a whore in his State-owned
Corvette) by a pricey new SUV?
Was it because he complained that the whores he pays with his big State-paid
salary were too cramped in the Vette?


Pants Down in Broad Daylight
It's been covered up until now, but Kevin "WeHo" Murray was caught in his state
car with a much-arrested Hollywood prostitute in December

By Jill Stewart

It's somewhat unusual for a political column to contain hot-breaking news, but
the legacy of fast-rising Democratic state Sen. Kevin "WeHo" Murray has been
that the media -- especially the Los Angeles Times -- tends to protect him from
public scrutiny when he breaks the law.

Thus, it is left to me to explain the hows and whys of Murray's apprehension by
police in the parking lot of the John Anson Ford Theater next to the Hollywood
Bowl over Christmas week. There, Kevin was caught by police in his official
state car, in broad daylight, his pants down, in the company of a much-arrested
Hollywood prostitute.

That's right: Kevin Murray, the politician who represents a mostly black
district of Los Angeles, but who for years has lived miles away in West
Hollywood (thus the moniker), the same guy who just got fined (along with his
dad) $60,000 for hiding his campaign contributions from the public, the same
guy who's carrying special interest legislation for greedy developer Ira
Smedra, the Toad of Westwood.

More than seven weeks have elapsed since Murray was caught by police with a
whore, and seemingly every elected official in the state capital and in Los
Angeles knows it. "Some people were hoping it wouldn't come out because Kevin
was supposed to be one of the new golden boys," says one political wag.

So sorry to spoil the little party, but it's time we had a talk.

According to three high-ranking law enforcement sources, Murray was caught by
Los Angeles County park police on December 27 about 2 p.m. in his state-owned
black Corvette, complete with official state Legislature license plates. "Let
me put this plainly," says one top law-enforcement official. "In his state car,
with his state tags, with his pants down, in broad daylight. Strange, strange,
strange." "Everybody thinks the political fix is in on this one," says a law
enforcement source.

The official police complaint, which I have read, states that Murray was
leaning against his car, facing into the open passenger door, when a safety
officer approached. When the officer repeatedly asked Murray to show his hands,
Murray refused and grabbed his waistband. Finally, the senator put his hands in
view -- as ordered, just as his pants fell down -- proceeded to "remove a white
condom from his fully erect penis" and throw it on the ground. Whereupon Murray
commented, "Can Izip up now?"

Sitting there on the passenger seat was a prostitute who uses 11 aliases, and
who informed the officer that Murray had picked her up at Sunset and La Brea
and paid her for "a blowjob."

Murray asked the officer again and again, "How can we resolve this?"

The big issue in the gossip circles of Sacramento and L.A. City Hall is why
Murray is not being prosecuted for engaging a prostitute, or at the very least
for lewd conduct. And why the prostitute is not being prosecuted for violating
her probation, in which a judge banned her from setting foot in Hollywood.

Neither Murray nor the hooker was arrested that day for reasons that remain
murky at best. County police did not call a supervisor -- often a good idea
when a powerful elected official is caught doing something illegal -- but chose
to release Murray and forward an Application for Complaint to the Hollywood
Vice division of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Such a complaint procedure is sometimes used against law-breakers when police
determine a misdemeanor has occurred but that no booking and jailing is
necessary because, for example, flight from the area is unlikely. Using an
Application for Complaint rather than making an arrest also keeps the name of
the alleged lawbreaker secret until the case goes to court.

So what happened to the case against Murray?

The cops at Hollywood Vice, I am told by a reliable source, properly forwarded
official complaints against Murray and the prostitute to the office of City
Attorney James Hahn, and there the complaints have lain for weeks as Hahn and
the County Police exchange criticisms (behind closed doors, of course) about
why Murray has not yet been prosecuted.

"No comment!" declares a spokesman for Hahn, when I asked what's going on with
the case.

"No comment, but I'd love to comment!" exclaims County Police Chief Bayan

"No comment, especially since we merely helped present this case to the City
Attorney!" says an LAPD spokesman.

"No comment!" from County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky's office, which should
have been immediately notified if a politician was apprehended with a hooker
near the Hollywood Bowl, an area Yaroslavsky represents.

Murray's chief of staff, Joey Hill, says, "I am not aware of any complaint by
police against Sen. Murray."

But others did talk. "I can tell you this much," says one top police source.
"Letting a prostitute avoid prosecution on a probation violation, which this
gal violated by even being in Hollywood, is very, very rare. Normally, that is
an immediate prosecution, especially somebody with an arrest history as long as
this particular prostitute's."

But, my source emphasizes, "If the prostitute is prosecuted, Kevin Murray's
name [would] be all over the official public documents, and all over the
nightly news. So you gotta assume somebody is protecting Murray's name, at
least so far."

Said another top law-enforcement official, "Prosecuting the prostitute is a
no-brainer, and there is more than enough evidence to proceed against her

I don't know who is at fault for keeping the Murray incident quiet.

The blame could lie with the County Police, whose officers, some sources
complain, did not gather sufficient evidence to pursue Murray for engaging a
prostitute in a public park. "County police screwed up, is the way I heard it,"
says one source.

Or the fault could lie with the City Attorney, who wants to be the next mayor
of Los Angeles and who allegedly doesn't want to piss off his core political
backers -- that is, the black power elite who deliver African-American voters
to the polls and who, for decades, helped re-elect Hahn's dad, late County
Supervisor Kenneth Hahn.

"Everybody thinks the political fix is in on this one," says another law
enforcement source. Perhaps, but Hahn and the Murray political family have not
been allies.

What I do know is that events seem to have conspired to protect Kevin Murray
once again. You can be certain that if you or I were caught near the Hollywood
Bowl with our pants down, awaiting servicing by a whore in the middle of the
afternoon, we wouldn't get a shred of protection.

For example, the L.A. Times heard about Murray's dalliance with the prostitute
at least a week ago and chose not to go after the story. Sources tell me the
Times decided to protect Murray because he was not arrested and jailed.

Well, that is an aggressive journalistic standard for choosing when to write
about political misdeeds and lawbreaking by elected officials. You wait until
they're actually in jail before you tell the public what's going on.

Just a few weeks before he was caught with the prostitute, Murray was fined the
stunning $60,000 by the state Fair Political Practices Commission for violating
state campaign contribution laws -- in concert with his dad, former state
Assemblyman Willard Murray. The Times, which politically supports Murray, also
gave him a free ride over the FPPC fine scandal -- which was covered in a tiny
story buried deep inside the paper a few weeks ago. The Times failed to publish
a single paragraph explaining all the contributions from special interests that
Murray and his father hid from public scrutiny.

Willard Murray still wields tremendous power in South L.A. and environs by
backing -- or bucking -- politicians on his "slate mailers," sent to tens of
thousands of black voters each election year.

Indeed, Kevin was put in office largely by his daddy's slate mailers and by
huge contributions from special interests like Southern California Edison, the
United Teachers of Los Angeles, Majestic Realty, Pacific Gas & Electric, Sony
Pictures, David Geffen, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and political action committees
representing insurance companies, cable television executives, and wealthy

They must all be so proud to have catapulted this great man to office over
law-abiding candidates like Democrat Marguerite Archie-Hudson, who ran against
him last year.

Getting slapped with a $60,000 fine for dirty campaigning fits perfectly with
Murray's above-the-law approach to his own Senate District. As I have explained
in the past, Murray had for years lived in West Hollywood, far outside the
district he used to represent in the Assembly. He claimed a phony South L.A.
address when he signed his first official campaign papers under penalty of
perjury in the mid-'90s.

The sad thing is, if District Attorney Gil Garcetti had not characteristically
chickened out by failing to prosecute Murray for perjury, the electorate could
have been saved from his political thuggery.

I called some of Kevin's most vocal critics this week, knowing they had
probably heard about WeHo's misadventure with the mystery Boom-Boom.

Geraldine Green, a respected criminal lawyer who has been pursuing Murray in
the courts for living in West Hollywood while pretending to represent the
residents of South Los Angeles, could say only, "Mmmm. Mmmm. Then it's true!"

Green says she is pushing forward against Murray in the California Supreme
Court, asking justices to order a Los Angeles Superior Court trial of Murray
for repeatedly lying about his true place of residence -- the act of perjury
that could nullify his most recent election.

"Kevin Murray is a carpetbagger who we can prove has never lived in this area
of Los Angeles since his first election as an Assemblyman, and did not live
here when he ran for and won his state Senate seat last year," Green says. "We
residents of View Park and Windsor Hills and Culver City have a fundamental,
constitutional right to be represented by a person who lives among us, not by a
person from another city entirely. It's outrageous."

But then, Kevin Murray is outrageous. He recently sold his West Hollywood condo
and got rid of the black Corvette. Ihave no doubt that he's been chuckling that
he's getting away with all of it, zipping about town in his new state-owned
Ford Expedition.

Watching his spectacle has left me quite nauseous. But I feel so much better
now that we have had this little talk.

Chris Kelly

Feb 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/21/99
to (Sarah62800) wrote:
>Pants Down in Broad Daylight
>It's been covered up until now, but Kevin "WeHo" Murray was caught in his state
>car with a much-arrested Hollywood prostitute in December

It's all just a "big police conspiracy." See:

Elric of Imrryr

Feb 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/21/99
In article <>,

> Is this sleazeball being protected by poweful, monied politically-correct
> L.A. interests because of politics?
> Because he's African-American?

Because he is a democrat, they are not subject to the same laws and rules of
conduct that we are. Just like members of the communist party in the SovBloc
where not subject to the same restrictions as the working class.

If the prosititue was white, then it is also a race thing. He is restoring
black cultural manhood by injecting his semen into as many white women as
possible to make up for years of oppression where blacks where killed of they
inject their semen into white women.

The New Times is obviously a white-supremist front.

Elric of Imrryr

Feb 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/21/99
In article <>, says...

> (Sarah62800) wrote:
> >Pants Down in Broad Daylight
> >It's been covered up until now, but Kevin "WeHo" Murray was caught in his state
> >car with a much-arrested Hollywood prostitute in December
> It's all just a "big police conspiracy." See:

Keven Murray is a known career criminal with a long history of crimes that he
has not been prosecuted for. There is no racism her, but a mistake by a police
officer who was to new to know that she is not suppose to mess with democratic
party officals. Just like police on the east coast know not to pull over mafia
dons for minor traffic stops.

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