A message for KYChinese mailing list members / 重要通知

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Shuang Xu

Jun 6, 2012, 4:11:08 PM6/6/12
to KYChinese
Hello, there,

First off, thanks for being a member of this mailing list. :)

I recently met with the leaders from the Kentucky Chinese American
Association (KYCAA). We decided to invite the KYCAA members and their
families to join this group. We hope this decision would help
transforming this mailing list into a more active discussion forum.

We expect to welcome the new members by the end of June 2012, when
KYCAA launches their new Web site. You will also be able to view and
post messages at the new KYCAA web site. I will make sure to send you
a follow-up message on that.

This mailing list will continue serving Chinese in Kentucky as a free
forum to share information and make recommendations. With more members
joining in, this forum will better satisfy our needs for information
and social connections.

This mailing list has an "open-door" policy. Anyone can subscribe or
unsubscribe to this group at any time. Please update the public
information in your profile if you have privacy concerns. Spam or
malicious messages are prohibited in this group. Senders of such
messages will be removed from this group permanently.

Last but not least, you are welcome to post your messages in
Chinese. :)

Have a wonderful day!



本月月底左右, 我们将邀请肯塔基华人协会成员加入这个信息论坛. 届时, 您也可以从华人协会的新网站登录此论坛.

我们信息论坛的宗旨保持不变, 会继续为居住在肯塔基的中国朋友们提供一个免费的全方位沟通及交流信息的平台. 在这里, 您可以寻医问药, 提供供求
讯息, 征/应聘保姆家教, 租售房屋, 推荐餐馆及旅游活动, 等等. 希望这个信息渠道能为大家提供便利, 并丰富我们的海外生活.

我们信息论坛对成员的加入或退出不设限制. 您如果对信息隐私方面有所顾虑, 请务必更新您个人的共享资料. 此论坛严禁各类垃圾邮件和非法不良言
论. 一旦发现, 论坛管理人员会将故意发送此类信息的成员永久性删除.

此论坛支持中英文双语交流. 欢迎发送中文信息.

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