ANN: pyTenjin 1.1.0 - a high-speed and full-featured template engine

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Makoto Kuwata

Feb 16, 2012, 10:15:55 PM2/16/12
to kuwata-lab-products
I released pyTenjin 1.1.0.

pyTenjin is a high-speed and full-featured template engine for Python.


* User's Guide
* Examples

Enhancements and Changes in this release

* [Change] !! IMPORTANT!! Default cache file format is changed from
marshal format to text format.
You should remove all cache files to use this release.

$ find . -name '*.cache' | xargs rm

There are some reason about this change:

* User can see converted Python code very easily with text format,
but not easy with marshal format.
* Benefit of marshal format is that loading speed is a little faster
than text format. But this benefit is very little, especially
persistent process or Google App Engine.
* Marshal format is not compatible between different version of Python.
* Jython can't load marshal format.

If you prefer marshal format rather than text format, please specify
MarshalCacheStorage object to 'cache' option of Engine class.

engine = tenjin.Engine(cache=tenjin.MarshalCacheStorage())
### or
tenjin.Engine.cache = tenjin.MarshalCacheStorage()

* [Enhance] Embedded pattern '${}' and '#{}' can contain pair of '{' and '}'. ::

<p>${foo({'x':1})}</p> # OK
<p>${foo({}+{}+{})}</p> # OK
<p>${foo({'x':{'y':1}})}</p> # NG

* [Enhance] New preprocessing mechanism. You can specify your own preprocessor
class by 'pp' parameter. ::

require 'tenjin'
pp = [
tenjin.TemplatePreprocessor(), # preprocessing
tenjin.TrimPreprocessor(), # remove spaces at
beginning of lines
tenjin.PrefixedLinePreprocessor(), # converts ':: ...' to '<?py ... ?>'
engine = tenjin.Engine(pp=pp) # pass preprocessors

This release keeps backward compatibilidy. You can still use
'preprocess=True' option.

* [Enhance] Add 'TrimPreprocessor' which removes spaces ad the
beginning of lines.
You can reduce size of output by it.
For example::

<?py for item in items: ?>
<?py #endfor ?>

will be converted into:

<?py for item in items: ?>
<?py #endfor ?>

by TrimPreprocessor and passed into tenjin.Engine object.

How to use it::

require 'tenjin'
pp = [ tenjin.TrimPreprocessor() ]
engine = tenjin.Engine(pp=pp)
context = { 'items': ["Haruhi", "Mikuru", "Yuki"] }
output = engine.render('example.pyhtml', context)

* [Enhance] Add 'PrefixedLinePreprocessor' which converts ':: ...'
into '<?py ... ?>'.
You may like ':: ...' because it is simpler than '<?py ... ?>'.
For example::

:: for item in items:
:: #endfor

will be converted into::

<?py for item in items: ?>
<?py #endfor ?>

by PrefixedLinePreprocessor and passed to tenjin.Engine.

How to use it::

pp = [ tenjin.PrefixedLinePreprocessor() ]
engine = tenjin.Engine(pp=pp)
context = { 'items': ["Haruhi", "Mikuru", "Yuki"] }
output = engine.render('example.pyhtml', context)

* [Enhance] Add 'JavaScriptPreprocessor' class which enables you to embed
client-side javascript template code into server-side template.
For example::

<div id="placeholder">
<!-- #JS: render_table(items) -->
<?js for (var i = 0, n = items.length; i < n; i++) { ?>
<?js } ?>
<!-- #/JS -->
var html = render_table(["Haruhi", "Mikuru", "Yuki"]);
document.getElementById('placehodler').innerHTML = html;

will be converted into::

<div id="placeholder">
<script>function render_table(items){var _buf='';
_buf+=' <table>\n';
for (var i = 0, n = items.length; i < n; i++) {
_buf+=' <tr>\n\
_buf+=' </table>\n';
return _buf;};</script>
var html = render_table(["Haruhi", "Mikuru", "Yuki"]);
document.getElementById('placehodler').innerHTML = html;

by JavaScriptPreprocessor.
Notice that you should embed 'tenjin.JS_FUNC' to run client-side code.

How to use it::

pp = [ tenjin.JavaScriptPreprocessor() ]
engine = tenjin.Engine(pp=pp)
output = engine.render('example.pyhtml', {})

* [Enhance] Now supports Jython 2.5.2. (thanks to Lars Hupfeldt Nielsen)

* [Enhance] Now supports PyPy 1.7 or later officially.

* [Change] Template#convert() now converts "\r\n" into "\\r\n".
This is necessary to follow change of language specification on
Python 2.7 and 3.2.

Have fun!
makoto kuwata

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