Chapter 5 - Outside the Box: The Google Phone Company and The Google TV Company- Q1

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Christopher Simpson

Apr 2, 2015, 9:06:40 PM4/2/15
A veteran of Apple built the Android company which Google bought in 2005. Since then, new mobile devices from Google have been released. Have you or your friends used a Google's Android phone? If so, please state the advantages / disadvantages of the Android compared to your current phone.

Sean Hadley

Apr 4, 2015, 9:41:38 PM4/4/15
Every smartphone I've owned over the past five years have been Android phones. I have found with each successive model phone HTC, Motorola and back to HTC again, that the Android works very well for what I need. The ability to handle multiple email accounts has been a plus! However, I do know someone who has an iPhone and attempted to switch to a Samsung Galaxy Android phone. He really liked the Samsung phone and the Android features. The difficulty for him to switch was because the School of Pharmacy uses Apple iPads, etc. and could not make his data convert over to Android without losing it. Apple apparently really doesn't want people to switch to other manufacturers...

Vanessa Schott

Apr 6, 2015, 11:16:44 PM4/6/15
I was and still am a Blackberry fan and I haven't found a phone I like as well.  Unfortunately Blackberry isn't what it was back in its hay day.  That being said, I went from Blackberry to android and had difficulty making the transition for useability issues.  After a painstaking year in my contract I switched to an iPhone with the recommendation from friends who "love their iPhone". I struggled with it for 2 years and finally got frustrated with the shortage of battery life.  Most of what I did on my phone at that time was Microsoft office and pdf viewing, so it drained my battery by noon everyday.  I tried switching out phones, phone guy said it was probably a "bad phone" issue.  Another 3 months and I got fed up.  When I bought my original Surface, I also bought a Windows phone.  It worked better for battery life but had poor app support.  It was great for school work but not for fun stuff.  After a year with that I went back to an android.  My husband swears by his but I still wasn't a fan.  Last fall I got a Mac Air so this spring, when we switched cellular providers, I switched back to an iPhone.  This time an iPhone 6 which seems to be working well, syncs with my Air and has all the apps I could want...but always at a price.  It does seem that the android apps I want were cheaper or free in comparison to apps for Apple.

On Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 8:06:40 PM UTC-5, Christopher Simpson wrote:

Christopher Simpson

Apr 7, 2015, 9:18:38 PM4/7/15
I myself have never had an Android phone. The Windows Phone i have now was really the first "smartphone" that I had. Until a few years ago I never really saw the need to have internet capabilities on my phone. Since I was usually around computers anyway for my work and school, I would just use a computer or laptop instead. I definitely enjoy the advantages of having a smartphone in general now that i use one though. 

sandra vega carrero

Apr 8, 2015, 12:15:07 PM4/8/15
I    have used Android and iPhone, and I consider both has their own benefits and disadvantages. I like Android specially (Samsumg) because of its battery. It last longer than Iphones, Also I love their camara quality, it is so much better than Iphone's.

But I like Apple's phone  because of it surface.  I found it really easy to use. 
I don't really the hardware buttons on Android phones, specially when I am in a rush, and I have to use them, and I accidentaly press the wrong button.

On Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 8:06:40 PM UTC-5, Christopher Simpson wrote:

Melania Piedra Barrera

Apr 8, 2015, 1:28:30 PM4/8/15
I have never used an Android phone, currently I have an IPhone and previously a Blackberry (that I loved), I don´t think I will move to Android, but my friends who have those phones, specially the Samsung they love them and defend that it is a better phone and OS.  They remark among other things, the battery, the image quality, but also the availability of apps for free, which I´m not really sure how different is that from an IPhone.

Peter Schaad

Apr 8, 2015, 5:51:11 PM4/8/15
I have an iPhone, but many people I know and work with use Android devices.  In my opinion, functionally the two platforms perform many of the same functions.  In my experience, while Android is applauded for being an "open source" platform, it is less secure and more buggy.  However, many people love the amount of customizability of the operating system.  

On Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 8:06:40 PM UTC-5, Christopher Simpson wrote:

Mohammad aljaidyah

Apr 9, 2015, 12:46:20 AM4/9/15
I have not used the Android. I have just used the iPhone. However, one of my friends has used both the Android and iPhone. He said that the has just one advantage which is downloading any application you want without charging. On the other hand, he said that the iPhone easier and securer than the Android. According to my friend's experience, I prefer the iPhone because I look for safety and ease in my phone.   

On Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 8:06:40 PM UTC-5, Christopher Simpson wrote:
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