Chapter 6 | Question 4 | GuGe: Googles Moral Dilemma in China

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Sean Hadley

Mar 31, 2015, 8:15:10 PM3/31/15
What if the United States decided to put the same restrictions on Google as China has done (in the name of security and safety), would Google cave to the US Government in order to stay in business? What would you do in the same situation?

Christopher Simpson

Apr 7, 2015, 10:53:32 PM4/7/15
Google is fairly open about what they do where, Just look at the Google Transparency Report. It has a detailed list of where everything is blocked and what they did about it. They have been "giving in" in a way, but never entirely. I think that Google would negotiate what exactly it is that they would have blocked, similar to the "evil scale"  that was mentioned on page 279. I wouldn't entirely give up, and I know that Google wouldn't as well. The problem that Google faced in China that they would not face here is that the government is "one-sided." There is no other group to go to if they don't like what is happening. Here in the US however, we have a two party system, and with enough political lobbying Google will eventually reach some kind of agreement that both sides can like.

Up to now however, Google has been mostly silent in regards to large political internet issues such as net neutrality. However they did eventually decide to take a side in litigation that would decide the future of the internet in the United States. 

Sean Hadley

Apr 8, 2015, 9:18:45 AM4/8/15
Christopher, I agree with you in part. The two-party system and our Bill of Rights do slow down the government from outright censorship. However, what about the NSA? What about using Google as a propaganda tool to rewrite history? Do you believe that the US government [and many other governments around the globe] hasn't already "partnered" with Google? I think we'd be naive to believe anything otherwise...
In my opinion, Google was a bit naive to believe that they could operate [freely] in China in the first place. Communists are still Communists--no matter how much $$ you throw at them. They're going to do what they can to maintain their power and control.

On Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at 7:15:10 PM UTC-5, Sean Hadley wrote:

Peter Schaad

Apr 8, 2015, 6:03:41 PM4/8/15
Google would have to conform their business to the laws of the United States.  This would fundamentally change the way the company operates.  However, I see this as pretty unlikely because of the amount of political power that large companies have in the united states.  I personally would not conform my ideals to a political entity, especially if I were in a financially stable arrangement like owners of Google.  It would be easy enough to just back out of whatever objectionable endeavor and change goals.

On Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at 7:15:10 PM UTC-5, Sean Hadley wrote:
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