Chapter 4 | Question 2 | Google's Cloud: Building Data Centers the Hold Everything Ever Written

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sandra vega carrero

Mar 11, 2015, 2:52:29 PM3/11/15

2. Google eventually decided to build its own data centers as a way to increase reliability and efficiency, but also to increase their storage and processing capacity. The founders envision a future where everything can be done in the cloud. Do you believe that their idea is attainable or practical? If so, how close do you think we are to achieving their vision?

Vanessa Schott

Mar 31, 2015, 11:30:43 PM3/31/15
Though I see the benefit of cost effectiveness with cloud storage and computing and the possibility of holding more data in one location. I don't see that clouds will completely replace data storage.  The data stored is going to be vulnerable to hacking, third party owners monitoring, and loss or damage of the files.  I do use Google Drive as a convenience of moving files around or having access to files linked from other sources (such as our portfolio), I still use an external hard drive and USB for additional protection of losing data.  I'm sure I'm not the only person who doesn't completely trust cloud storage so until there are guarantees of confidentiality and no loss or damage, I don't see other storage going away.

sandra vega carrero

Apr 1, 2015, 2:49:55 PM4/1/15
Vanessa, I think you have said something very important... All the data, can be vulnerable.... Not in the future, but in the present... even the most important companies are in risk, and I don't think Google is the exception of the rule.
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