A potential risk in KUDO which can be leveraged to make a cluster-level privilege escalation

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nanzi yang

Apr 2, 2023, 8:56:58 AM4/2/23
to kudobuilder
Dear KUDO maintainers:
I am Nanzi Yang, and I find a potential risk in KUDI that can be leveraged to make a cluster-level privilege escalation.

Detailed analysis:
The KUDO has one StatefulSet called kudo-controller-manager, which has a service account called kudo-manager. The service account has the cluster-admin cluster role via ClusterRoleBinding. Thus, if a malicious user can access the worker node which has kudo-controller-manager, he/she can leverage the service account to do whatever he/she likes to the cluster, resulting in cluster-level privilege escalation.

First of all, the KUDO should not use the cluster-admin ClusterRole. Perhaps it should create a ClusterRole only has needed RBAC permissions.

A few questions:
1. Is it a real issue in KUDO?
2. If it's a real issue, can KUDO mitigate the risks following my suggestions?
Looking forward to any maintainer's reply.
Nanzi Yang
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