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per-test-execution top 10 report

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Daniel Hiller

Dec 4, 2024, 4:55:27 AM12/4/24
to kubevirt-dev
Hi everyone,

just a quick heads up about a new report we are using to track overall test stability called per-test-execution [1]. The report shows an overview of the top ten failing tests per each periodic test lane for the sigs (including sig-compute-migrations). Additionally it has the raw data in csv format linked, so that anyone interested can have a closer look.

Rationale behind this report is that since the periodic tests are executed from the main branch, they should have very low failure rates - ideally a failure rate of less than 0.5% on all executions.

Please chime in if you have suggestions on how to improve this report.


Kind regards,

Daniel Hiller

He / Him / His

Senior Software Engineer, KubeVirt CI, OpenShift Virtualization

Red Hat   

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