When: Weekly on Wed, 9:45 – 10:15am
Attendees: dhiller, ffossemo, omisan, brianmcarey
[dh] strange check-tests-for-flakes error holding a PR: https://prow.ci.kubevirt.io/view/gs/kubevirt-prow/pr-logs/pull/kubevirt_kubevirt/11833/pull-kubevirt-check-tests-for-flakes/1863922245907255296
postcopy migration seems to have issues with the check-tests-for-flakes, Jed and Federico are investigating
previous action items
state of existing issues: https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Akind%2Fflake+sort%3Aupdated-asc+label%3Asig%2Fci
dh follow up on
[dh] q: do we want to remove the sig-storage-root lanes from our reports? IIUC there’s little to no interest from our side?
another option would be to remove the lane?
new report: per-test-execution
[ffossemo] we need to fix the issue and not ignore the warning that is emitted, since it proves that there’s flaky behaviour going on
[ffossemo] to take a look
[bc] maybe also caused by high load
Look at flakes
flake stats - create issues accordingly
observability known flake
[ffossemo] raised it during sig-observability
arm lane has clustered failure: https://prow.ci.kubevirt.io/view/gcs/kubevirt-prow/pr-logs/pull/kubevirt_kubevirt/13252/pull-kubevirt-e2e-arm64/1862481259553361920
sig-operator clustered failure: https://prow.ci.kubevirt.io/view/gcs/kubevirt-prow/pr-logs/pull/batch/pull-kubevirt-e2e-k8s-1.31-sig-operator/1863922560018681856
sig-compute-migrations clustered failure: https://prow.ci.kubevirt.io/view/gcs/kubevirt-prow/pr-logs/pull/kubevirt_kubevirt/13333/pull-kubevirt-e2e-k8s-1.31-sig-compute-migrations/1863543034155634688
dequarantine tests:
look at list of quarantined tests
check status, i.e. who is working on those
look at PRs that want to fix flakes
see whether we can dequarantine tests
Action items
update/create issues with latest flakes spotted
send meeting notes to kubevirt-dev, bcc sig people for spotted flakes (include meeting changes for upcoming instances)
Kind regards,
Daniel Hiller
He / Him / His
Senior Software Engineer, KubeVirt CI, OpenShift Virtualization
Red Hat GmbH, Registered seat: Werner-von-Siemens-Ring 12, D-85630 Grasbrunn, Germany Commercial register: Amtsgericht München/Munich, HRB 153243, Managing Directors: Ryan Barnhart, Charles Cachera, Michael O'Neill, Amy Ross