WG Naming Dissolution

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Stephen Augustus

Jul 12, 2021, 6:16:30 PM7/12/21
to kubernetes-sig-contribex, kubernetes-sig-docs, kubernetes-sig-architecture, steering

Hello all,

You are receiving this email because you are a member of one of WG Naming's stakeholder SIGs (or you are a member of Steering). We are writing to inform you that the leads of WG Naming (Stephen Augustus, Celeste Horgan, Jaice Singer DuMars) would like to dissolve the WG.

The work we started in WG Naming (and continue in Inclusive Naming Initiative) meets the goals stated in our charter. Our dissolution criteria are mostly met, with two exceptions:

  1. A timeline on which to replace component names in the kubernetes/kubernetes codebase:

    1. While developing the recommendations workflow, it was decided that once a recommendation was accepted and recorded, areas in scope would become responsible for implementation.

  2. Defined long-term ownership of the policies and processes this WG creates:

    1. It is our sentiment that long-term ownership of language replacement and evaluation within the project lies as a shared responsibility between the groups on this email.

For the sponsoring governance groups, we’re requesting feedback on:

  1. Any additional next steps that you would like us to consider

  2. A clear understanding of future ownership for language evaluation/replacement (SIG ContribEx? SIG Docs? SIG Arch?)

Thank you,

Celeste Horgan

Stephen Augustus

Jaice Singer DuMars

Stephen Augustus

Jul 12, 2021, 6:59:38 PM7/12/21
to Josh Berkus, kubernetes-sig-contribex, kubernetes-sig-docs, kubernetes-sig-architecture, steering, kubernetes-sig-release
I think it's reasonable for Release Managers (SIG Release / RelEng) to take this one, since we'll want to coordinate around lulls in the release cycle.

-- Stephen

On Mon, Jul 12, 2021, 18:48 Josh Berkus <jbe...@redhat.com> wrote:
On 7/12/21 3:16 PM, Stephen Augustus wrote:
> #

> A timeline on which to replace component names in the
> kubernetes/kubernetes codebase:
>  1.
>     While developing the recommendations workflow
>     <https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/wg-naming/workflow.md#implementation>,

>     it was decided that once a recommendation was accepted and recorded,
>     areas in scope would become responsible for implementation.

Who should own renaming the master branch in K/K?  Infra WG?

-- Josh Berkus
    Kubernetes Community Architect

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Celeste Horgan

Jul 26, 2021, 1:38:38 PM7/26/21
to Stephen Augustus, Josh Berkus, kubernetes-sig-contribex, kubernetes-sig-docs, kubernetes-sig-architecture, steering, kubernetes-sig-release
Hi all,

Do you need anything else from Stephen or myself to move this forward?

Celeste Horgan

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Celeste Horgan
Senior Technical Writer, CNCF
Time Zone: PST/Vancouver

Bob Killen

Aug 2, 2021, 1:54:59 PM8/2/21
to Jordan Liggitt, Celeste Horgan, Stephen Augustus, Josh Berkus, kubernetes-sig-contribex, kubernetes-sig-docs, kubernetes-sig-architecture, steering, kubernetes-sig-release
Hey folks,
Following up from today's Steering Meeting, there are a few items that should be kicked off as part of turning down the working group.
- The docs and process for the language evaluation framework should be moved over to sig-arch for long-term stewardship, Jordan will follow up with updating the API convention docs to reference it going forward
- Issues should be created for any follow up items - e.g. the tracking issue for master -> main, specifically for k/k a comment there stating sig-release's volunteer ownership or a separate issue linking back would be good
- I'll reach out separately to help spin the other various stuff down (mailing list etc)

With that, just wanted to say thanks for all your leadership in this space <3 It's been great to see the evolution of the group :)

- Bob

On Mon, Aug 2, 2021 at 11:47 AM 'Jordan Liggitt' via steering <stee...@kubernetes.io> wrote:
Apologies for the slow response... I've added this to the agenda for today's steering meeting, will circle back this afternoon

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Celeste Horgan

Aug 2, 2021, 6:11:14 PM8/2/21
to Bob Killen, Jordan Liggitt, Stephen Augustus, Josh Berkus, kubernetes-sig-contribex, kubernetes-sig-docs, kubernetes-sig-architecture, steering, kubernetes-sig-release
Thanks for the follow-up, y'all!

We'll get on it :)

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