No zoom meeting; Slack stand up today!

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Aug 31, 2021, 12:05:58 PM8/31/21
Hi everyone!

We're continuing our slack stand up journey today and next week we'll continue on the bi-weekly zoom path. Use the threads to provide updates and discussion and we'll send a summary email in 24-48 hours. This is what you'll see in #sig-docs: 

Screen Shot 2021-08-31 at 9.00.49 AM.png


Sep 1, 2021, 4:42:42 PM9/1/21
Summary from stand up yesterday: 
- We're going to continue the every other week standup.
- Welcome to the chairs, approvers, and future leaders of sig-docs group mentoring program! They embark on their three month journey today. 
- PR wrangler this week: celeste - thank you!!! 
- if you are attending the contributor summit in October, fill out this form. 

PRs needing reviews:
- discussion raised from this PR: this has impact on L11n teams because it's a larger change. should larger than usual changes go through another process first to get approval before a PR is started? 

Blog subproject:
Re-organizing the handle; lots of work on putting more structure around the group - thanks team!
shipping a node post and the 1.22 feature blog soon 
if you want to contribute a blog or to the meta team, #sig-docs-blog 

No updates from reference docs or the website. 

Discussion for future meetings:
- should localization be it's own subproject? 
[shannon] Having "official" representation for l11n might be very useful when advocating for a better docs process.
- would release benefit from having a dedicated set of folks reviewing + lgmting the feature blogs/release blog?
[divya] yes, start with 1.23

Next Tuesday is our regular zoom meeting - see your faces or favorite avatars then! 
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