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Benjamin Elder

Feb 7, 2023, 6:22:41 PM2/7/23
to dev,, kubernetes-sig-contribex
Hello Kubernetes Contributors, Leads, Maintainers; Here is a quick update about the approval bot and a PSA about OWNERS / approvers / reviewers:

1. Today we're shipping a small change to the approval mechanism to not include an exact copy-and-paste command to `/assign @thockin` in the approval status bot-comment. This is aimed at encouraging new PRs to be reviewed before assigning an approver instead of PR authors immediately assigning for approval as soon as the PR is opened. This command is still documented in the comments and their included links, but we will no longer include an exact command to assign the specific auto-suggested approver.

2. I'd like to ask SIG Leads, Maintainers, Approvers to consider proactively encouraging and sponsoring reviewers for their packages. As a reminder the `reviewers` field in OWNERS files is used to select users to assign for initial PR review. Reviewers do NOT have any additional powers beyond any other community member (as opposed to `approvers` who can `/approve`), but can help take the load off of approvers by doing first-pass reviews and should be a stepping stone towards becoming an approver someday. 

3. Reviewers: Please help contributors by proactively `/assign`-ing approvers when a PR is ready for approval. Please help approvers by not assigning approvers to PRs that have not been reviewed yet or still have outstanding review comments.


Benjamin Elder

Feb 15, 2023, 5:59:18 PM2/15/23
to Rita Zhang, dev,, kubernetes-sig-contribex
There isn't currently unfortunately, there's not a great way to query github for this data.

You could view the git[hub] history for a directory and follow it back to the pull requests (github has a "history" link when browsing a directory, clicking a commit link on that page will take you to a page that includes a link back to the source PR).

Alternatively you could search PRs to the repo for _any_ reviews by that user and then see manually identify relevant PRs.

Typically for the specific case of people filing a PR for becoming an approver, they link to evidence themselves including PRs that they know they've reviewed and any other way they've contributed to the relevant directory for the target OWNERS file.

On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 2:53 PM Rita Zhang <> wrote:
Thanks for suggesting this Ben. Is there a tool that can help the leads see "who has reviewed in this package"? 

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