Building a culture of keeping existing things working

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Jordan Liggitt

Feb 27, 2024, 11:12:22 AMFeb 27
to,, kubernetes-sig-architecture
We talked in wg-lts today about reinforcing a starting point of "no action-required upgrades" when designing features, or if an action-required item is unavoidable, making it preflightable / very concrete for admins so they can definitively know they have to take action, and definitively know when they are safe / successful.

We thought a cadence (monthly?) of examples and stories could make this less abstract and resonate more with contributors, reviewers, and approvers.

The stories could be positive ("we made big change X by doing Y and Z to avoid disruption and rolled out smoothly") or cautionary ("we made change X we knew could be breaking and it was more impactful to users than we expected").

Ideally, these could come from a mix of PRR folks, area leads, and individual feature owners.

I started a brainstorming document to gather ideas for stories in both of these directions. Take a look and jot down ideas you have from your area or things you reviewed you'd be interested in writing a couple paragraphs on. If we get a good list, we can figure out an approach and cadence for telling these stories.


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