Important Kubernetes Patch Release Information

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Jeremy Rickard

Jun 8, 2021, 7:52:41 PM6/8/21
to Kubernetes developer/contributor discussion, kubernetes-sig-release
Hey Kubefolx,

We recommend Kubernetes users avoid using the following patch releases, due to a regression[1] in how the kubelet cleans up portforward streams.  We have confirmed that this affects dockershim, and may affect other container runtimes depending on your build[2]. This regression has already been fixed[3], and the fix will be included in the next set of patch releases next week.  These releases will remain available until then, for the users who are more affected by earlier fixed bugs than by this regression.

* 1.18.19
* 1.19.11
* 1.20.7
* 1.21.1

The next patch releases are targeted for 2021-06-16

Kubernetes 1.18 reached end-of-life on May 12th, 2021. The regression would remain in the final 1.18 patch release as it has reached end-of-life. In order to fix the regression in 1.18, we will issue one final patch release for that version. 

Many Thanks, 

Jeremy on behalf of SIG Release

[2]: SIG-Node has confirmed that main CRI-O 1.21, 1.20.3 and containerd 1.5.2 are not affected; however, forks of those runtimes might be

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