[ANNOUNCE] Kubernetes GitHub Org Clean up

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Bob Killen

Jul 14, 2020, 4:18:26 PM7/14/20
to Kubernetes developer/contributor discussion

Hey there all,

There have been some changes made to our community membership guidelines along with a large clean up of our GitHub orgs that is currently in flight.


  • Guidelines have been added describing Inactive Members[1]

  • Members with NO devstats-recorded activity (PRs, issues, comments, or any GitHub emitted event) across any of the Kubernetes orgs for 18 months or longer will be removed from the Kubernetes GitHub orgs.

  • Exceptions will be made for those that contribute in non-devstats recordable ways such as moderators, contributor summit volunteers, or other non-code contributions. These will be reviewed on a case by case basis. 

  • Current Org Cleanup Tracking Issue: https://github.com/kubernetes/org/issues/2013

  • 146 of the current 1335 members will be removed. 1/3 of which were owners as of April this year.

With a little over 1300~ Kubernetes GitHub Org members, the project has grown significantly over the past 6 years. We’ve focused on growth and helping people climb the contributor ladder, but this has overlooked the other side of things: People moving on from the project. We cannot expect people to actively contribute to and help maintain the project forever.

Being a member grants access to an elevated set of permissions, and as many long time members find themselves becoming an owner, inactivity here can short-circuit the reviewer/approver workflow. Org membership must be kept up-to-date. With that, we’ve now defined a policy for inactive members[1] and how they should be off-boarded.

This process includes removing or moving members to emeritus status in OWNERs files, followed by removing them from the various teams and orgs.

The OWNERS clean up has already started, and is roughly halfway complete with the general GitHub org cleanup to follow this weekend (July 17th).

If you have any questions, please feel free to respond to this email or reach out in the #sig-contribex[2] slack channel.

Thank you,

Bob Killen

On behalf of SIG Contributor Experience and the GitHub Administration Team

[1]: http://git.k8s.io/community/community-membership.md#inactive-members

[2]: https://kubernetes.slack.com/messages/sig-contribex

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