Kubernetes v1.24.0-beta.0 is live!

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Nabarun Pal

Mar 31, 2022, 9:09:44 AM3/31/22
to kubernetes-announce, dev
Kubernetes Community,

Kubernetes v1.24.0-beta.0 has been built and pushed using Golang version 1.18.

The release notes have been updated in CHANGELOG-1.24.md, with a pointer to them on GitHub:


Downloads for v1.24.0-beta.0

Source Code

filename sha512 hash
kubernetes.tar.gz fee35c2c970d740f4d1cd06ab8f661a025d03639e30ea9d88c711a6e5292396499fd57519297669e6643a56a80ae5770786f7bea105b5c5d5fc5b7835fa00a3b
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Client Binaries

filename sha512 hash
kubernetes-client-darwin-amd64.tar.gz ee6f396270db71e7a74545a2868705985a59edc400951f4c368e4471f152b1dd2456de26dcdc187d066e1e0747ddbcf9e4eb4737c5f03dc9b38ddf48d2c15aa4
kubernetes-client-darwin-arm64.tar.gz dd08e3148f184410a865356754b1b1be21afecb3b671aff52b2b7d037da22cde8ec4cc5e53c01f418e281f00e8c978bb22c59a1c03c5ed79505824d9c00c29ab
kubernetes-client-linux-386.tar.gz bc10a3b0b81a0dde4fb1c1d9dfe5c6ec81122c71bd215b1da629a94993fed2e55e8367f7e916557a69bcba08cccec2301500ebf62e6dbb34b2c200cac545ce73
kubernetes-client-linux-amd64.tar.gz f8ce5bd528b0d31b98164d03b2d1906dce61747e9d64632064000fe872384d6abca66b3dfe8023ec492ae8b2589d8d79db06be56951e48ff52cc9f9871035408
kubernetes-client-linux-arm.tar.gz 044005bed2812d80bd90bcd5bf015082af54f4d02218f137d304d0d2b2933bac904bdc5d63695d786e9bb04d4115157ea28be676c2da064c48ca16fe803fb6bd
kubernetes-client-linux-arm64.tar.gz 886604d1f21486fb78a8053c43e58c5753a058d6f67c554c072cf8d6c061cd007a1648bb013956901a913a80d90c336c0990b1d9bf810663ad0b1dd03f4855d9
kubernetes-client-linux-ppc64le.tar.gz f6c84131ee7a6f1561b2000073841387846d1c457d489d2d6f86dbafdeba2b131ee7bec460e321b8857ea60fb5706b02988f612d40c3d73638410c46db1e2976
kubernetes-client-linux-s390x.tar.gz a6fce005a85893bb9618e8e7f51f052625b42098fe30561b32031edf2f5b815ac951249651ede1c74cf8ce7585baf15f37b651b6ef7d84ffb77b0f85736803a6
kubernetes-client-windows-386.tar.gz 62aaf0a58ca5182a22e4eae4fcb4f69a8bc415d28a54dce6386784cf396ffa61f95f9c0232d876b7b81a49138c6fdf0ed95e4d817169fff4f20b463e40cbea7d
kubernetes-client-windows-amd64.tar.gz 658bf802631693d14fcf25546af4e1d7040e535d4915d6fde3e6ba84e404221142a26b41b2c91579374340317c6b9545da67d40170d099797d4359e6899209f7
kubernetes-client-windows-arm64.tar.gz 7f7ee26073c736ca0ffe09f169d51169ecb753eecc4969d369460d7b867ec1a0f17a2606b908d457d5f6c56befc82fec56dc7702d0a59fcb7c76d4bb680bfa83

Server Binaries

filename sha512 hash
kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz 579e5574f0dc7ac8f2c628474dddf2c61146a696c12344bebeb7dd2ba615f81b08c4710a61ada7151f7146ce0e7c86e2a3c4aa5a3ae5cf8e701289a23faa8e30
kubernetes-server-linux-arm.tar.gz 22d3da15193ad6fa9ad4261ab7eba6465a6b7bf444bc30b2aad71c3e40da2b3540c44d27556b8eb1ec94782fcaeec9bb0c6f0aeea8494ccefa9640ca7b750599
kubernetes-server-linux-arm64.tar.gz 15d643d90c0d64303946a7493ac48f8331933f59418b4dc0e2bd7ebbf3f7979f8f1915b82e05eb8d070dbb88581c4a8e7e11f06128c0305b591178c6db735ad3
kubernetes-server-linux-ppc64le.tar.gz e89646d4056cd82fb0b84b3e44dc93878f92800113220d2b4354c37d99ef82b4b62eb370406ef503565031b9370a135ee97931673950b6f7b94b8bedc4e068bb
kubernetes-server-linux-s390x.tar.gz 321a31f3a8e4aea274943d5cfb0fd41dd40e785cf7d90efd80e4fe9dc45f8e1138685a0637538f7c115954500730e6ef0f03c0aaada982b1474aea5c91f91a50

Node Binaries

filename sha512 hash
kubernetes-node-linux-amd64.tar.gz 26c94e60a56ae3c56f3882745cb2cab76d1ffdd9a5a7539491e181431040f5a471e31bf30b496c7bb972bc9df1d01d92ae1d1e82e4012fca8dbb528b81e08817
kubernetes-node-linux-arm.tar.gz 7112ff9f692f8f8e65211d86ce35581c2a48cd849982112018d6f9d8bea1cd49211333571de0958a86b7b14940b9704e724765116ae26c157283b6506502c0f2
kubernetes-node-linux-arm64.tar.gz 58df66e532c1a3f668cf414bd11da72926cc95e28491528b4f618710b16e577d557d89f43a3c4891ca53ec415ed13b5695d9701ae3694d18437eea66603a2e29
kubernetes-node-linux-ppc64le.tar.gz 0a58004da31b1407e2299a74664d94500fd2afe726dd76713f0bfbd36713621d23ac450b8c3cee4528a16e32b3b78c9b269b3d213045d06e0dd4746fc3404e82
kubernetes-node-linux-s390x.tar.gz ac5895babb4b19e301c65bcf03913408ee887f217efe47710bbed9e885e4191171e182fc394610f5d7bb98e4cf2adcdc6246d5053b6e8902eb287f7be64a5e55
kubernetes-node-windows-amd64.tar.gz ee512b1144c33bd8b503ce6de43fe22543988cfd7665d2048588c7367bdacda31761fe4c93b3c1c13a6e3e78286b31560410e1a5fe93bcc852853a1af4bb48e0

Container Images

All container images are available as manifest lists and support the described architectures. It is also possible to pull a specific architecture directly by adding the "-$ARCH" suffix to the container image name.

name architectures
k8s.gcr.io/conformance:v1.24.0-beta.0 amd64, arm, arm64, ppc64le, s390x
k8s.gcr.io/kube-apiserver:v1.24.0-beta.0 amd64, arm, arm64, ppc64le, s390x
k8s.gcr.io/kube-controller-manager:v1.24.0-beta.0 amd64, arm, arm64, ppc64le, s390x
k8s.gcr.io/kube-proxy:v1.24.0-beta.0 amd64, arm, arm64, ppc64le, s390x
k8s.gcr.io/kube-scheduler:v1.24.0-beta.0 amd64, arm, arm64, ppc64le, s390x

Changelog since v1.24.0-alpha.4

Changes by Kind


  • Remove insecure serving configuration from cloud-provider package, which is consumed by cloud-controller-managers. (#108953, @nckturner) [SIG Cloud Provider and Testing]

  • The metadata.clusterName field is deprecated. This field has always been unwritable and always blank, but its presence is confusing, so we will remove it next release. Out of an abundance of caution, this release we have merely changed the name in the go struct to ensure any accidental client uses are found before complete removal. (#108717, @lavalamp) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, Scheduling and Testing]

  • VSphere releases less than 7.0u2 are deprecated as of v1.24. Please consider upgrading vSphere to 7.0u2 or above. vSphere CSI Driver requires minimum vSphere 7.0u2.

    General Support for vSphere 6.7 will end on October 15, 2022. vSphere 6.7 Update 3 is deprecated in Kubernetes v1.24. Customers are recommended to upgrade vSphere (both ESXi and vCenter) to 7.0u2 or above. vSphere CSI Driver 2.2.3 and higher supports CSI Migration.

    Support for these deprecations will be available till October 15, 2022. (#109089, @deepakkinni) [SIG Cloud Provider]

API Change

  • Adds a new Status subresource in Network Policy objects (#107963, @rikatz) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Network and Testing]
  • Adds support for "InterfaceNamePrefix" and "BridgeInterface" as arguments to --detect-local-mode option and also introduces a new optional --pod-interface-name-prefix and --pod-bridge-interface flags to kube-proxy. (#95400, @tssurya) [SIG API Machinery and Network]
  • CEL CRD validation expressions may now reference existing object state using the identifier oldSelf. (#108073, @benluddy) [SIG API Machinery and Testing]
  • CSIStorageCapacity.storage.k8s.io: The v1beta1 version of this API is deprecated in favor of v1, and will be removed in v1.27. If a CSI driver supports storage capacity tracking, then it must get deployed with a release of external-provisioner that supports the v1 API. (#108445, @pohly) [SIG API Machinery, Architecture, Auth, Scheduling, Storage and Testing]
  • Custom resource requests with fieldValidation=Strict consistently require apiVersion and kind, matching non-strict requests (#109019, @liggitt) [SIG API Machinery]
  • Improve kubectl's user help commands readability (#104736, @lauchokyip) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Architecture, Auth, Autoscaling, CLI, Cloud Provider, Cluster Lifecycle, Contributor Experience, Instrumentation, Network, Node, Release, Scalability, Scheduling, Security, Storage, Testing and Windows]
  • Indexed Jobs graduates to stable (#107395, @alculquicondor) [SIG Apps, Architecture and Testing]
  • Introduce a v1alpha1 networking API for ClusterCIDRConfig (#108290, @sarveshr7) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, CLI, Cloud Provider, Instrumentation, Network and Testing]
  • JobReadyPods graduates to Beta and it's enabled by default. (#107476, @alculquicondor) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Testing]
  • Kubelet external Credential Provider feature is moved to Beta. Credential Provider Plugin and Credential Provider Config API's updated from v1alpha1 to v1beta1 with no API changes. (#108847, @adisky) [SIG API Machinery and Node]
  • MaxUnavailable for StatefulSets, allows faster RollingUpdate by taking down more than 1 pod at a time. The number of pods you want to take down during a RollingUpdate is configurable using maxUnavailable parameter. (#82162, @krmayankk) [SIG API Machinery and Apps]
  • Non graceful node shutdown handling. (#108486, @sonasingh46) [SIG Apps, Node and Storage]
  • OpenAPI V3 is turned on by default (#109031, @Jefftree) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Architecture, Auth, Autoscaling, CLI, Cloud Provider, Cluster Lifecycle, Instrumentation, Network, Node, Scheduling, Storage and Testing]
  • Promote IdentifyPodOS feature to beta. (#107859, @ravisantoshgudimetla) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Node, Testing and Windows]
  • Skip x-kubernetes-validations rules if having fundamental error against OpenAPIv3 schema. (#108859, @cici37) [SIG API Machinery and Testing]
  • Support for gRPC probes is now in beta. GRPCContainerProbe feature gate is enabled by default. (#108522, @SergeyKanzhelev) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Node and Testing]
  • The AnyVolumeDataSource feature is now beta, and the feature gate is enabled by default. In order to provide user feedback on PVCs with data sources, deployers must install the VolumePopulators CRD and the data-source-validator controller. (#108736, @bswartz) [SIG Apps, Storage and Testing]
  • The ServerSideFieldValidation feature has graduated to beta and is now enabled by default. Kubectl 1.24 and newer will use server-side validation instead of client-side validation when writing to API servers with the feature enabled. (#108889, @kevindelgado) [SIG API Machinery, Architecture, CLI and Testing]
  • The infrastructure for contextual logging is complete (feature gate implemented, JSON backend ready). (#108995, @pohly) [SIG API Machinery, Architecture, Auth, CLI, Cloud Provider, Cluster Lifecycle, Instrumentation, Network, Node, Scheduling and Testing]
  • This adds an optional timeZone field as part of the CronJob spec to support running cron jobs in a specific time zone. (#108032, @deejross) [SIG API Machinery and Apps]


  • Additional documentation e.g., KEPs (Kubernetes Enhancement Proposals), usage docs, etc.:

    • Adds OpenAPIV3SchemaInterface to DiscoveryClient and its variants for fetching OpenAPI v3 schema documents. (#108992, @alexzielenski) [SIG API Machinery, Architecture, CLI, Cloud Provider, Cluster Lifecycle and Instrumentation]
  • Allow kubectl to manage resources by filename patterns without the shell expanding it first (#102265, @danielrodriguez) [SIG CLI]

  • An alpha flag --subresource is added to get, patch, edit replace kubectl commands to fetch and update status and scale subresources. (#99556, @nikhita) [SIG API Machinery, CLI and Testing]

  • Apiextensions_openapi_v3_regeneration_count metric (alpha) will be emitted for OpenAPI V3. (#109128, @Jefftree) [SIG API Machinery and Instrumentation]

  • Apply ProxyTerminatingEndpoints to all traffic policies (external, internal, cluster, local). (#108691, @andrewsykim) [SIG Network and Testing]

  • CEL regex patterns in x-kubernetes-valiation rules are compiled when CRDs are created/updated if the pattern is provided as a string constant in the expression. Any regex compile errors are reported as a CRD create/update validation error. (#108617, @jpbetz) [SIG API Machinery, Architecture, Auth, CLI, Cloud Provider, Cluster Lifecycle, Instrumentation, Node and Storage]

  • Changes the kubectl --validate flag from a bool to a string that accepts the values {true, strict, warn, false, ignore}

    • true/strict - perform validation and error the request on any invalid fields in the ojbect. It will attempt to perform server-side validation if it is enabled on the apiserver, otherwise it will fall back to client-side validation.
    • warn - perform server-side validation and warn on any invalid fields (but ultimately let the request succeed by dropping any invalid fields from the object). If validation is not available on the server, perform no validation.
    • false/ignore - perform no validation, silently dropping invalid fields from the object. (#108350, @kevindelgado) [SIG API Machinery, CLI, Node and Testing]
  • CycleState is now optimized for "write once and read many times". (#108724, @sanposhiho) [SIG Scheduling]

  • Enable beta feature HonorPVReclaimPolicy by default. (#109035, @deepakkinni) [SIG Apps and Storage]

  • Kube-apiserver: Subresources such as 'status' and 'scale' now support tabular output content types. (#103516, @ykakarap) [SIG API Machinery, Auth and Testing]

  • Kubeadm: add the flag "--experimental-initial-corrupt-check" to etcd static Pod manifests to ensure etcd member data consistency (#109074, @neolit123) [SIG Cluster Lifecycle]

  • Kubectl now supports shell completion for the / format for specifying resources.

    kubectl now provides shell completion for container names following the --container/-c flag of the exec command.

    kubectl's shell completion now suggests resource types for commands that only apply to pods. (#108493, @marckhouzam) [SIG CLI]

  • Kubelet now creates an iptables chain named KUBE-IPTABLES-HINT in the mangle table. Containerized components that need to modify iptables rules in the host network namespace can use the existence of this chain to more-reliably determine whether the system is using iptables-legacy or iptables-nft. (#109059, @danwinship) [SIG Network and Node]

  • Kubernetes 1.24 bumped version of golang it is compiled with to go1.18, which introduced significant changes to its garbage collection algorithm. As a result, we observed an increase in memory usage for kube-apiserver in larger an heavily loaded clusters up to ~25% (with the benefit of API call latencies drop by up to 10x on 99th percentiles). If the memory increase is not acceptable for you you can mitigate by setting GOGC env variable (for our tests using GOGC=63 brings memory usage back to original value, although the exact value may depend on usage patterns on your cluster). (#108870, @dims) [SIG Architecture, Release and Testing]

  • Leader Migration is now GA. All new configuration files onwards should use version v1. (#109072, @jiahuif) [SIG Cloud Provider]

  • Mark AzureDisk CSI migration as GA (#107681, @andyzhangx) [SIG Cloud Provider and Storage]

  • Move volume expansion feature to GA (#108929, @gnufied) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, Node, Storage and Testing]

  • New "field_validation_request_duration_seconds" metric, measures how long requests take, indicating the value of the fieldValidation query parameter and whether or not server-side field validation is enabled on the apiserver (#109120, @kevindelgado) [SIG API Machinery and Instrumentation]

  • New feature gate, ServiceIPStaticSubrange, to enable the new strategy in the Service IP allocators, so the IP range is subdivided and dynamic allocated ClusterIP addresses for Services are allocated preferently from the upper range. (#106792, @aojea) [SIG Instrumentation]

  • OpenAPI definitions served by kube-api-server now include enum types by default. (#108898, @jiahuif) [SIG API Machinery]

  • Promote graceful shutdown based on pod priority to beta (#107986, @wzshiming) [SIG Instrumentation, Node and Testing]

  • Update the k8s.io/system-validators library to v1.7.0 (#108988, @neolit123) [SIG Cluster Lifecycle]

  • Updates kubectl kustomize and kubectl apply -k to Kustomize v4.5.4 (#108994, @KnVerey) [SIG CLI]

  • kubectl version now includes information on the embedded version of Kustomize (#108817, @KnVerey) [SIG CLI and Testing]

Bug or Regression

  • A node IP provided to kublet via --node-ip will now be preferred for when determining the node's primary IP and using the external cloud provider (CCM). (#107750, @stephenfin) [SIG Cloud Provider and Node]
  • Add one metrics(kubelet_volume_stats_health_abnormal) of volume health state to kubelet (#108758, @fengzixu) [SIG Instrumentation, Node, Storage and Testing]
  • CEL validation failure returns object type instead of object. (#107090, @cici37) [SIG API Machinery]
  • Call NodeExpand on all nodes in case of RWX volumes (#108693, @gnufied) [SIG Apps, Node and Storage]
  • Failure to start a container cannot accidentally result in the pod being considered "Succeeded" in the presence of deletion. (#107845, @smarterclayton) [SIG Node]
  • Fix --retries functionality for negative values in kubectl cp (#108748, @atiratree) [SIG CLI]
  • Fix a bug that out-of-tree plugin is misplaced when using scheduler v1beta3 config (#108613, @Huang-Wei) [SIG Scheduling and Testing]
  • Fix a race in timeout handler that could lead to kube-apiserver crashes (#108455, @Argh4k) [SIG API Machinery]
  • Fix indexer bug that resulted in incorrect index updates if number of index values for a given object was changing during update (#109137, @wojtek-t) [SIG API Machinery]
  • Fix issue where the job controller might not remove the job tracking finalizer from pods when deleting a job, or when the pod is orphan (#108752, @alculquicondor) [SIG Apps and Testing]
  • Kubelet now checks "NoExecute" taint/toleration before accepting pods, except for static pods. (#101218, @gjkim42) [SIG Node]
  • Re-adds response status and headers on verbose kubectl responses (#108505, @rikatz) [SIG API Machinery and CLI]
  • Record requests rejected with 429 in the apiserver_request_total metric (#108927, @wojtek-t) [SIG API Machinery and Instrumentation]
  • Services with "internalTrafficPolicy: Local" now behave more like "externalTrafficPolicy: Local". Also, "internalTrafficPolicy: Local, externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster" is now implemented correctly. (#106497, @danwinship) [SIG Network]
  • Skip re-allocate logic if pod is already removed to avoid panic (#108831, @waynepeking348) [SIG Node]
  • Updating kubelet permissions check for Windows nodes to see if process is elevated instead of checking if process owner is in Administrators group (#108146, @marosset) [SIG Node and Windows]

Other (Cleanup or Flake)

  • Add PreemptionPolicy in PriorityClass describe (#108701, @denkensk) [SIG CLI and Scheduling]
  • Deprecate apiserver_dropped_requests_total metric. The same data can be read from apiserver_request_terminations_total metric. (#109018, @wojtek-t) [SIG API Machinery and Instrumentation]
  • Migrate statefulset files to structured logging (#106109, @h4ghhh) [SIG Apps and Instrumentation]
  • Remove deprecated --serviceaccount, --hostport, --requests and --limits from kubectl run. (#108820, @mozillazg) [SIG CLI]
  • Remove deprecated generator and container-port flags (#106824, @lauchokyip) [SIG CLI]
  • Rename unschedulableQ to unschedulablePods (#108919, @denkensk) [SIG Instrumentation, Scheduling and Testing]
  • SPDY transport in client-go will no longer follow redirects. (#108531, @tallclair) [SIG API Machinery and Node]
  • ServerResources was deprecated in February 2019 (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/commit/618050e) and now it's being removed and ServerGroupsAndResources is suggested to be used instead (#107180, @ardaguclu) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and CLI]
  • Update runc to 1.1.0 Update cadvisor to 0.44.0 (#109029, @ehashman) [SIG CLI, Node and Testing]
  • Update runc to 1.1.1 (#109104, @kolyshkin) [SIG Node]
  • Users who look at iptables dumps will see some changes in the naming and structure of rules. (#109060, @thockin) [SIG Network and Testing]


  • Deprecate kubectl version long output, will be replaced with kubectl version --short. Users requiring full output should use --output=yaml|json instead. (#108987, @soltysh) [SIG CLI]





Contributors, the CHANGELOG-1.24.md has been bootstrapped with v1.24.0-beta.0 release notes and you may edit now as needed.

Published by your Kubernetes Release Managers.

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