Kubernetes v1.25.0-alpha.3 is live!

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Jeremy Rickard

Jul 19, 2022, 4:21:18 PM7/19/22
to kubernetes-announce, dev
Kubernetes Community,

Kubernetes v1.25.0-alpha.3 has been built and pushed using Golang version 1.18.3.

The release notes have been updated in CHANGELOG-1.25.md, with a pointer to them on GitHub:


Downloads for v1.25.0-alpha.3

Source Code

filename sha512 hash
kubernetes.tar.gz 7f4c79b7ed811df512afca3b8cd9cac2e7119b8ea3f2a03c858d9482e9b788e85fa0f78e60e913e3fc6ba30c5c398730461f5d9753839cf7acc8108089c7c9d7
kubernetes-src.tar.gz b6ccd63be2677633774f98d182a3acd4828135dd43bb8cd532f722373f8271d00295b401a0344c6b263c9c44fcdd1f815263e0ac31e60f0e55b38435a8cde7bc

Client Binaries

filename sha512 hash
kubernetes-client-darwin-amd64.tar.gz c1cc390b4aa00bcb367a746af4ea6dd884662559254367868fd57afd79c45b51dc3cf62861e980b91059a998bf13a8deba247b068ab7df179cc3206af4e731fa
kubernetes-client-darwin-arm64.tar.gz b5fbc71abe517ab45486708081b66938f6643c2d85b3630a13008338ba65f0be56d3304e00d013ed49c67edd39a60cae1b045bd9165c8c1bd562e1bc6df09803
kubernetes-client-linux-386.tar.gz f981b4421493d3588c4f8fcb4dc95821d7218cc10a62fc68264dad2d640e8e2ece4a4647f5cf96bf9337719c9a803c72255b6d5fbbc5533c719e9e59ccb50de6
kubernetes-client-linux-amd64.tar.gz ec2d0dda384702d5c826f08a71d6527d79565a4f81dbd56f5482ffde889e6d5d9a6cd26824212af1e91f2ba84f062b6926cf795edc3dac1174e085a14be4ced5
kubernetes-client-linux-arm.tar.gz 7125fa0b199de63d1ffe56d5749e8a37cf4d61e993a6fa3c6cc47f1e3d120b949eec3c2901df0875a579f3b4fa142925918169a6a1dfa098932c57b91d5cf53b
kubernetes-client-linux-arm64.tar.gz ee24154a7f95cb9c73c1eb53ccd3dc297492afd319b3581682a5050d825cf52c01753ae1fc18cb8bc6c5fa22ba019642edafaccf87b7077320ac8976a0b66655
kubernetes-client-linux-ppc64le.tar.gz b1218f27c5f3183622d7ec909c416df2bdf7a178005dccf4c84f24340140f9221fe6c284e7947ff4d59cc652d3489758f406fc27e60593f3aaa1c5ac692556d9
kubernetes-client-linux-s390x.tar.gz 4aa77ffe79235a5c3dfffd797a567535c2b23a47fd10840bed5db8f3ad623bc1977045fd13e14875f8cddc59b9d146babe5904ed4e2a9e4d2920894dca6e7d15
kubernetes-client-windows-386.tar.gz 5c3c42e37f8d6cb53d8abd8a8af7b8da8dad8151f8182428714acc0809e1a0d478488f9d106f5c6acc1ec0489ee22c63230f65f0677796605c3e0bde352440c9
kubernetes-client-windows-amd64.tar.gz 1c55a3c1a73d519a4958e2ec79a56bbe28b27bada3af605efcd60a3a643244b24d7eaf2932046a811c11aa98a32de460613b012bbb7adfe0d13aa8a9a9113acc
kubernetes-client-windows-arm64.tar.gz 855779f6a7b5d75c60ba21401b2c9a94672dd9a99250bb95103a871e59232e4b409e3330d0ef946899b077f6c43f2bc3eb32c22f3fcc731b6db34247d3278fee

Server Binaries

filename sha512 hash
kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz 1a25a5475380658ad56bd49e7db241cec648179df8627a1975d996c0656629a272427f944a587a817b28e2690a5723fcf00127084ef84505d13cb64d7a4ccc61
kubernetes-server-linux-arm.tar.gz ad9e57e6d46d2b0840df0e67c9162524175667c05abc30338c0fec06ecc130ca616346c1c54195c08732950d428c51f5b0898eb4f09f64d94407dfb432daf028
kubernetes-server-linux-arm64.tar.gz ba04737cf996a2ada5db399df37b736f4511670e4d2537effab97f8f5b774b624ecce3fdcffa42d4edb5e084f62ba0fe526dfabc42b137c29570bc6516d6053a
kubernetes-server-linux-ppc64le.tar.gz d5f6ab04e5017132e3f76251b6a91791b5b62b8a897ffddada6e4bb7172ad771c72472e63bdfb296240ef8794d57d5c7382dc13af4d6d49a4e716b6215f693e8
kubernetes-server-linux-s390x.tar.gz 9878847bcff5c4154eb2fc85f6962a0be8c37a126b23a1351eb2bc65bb22ddabce3f32473f35e91463e464a1189f5caaa764c1019e4217bfd86223b878f4ae69

Node Binaries

filename sha512 hash
kubernetes-node-linux-amd64.tar.gz e6f58c79b02d4a6a6d65be9d890cd6cdfeb61a200439f4640f7c3529c38524bf19ba5769514ebeee95a3fc1da2c67049ce563f8cc39635bf025930e74319c944
kubernetes-node-linux-arm.tar.gz ead6acf178ea4e74dfc64a06f1c2deb88bf940af44e50117706a0b11ba86cf9fce66346bc5a22f857c10994d3e7145eb89d74f5e8c35133a03cc6f18630c9439
kubernetes-node-linux-arm64.tar.gz a253334f379c9df9cb81bc9ce68c1034b091c765e29c80e34d7c0eb7cd8bf743f66e004f45853ecc9de9a5aa5c757736bc6baa09fcd571297edd32a44e719baf
kubernetes-node-linux-ppc64le.tar.gz 44d54ce977e3e97abf5020de3957903a1c06caa4f034ce9c6af3b975bb6ea2559f33bce870e684712815f27f70c5cad793c965ae645689a9ca0bad6360a93f9b
kubernetes-node-linux-s390x.tar.gz 02739821cc67e7146e89646f357475a362ca75a42e266c8c430582743126ee78db22dbfde9a3a51e92a28ca1d35dcdb79dd5a89383a68918b489a8feaf3d01e8
kubernetes-node-windows-amd64.tar.gz 0a2c21b73203531d4772d178a6b1a642147a02171d0563fadc8041e2f8972f6fa2d475e44105b8f17d58f04fffd7eecb3e1f2d0cc5dd8c9ebe581e1b539c0912

Container Images

All container images are available as manifest lists and support the described architectures. It is also possible to pull a specific architecture directly by adding the "-$ARCH" suffix to the container image name.

name architectures
k8s.gcr.io/conformance:v1.25.0-alpha.3 amd64, arm, arm64, ppc64le, s390x
k8s.gcr.io/kube-apiserver:v1.25.0-alpha.3 amd64, arm, arm64, ppc64le, s390x
k8s.gcr.io/kube-controller-manager:v1.25.0-alpha.3 amd64, arm, arm64, ppc64le, s390x
k8s.gcr.io/kube-proxy:v1.25.0-alpha.3 amd64, arm, arm64, ppc64le, s390x
k8s.gcr.io/kube-scheduler:v1.25.0-alpha.3 amd64, arm, arm64, ppc64le, s390x

Changelog since v1.25.0-alpha.2

Urgent Upgrade Notes

(No, really, you MUST read this before you upgrade)

  • End-to-end testing has been migrated from Ginkgo v1 to v2.

When running test/e2e via the Ginkgo CLI, the v2 CLI must be used and -timeout=24h (or some other, suitable value) must be passed because the default timeout was reduced from 24h to 1h. When running it via go test, the corresponding -args parameter is -ginkgo.timeout=24h. To build the CLI in the Kubernetes repo, use make all WHAT=github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo. Ginkgo V2 doesn't accept go test's -parallel flags to parallelize Ginkgo specs, please switch to use ginkgo -p or ginkgo -procs=N instead. (#109111, @chendave) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Architecture, Auth, Autoscaling, CLI, Cloud Provider, Cluster Lifecycle, Instrumentation, Network, Node, Release, Scheduling, Storage, Testing and Windows]

Changes by Kind


  • Ginkgo.Measure has been deprecated in Ginkgo V2, switch to use gomega/gmeasure instead (#111065, @chendave) [SIG Autoscaling and Testing]

API Change

  • Added a new feature gate CheckpointRestore to enable support to checkpoint containers. If enabled it is possible to checkpoint a container using the newly kubelet API (/checkpoint/{podNamespace}/{podName}/{containerName}). (#104907, @adrianreber) [SIG Node and Testing]

  • EndPort field in Network Policy is now promoted to GA

    Network Policy providers that support endPort field now can use it to specify a range of ports to apply a Network Policy.

    Previously, each Network Policy could only target a single port.

    Please be aware that endPort field MUST BE SUPPORTED by the Network Policy provider. In case your provider does not support endPort and this field is specified in a Network Policy, the Network Policy will be created covering only the port field (single port). (#110868, @rikatz) [SIG API Machinery, Network and Testing]

  • Make PodSpec.Ports' description clearer on how this information is only informational and how it can be incorrect. (#110564, @j4m3s-s) [SIG API Machinery, Network and Node]

  • On compatible systems, a mounter's Unmount implementation is changed to not return an error when the specified target can be detected as not a mount point. On Linux, the behavior of detecting a mount point depends on umount command is validated when the mounter is created. Additionally, mount point checks will be skipped in CleanupMountPoint/CleanupMountWithForce if the mounter's Unmount having the changed behavior of not returning error when target is not a mount point. (#109676, @cartermckinnon) [SIG Storage]

  • Promote StatefulSet minReadySeconds to GA. This means --feature-gates=StatefulSetMinReadySeconds=true are not needed on kube-apiserver and kube-controller-manager binaries and they'll be removed soon following policy at https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/deprecation-policy/#deprecation (#110896, @ravisantoshgudimetla) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Testing]

  • The Pod spec.podOS field is promoted to GA. The IdentifyPodOS feature gate unconditionally enabled, and will no longer be accepted as a --feature-gates parameter in 1.27. (#111229, @ravisantoshgudimetla) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Windows]

  • The minDomains field in Pod Topology Spread is graduated to beta (#110388, @sanposhiho) [SIG API Machinery and Apps]


  • Enable the beta feature ServiceIPStaticSubrange by default (#110703, @aojea) [SIG Network]

  • Enabling CSIMigrationvSphere feature by default. (#103523, @divyenpatel) [SIG Cloud Provider and Storage]

  • Graduated SeccompDefault to beta. The Kubelet feature gate is now enabled by default and the configuration/CLI flag still defaults to false. (#110805, @saschagrunert) [SIG Node and Testing]

  • Graduated ServerSideFieldValidation to beta. Schema validation is performed server-side and requests will receive warnings for any invalid/unknown fields by default. (#110178, @kevindelgado) [SIG API Machinery, Architecture, Auth, CLI, Cloud Provider, Cluster Lifecycle, Instrumentation, Storage and Testing]

  • In "large" clusters, kube-proxy in iptables mode will now sometimes leave unused rules in iptables for a while (up to --iptables-sync-period) before deleting them. This improves performance by not requiring it to check for stale rules on every sync. (In smaller clusters, it will still remove unused rules immediately once they are no longer used.)

    (The threshold for "large" used here is currently "1000 endpoints" but this is subject to change.) (#110334, @danwinship) [SIG Network]

  • Introduce new KUBECACHEDIR environment variable to override default discovery cache directory which is $HOME/.kube/cache (#109479, @ardaguclu) [SIG CLI]

  • JobTrackingWithFinalizers enabled by default. This feature allows to keep track of the Job progress without relying on Pods staying in the apiserver. (#110948, @alculquicondor) [SIG Apps]

  • Kubeadm: make sure the etcd static pod startup probe uses /health?serializable=false while the liveness probe uses /health?serializable=true&exclude=NOSPACE. The NOSPACE exclusion would allow administrators to address space issues one member at a time. (#110744, @neolit123) [SIG Cluster Lifecycle]

  • Pod SecurityContext and PodSecurityPolicy supports slash as sysctl separator. (#106834, @mengjiao-liu) [SIG Apps, Architecture, Auth, Node, Security and Testing]


  • Optimization of kubectl Chinese translation (#110538, @hwdef) [SIG CLI]

Bug or Regression

  • Adds error message "dry-run can not be used when --force is set" when dry-run and force flags are set in replace command. (#110326, @ardaguclu) [SIG CLI]
  • Bug fix in test/e2e/framework Framework.RecordFlakeIfError (#111048, @alingse) [SIG Testing]
  • Do not report terminated container metrics (#110950, @yangjunmyfm192085) [SIG Node]
  • Fix bug where a job sync is not retried when there is a transient ResourceQuota conflict (#111026, @alculquicondor) [SIG Apps]
  • Fixes scheduling of cronjobs with @every X schedules. (#109250, @d-honeybadger) [SIG Apps]
  • For scheduler plugin developers: the scheduler framework's shared PodInformer is now initialized with empty indexers. This enables scheduler plugins to add their extra indexers. Note that only non-conflict indexers are allowed to be added. (#110663, @fromanirh) [SIG Scheduling]
  • If the parent directory of the file specified in the --audit-log-path argument does not exist, Kubernetes now creates it. (#110813, @vpnachev) [SIG Auth]
  • Kubeadm: fix the bug that configurable KubernetesVersion not respected during kubeadm join (#110791, @SataQiu) [SIG Cluster Lifecycle]
  • Kubeadm: respect user specified image repository when using Kubernetes ci version (#111017, @SataQiu) [SIG Cluster Lifecycle]
  • Kubeadm: support retry mechanism for removing container in reset phase (#110837, @SataQiu) [SIG Cluster Lifecycle]
  • Run kubelet, when there is an error exit, print the error log (#110691, @yangjunmyfm192085) [SIG Node]
  • The node annotation alpha.kubernetes.io/provided-node-ip is no longer set ONLY when --cloud-provider=external. Now, it is set on kubelet startup if the --cloud-provider flag is set at all, including the deprecated in-tree providers. (#109794, @mdbooth) [SIG Network and Node]
  • When metrics are counted, discard the wrong container StartTime metrics (#110880, @yangjunmyfm192085) [SIG Instrumentation and Node]
  • [aws] Fixed a bug which reduces the number of unnecessary calls to STS in the event of assume role failures in the legacy cloud provider (#110706, @prateekgogia) [SIG Cloud Provider]

Other (Cleanup or Flake)

  • In the event that more than one IngressClass is designated "default", the DefaultIngressClass admission controller will choose one rather than fail. (#110974, @kidddddddddddddddddddddd) [SIG Network]
  • Kube-proxy: The "userspace" proxy-mode is deprecated on Linux and Windows, despite being the default on Windows. As of v1.26, the default mode for Windows will change to 'kernelspace'. (#110762, @pandaamanda) [SIG Network]
  • Some apiserver metrics were changed, as follows.
    • priority_level_seat_count_samples is replaced with priority_level_seat_utilization, which samples every nanosecond rather than every millisecond; the old metric conveyed utilization despite its name.
    • priority_level_seat_count_watermarks is removed.
    • priority_level_request_count_samples is replaced with priority_level_request_utilization, which samples every nanosecond rather than every millisecond; the old metric conveyed utilization despite its name.
    • priority_level_request_count_watermarks is removed.
    • read_vs_write_request_count_samples is replaced with read_vs_write_current_requests, which samples every nanosecond rather than every second; the new metric, like the old one, measures utilization when the max-in-flight filter is used and number of requests when the API Priority and Fairness filter is used.
    • read_vs_write_request_count_watermarks is removed. (#110104, @MikeSpreitzer) [SIG API Machinery, Instrumentation and Testing]





Contributors, the CHANGELOG-1.25.md has been bootstrapped with v1.25.0-alpha.3 release notes and you may edit now as needed.

Published by your Kubernetes Release Managers.

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