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Announcing Kubeflow 1.9 Release!

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Ricardo Martinelli de Oliveira

Jul 24, 2024, 11:19:26 AM7/24/24
to kubeflow-discuss
Hello Kubeflow community!

I am proud to announce the Kubeflow 1.9.0 release. This is a big milestone as we are proud to introduce new important components and features and countless improvements across the board.

You can find the release notes for all the components here. You can also read a summary of all the new features in our release blog post.

Please help us disseminate the news by sharing the upcoming social media posts from the official Kubeflow page on LinkedIn and X. We will also publish a video with the Working Group leads presenting the release updates, stay tuned!

I want to thank the Release Team and the Working Group leads for the hard work and the relentless support to the community


Ricardo Martinelli De Oliveira

Senior Software Engineer, OpenShift AI

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