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[Election] - 2023 KSC Member Election Results

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Amber Graner

Jan 30, 2024, 11:04:58 AM1/30/24
to kubeflow-discuss

Hi all,

We are happy to announce the results of the 2023 Kubeflow Steering Committee (KSC) election results!

Please welcome Yuan (Terry) Tang, Andrey Velichkevich, and Johnu George as the new KSC members. 

They will serve a 2 year term ending in 2025 and starting immediately.

We would also like to extend our deepest gratitude to the interim KSC members for their service and to all those who were nominated and ran in this election.

We look forward to collaborating with our newly elected leadership and seeing what we can accomplish as a project moving forward.

Below are the details 2023 Kubeflow Steering Committee Election

• Number of seats open: 3 (2 year term)

• Number of eligible voters: 59

• Number of votes cast: 43

• Turnout: 72.88%

The winners of the open seats are as follows for their two year term:

1. Yuan (Terry) Tang

2. Andrey Velichkevich

3. Johnu George

The rest of the candidates were placed as follows:


4. Kimonas Sotirchos

5. Julius von Kohout

6. Mathew Wicks

Proportional representation limits were not invoked for this election. Again, we are grateful for everyone who ran in this election and look forward to everyone's continued contribution.

With gratitude,

KSC Election Officers

Amber Graner and David Cardozo 

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