[RELEASE] Release team for 1.5

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Nov 4, 2021, 6:20:39 PM11/4/21
to kubeflow-discuss
Hi everyone, following up the email for the release retrospective we also want to start the process of forming the release team for 1.5. We want the new team, or at least the potential new team, to be present in Monday's release team meeting where we will go through the feedback from the release retro.

With this I'd like to ask for volunteers that would like to join the 1.5 release team! A higher priority will be given to members of the current release team, which of course includes leads, members and shadows. 

From my part I'd like to express my interest to be the release manager for 1.5 as well. While there was a good improvement in the structure of the release, I believe there are parts that we need to work on more and document. This will truly allow people that might not be completely up-to date with the previous releases to know what they are in for,  who they will need to be coordinating with and how, for the different phases of the release.

Kimonas, on behalf of the release team

Shannon Bradshaw

Nov 4, 2021, 6:36:00 PM11/4/21
to kimwn...@arrikto.com, kubeflow-discuss
+1 to Kimonas as release manager for 1.5. I really appreciated how effectively he led the 1.4 release.

I would like to volunteer for the 1.5 release team as Docs Lead. I contributed to docs for both the 1.3 and 1.4 releases and jumped in to help push the 1.4 docs over the line after Rui withdrew. I would be happy to join the release team officially for 1.5. 


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