What's the latest version? v0.27.2?

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Jacek Laskowski

Sep 27, 2022, 4:24:46 PM9/27/22
to ksqldb-users

I'm reviewing the code of v0.27.2 considering it to be the latest released version. There's 0.27.2-ksqldb branch that I consider a release indicator.

I've noticed there's a similar v0.28.2 tag but no 0.28.2-ksqldb branch. Got confused.

What's the latest version of ksqlDB? How to get notified about future releases?

Sergio Pena Anaya

Sep 28, 2022, 10:17:59 AM9/28/22
to Jacek Laskowski, ksqldb-users
Hi Jacek,

The current release in progress is 0.29 (https://github.com/confluentinc/ksql/tree/v0.29.0-rc1).

I don't see a branch for 0.29. Not sure what the release process is for creating branches. So I would use the Tags to check the releases instead.

To know about the completed release, you can check the changelog https://github.com/confluentinc/ksql/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md

- Sergio

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Jacek Laskowski

Sep 28, 2022, 4:49:13 PM9/28/22
to Sergio Pena Anaya, ksqldb-users

Thanks Sergio for such a prompt response! Much appreciated.

What's interesting is that the changelog [1] itself is "messed up" a bit since the link to the latest version 0.28.2 (2022-08-02) gives 404?! How is that possible?

Thanks for the tip with the tags. I remember I used them in the past but they had a build issue and I think I was told to use branches with -ksqldb suffix as a solution (that was the case for 0.27.2-ksqldb). It's really driving me nuts ;-)

Jacek Laskowski

Sep 29, 2022, 2:47:37 AM9/29/22
to Sergio Pena Anaya, ksqldb-users

https://github.com/confluentinc/ksql/tree/0.28.2-ksqldb is in! Thank you.

p.s. https://github.com/confluentinc/ksql/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md still points at an non-existing tag. I should file an issue, right?

Jacek Laskowski

Sep 29, 2022, 3:24:24 AM9/29/22
to Sergio Pena Anaya, ksqldb-users

I was too optimistic about 0.28.2-ksqldb branch as it does not compile :(

The last commit:

commit a367e3cdea51762e73b5c59c9eaf7595f351a714 (HEAD -> 0.28.2-ksqldb, origin/0.28.2-ksqldb, origin/0.28.2-cc-docker-ksql.119.x)
Author: cprasad1 <azx...@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 27 14:11:16 2022 -0700

    docs: remove python and dotnetclients (#9607)

The build:

$ ./mvnw --settings maven-settings.xml -U clean package -DskipTests
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project ksqldb-common: Could not resolve dependencies for project io.confluent.ksql:ksqldb-common:jar:0.28.2: Could not find artifact io.confluent:kafka-connect-avro-converter:jar:7.3.0-cc-docker-ksql.119-678-rc2 in confluent-other (https://ksqldb-maven.s3.amazonaws.com/maven/) -> [Help 1]

Can anybody help me with this? Thank you.

Sergio Pena Anaya

Oct 4, 2022, 11:25:11 AM10/4/22
to Jacek Laskowski, ksqldb-users

Hi Jacek,

Some fixes were committed recently to fix the tag build issues. You can now switch to the v0.28.2 tag and build it. Make sure you're in the latest commit.
You'll need this profile in your settings.xml so you have access to the tag dependencies (see below profile section).
I could build with ./mvnw -U -s ~/.m2/release-settings.xml clean package -DskipTests

<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"




          <name>ksqlDB staging</name>

          <name>Confluent Plugin Repository</name>

          <name>Confluent Staging Plugin Repository</name>

And sorry for the late response. I was also experimenting with the build issues and was asking the team about them.
- Sergio

Jacek Laskowski

Oct 5, 2022, 12:31:25 PM10/5/22
to Sergio Pena Anaya, ksqldb-users
Hi Sergio,

Got the issue fixed just today! It was my local m2 repo that was the issue so after I switched to the newest tag 0.28.2-cc-docker-ksql.119.x and removed ~/.m2/repository/io/confluent the build finished successfully.

Hao Li and Natea Eshetu Beshada from the #ksqlDB dev team helped me a great deal! Kudos to the team and you for support! Much appreciated.

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