1 Min update - KravMaga TamilNadu - 9 to 22nd Nov

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KravMaga Chennai

Nov 21, 2013, 10:02:08 PM11/21/13
to kravmaga...@googlegroups.com
** Do you want to know more about KravMaga before deciding to join?  Click here for FAQ    
** 20-hrs-self-defence-defence-course-for-women-in-chennai . Click here for course details
** Connect on Facebook - Click KRAV MAGA TAMILNADU 
** KravMaga ready to launch in Madurai and Coimbatore soon. 
Pls contact SreeRam 9340006600 for new venue suggestions, with details of location, space available and the commercial terms


  • CIC (Civilian Instructor Course) will be held at Chennai, Nov. 23 to 29. First time outside Delhi ! Don't miss it !!
    The Instructor will be from GIT (Global Instructor Team) of IKMF (International KravMaga federation), Israel. This one week program is ideal for those
    who want to get familiar with the basics and also for aspiring Instructors. For more details call me up on 9340006600
  • KravMaga Chennai is looking for associates - Fitness Instructors, Yoga Teachers, Physio therapists, First Aid Instructors, Women's organizations, Educational Institutions, Security companies, Corporates for personal safety & stress relief workshops, manufacturers of security gadgets and even instructors of other martial-arts.Please contact me so that we can work together and share the knowledge. 
    We can also do some cross-promotion, for mutual growth.
  • 21 Nov '13 - 3rd Batch of TN Prison warders complete KravMaga basic course. 9 more batches till Mar. 14

  • 20 Nov '13 - Bangalore ATM Robbery attempt & Assault - Lessons

  • 20 Nov '13 - The Pioneer does all India story on KravMaga's popularity among Chennai women

  • 17 Nov '13 - GROSS MOTOR SKILLS vs FINE MOTOR SKILLS in Martial arts training . Which is effective in fighting?!

  • 15 Nov '13 - TOI - Chennai Times quotes me on women self-defense
    TOI Chennai Times 15Nov13. ..." many forms of martial arts demand the use of brain than the kicks and punches. One such form is KravMaga ... which focusses on making the practitioner street-smart.
  • SreeRam, a KravMaga instructor in Tamilnadu and founder of the NGO WAHR (Women Against Harassment & Rape) tells " KravMaga is not a traditional form. The moves are situational and the tecnique is hybrid. We begin with teaching the weak spots of the human body, so that a woman in trouble can focus on those spots and defend herself."
  • SreeRam who has been training several women attending his classes recalls how his daughter, an actress and a KravMaga practitioner, saved herself from an attacker in Mylapore station.
  • 15 Nov '13 - All major Tamil TV Channels carry my interview on Women safety given at Raj Bhavan FICCI Flo event.

  • 15 Nov '13 -  Media coverage of KravMaga demo to The Governor of TN inThe Hindu

  • 14 Nov '13 - Batch 2 of Prison warders complete the 24 hrs. KravMaga basic course 
  • 13 Nov '13 - The Governor of TN witnesses a KravMaga session by women, in event organized by FICCI

  • 9 Nov '13 - 3rd Women's self defence workshop conducted at Deloitte, Chennai

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