1 Min - 2013 Highlights - 8500 women reached. TN police signup etc.

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KravMaga Chennai

Dec 26, 2013, 6:58:03 AM12/26/13
to kravmaga...@googlegroups.com
Do you want to know more about KravMaga before deciding to join?  Click here for FAQ    
** 20 hours courses being launched from January. Details soon
** Connect on Facebook - Click KRAV MAGA TAMILNADU 
** Pls contact SreeRam 9340006600 for inquiries, corporate workshops, new venue suggestions

2013 Highlights of  KravMaga TamilNadu !

  • 84 women safety workshops, reaching out to 8500 women and girls !
    29 were FREE workshops were to women in villages, corporation schools, orphanages and hospitals. 
  • TamilNadu Police accepted KravMaga as the official unarmed combat system !
    Training commenced for the police Commandos at TNCF, Prison guards and TN Spl. Police.
    The Chennai City Police SAG commandos and L&O Sub-Inspectors went through a basic course.
  • The largest KravMaga demo ever; held in Chennai !
    The Chief Minister, DGP and 4000 public witnessed a KravMaga demonstration given by 120 TN Spl. Police personnel, 
    out of which 80 were women. 
    The demonstration which was relayed live by 4 TV channels.
  • 22 Chennai Kravists got graded by IKMF India Head Vicky Kapoor
  • CIC (Civilian Instructor Course) was held in Chennai; 1st. time outside Delhi!
    Avshalom from IKMF HQ, Israel conducted the program. 9 Chennai Kravists attended this Instructor course, 
    which is a record number coming from one single Indian city
  • KravMaga spread to rest of TamilNadu. Started at Madurai!
    The training of TN Prison warders was launched at Madurai by the Commissioner of Police.
    In Dec. an introductory session was conducted for Madurai city police Sub-Inspectors.
  • KravMaga TamilNadu was covered in media more than 50 times!
    Newspapers, TV Channels, FM Radio covered the activities of KravMaga TamilNadu extensively. Click to see media coverage 
  • KravMaga TamilNadu IKMF will have at-least 9 more qualified & energetic instructors in 2014

  • At last! Video of the largest KravMaga demo ! ... and it happened in Chennai! 
    4000 in Nehru stadium and live relay to laks on TV.. 120 Police men and women demonstrate KravMaga to the CM

YouTube Video

  • The KravMaga TamilNadu presentations on slideshare site are getting a good following with more than 3000 views!
  • Now PSUs have started signing up with KravMaga TamilNadu. Amazing ladies of CPCL!

  • 21 Dec. '13 - KravMaga enters Madurai! 
    Madurai CoP wanted his officers to get introduced to KravMaga. So did an introductory session which whet the appetite for more . Many of these SIs were from the Karate & Judo team of Madurai City Police

  • 19 Dec. '13 - 6th Batch of TamilNadu Prison warders go through Basic KravMaga course. 6 more batches to come!

  • 13 Dec. '13 - 2nd workshop for women of ITC. Amazing bunch of ladies who enjoyed it.
  • 12 Dec. '13 - 5th batch of Prison Warders finish the basic course.
    We went to Prisons, studied the problems of handling the volatile and the psychotic living in closed environment. 
    The warders carry no weapons; just a walkie-talkie.They face crude improvised weapons which are often used in gang clashes.

  • 8 Dec '13 - KravMaga TamilNadu is working with 10 social organizations to fight violence against women - since 2012!
    Here is the 2nd workshop for Pranjya's campaign against Gender violence

  • 8 Dec. '13 - Camaraderie ! My home ground Karate gave me the honour of giving the seminar certificate to Sensei E S Kumar, Chief Examiner & Technical Director of Shito-Ryu Karate-Do India! Here with all the big names of Chennai Karate.

  • 8 Dec. '13 - Karate Black Belt seminar at KRAV MAGA TAMILNADU hall. The Chief Guest was my first martial arts guru Thyagu Sensei, whom I met after 3 decades!

  • 6 Dec '13 - Women Safety workshop @ ITC

  • 5 Dec '13 - Batch 4 of TN Prison Warders complete basic course. 8 more batches to go before Mar. '14

  • 5 Dec '13 - Femina Tamil colorful double spread on KravMaga self-defence for women
  • 1 Dec '13 - For the 2nd year, KravMaga TamilNadu & Prajnya join hands to bring you a free workshop on personal safety. 
    1st Dec. & 8th Dec. Sundays 11 am to 12 noon at Jammi's Mind Space. 
    Click to To know more about Prajnya 16 Days Campaign Against Gender Violence

  • 29  Nov '13 - KravMaga Women Safety workshops at Ford Motors, Maraimalai Nagar & RMZ, Perungudi.

  • 23 to 28 Nov '13 - CIC (Civilian Instructor Course) by Israeli Instructor. 
    First time outside Delhi since KravMaga was introduced in India way back in 2004!
    Upcoming Instructors Prabhu, Satish, Hari & Nag passed CIC Part II. 
    Neelakandan, Ganesh, Madhav, Shyam, Kebiraj passed CIC Part I. All 9 from Chennai !
    The next CICs are scheduled in March or April at Cochin, Goa and Delhi. Start planning!

  • 25 Nov '13 - Intl. Day of elimination of violence against women.
    KravMaga TamilNadu and FICCI-Flo organized a free workshop on self defence for 80 girls of G S S Jain College, vepery
    A great hit with the noisy girls, this workshop was covered by all newspapers

  • 21 Nov '13 - 3rd Batch of TN Prison warders complete KravMaga basic course. 9 more batches till Mar. 14

  • 20 Nov '13 - Bangalore ATM Robbery attempt & Assault - Lessons

  • 20 Nov '13 - The Pioneer does all India story on KravMaga's popularity among Chennai women

  • 17 Nov '13 - GROSS MOTOR SKILLS vs FINE MOTOR SKILLS in Martial arts training . Which is effective in fighting?!

  • 15 Nov '13 - TOI - Chennai Times quotes me on women self-defense
    TOI Chennai Times 15Nov13. ..." many forms of martial arts demand the use of brain than the kicks and punches. One such form is KravMaga ... which focusses on making the practitioner street-smart.
  • SreeRam, a KravMaga instructor in Tamilnadu and founder of the NGO WAHR (Women Against Harassment & Rape) tells " KravMaga is not a traditional form. The moves are situational and the tecnique is hybrid. We begin with teaching the weak spots of the human body, so that a woman in trouble can focus on those spots and defend herself."
  • SreeRam who has been training several women attending his classes recalls how his daughter, an actress and a KravMaga practitioner, saved herself from an attacker in Mylapore station.
  • 15 Nov '13 - All major Tamil TV Channels carry my interview on Women safety given at Raj Bhavan FICCI Flo event.

  • 15 Nov '13 -  Media coverage of KravMaga demo to The Governor of TN inThe Hindu

  • 14 Nov '13 - Batch 2 of Prison warders complete the 24 hrs. KravMaga basic course 
  • 13 Nov '13 - The Governor of TN witnesses a KravMaga session by women, in event organized by FICCI

  • 9 Nov '13 - 3rd Women's self defence workshop conducted at Deloitte, Chennai
  • 9 Nov '13. First batch of Prison guards who went through a basic 24 hours KravMaga course. 
    12 batches like this to be completed within March, including one for The Academy of Prisons and Correctional Administration (APCA) at Vellore.

  • 7 Nov '13 - Lecdem on handling sexual harassment at Govt. high school, Taramani, Chennai; a CSR initiative by Bank of America.
  • 23 Oct '13 - Corporate workshop on self defence for Radio Mirchi, Chennai staff

  • 13 oct '13 - 2nd batch of Shell, Chennai 20 hrs KravMaga session..

  • 11 Oct. '13 - As a Kravist,what can I learn from Sachin

  • 6 Oct '13 - Self Defence training for personnel of TN Prisons Dept. launched at Madurai by Commissioner of Police Sanjay Mathur IPS and DIG Prisons Mohammed Haneefa IPS. 
    30 hours intensive program will be conducted in batches of 35, for 5 selected Prison guards from each of the 14 prisons across the state.

    This launch event was covered by all the news-papers and TV channels across the state.   

  • 4 Oct '13 - 700 girls! That'a half of WCC's (Women's Christian College) strength attend KravMaga workshop! 
  • 3 Oct. '13 - Martial arts practitioners have better neuro-muscular coordination. Research confirms!
    Brain scans reveal the secret of Bruce Lee's one-inch punch
  • 3 Oct. '13 - Madras School of Social Work's TARUNI '13 hosted a KravMaga workshop for City College & School Girls as part of their awareness program on SEXUAL ABUSE.

  • 29 Sep '13 -  The girl who kicked her way into my heart - A picture story
  • 28 Sep '13 - For the 3rd year KravMaga TN is going to this rural village to do FREE self-defence workshop for women and girls; thanks to NGO RUWSEC.  Domestic Violence & Child abuse is rampant in this area, due to alcoholism.

  • 27 Sep "13 - Kravmaga Tamilnadu taught the basics of Personal Safety to the Chennai staff of NGO CRS (Catholic Relief Services). This is part of a pan India initiative by Kravmaga India.

  • 20 Sep '13 - New TN Commando Force logo designed by KravMaga SreeRam

  • 15 Sep '13 - IKMF mobile app! Free !!! get it now.
    - for apple appstore click here : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kravmaga-ikmf/id588366173?mt=8
    - for android appstore click here : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kravmaga.ikmf

      • What's the difference in teaching KravMaga to the Police?  
      • http://bit.ly/191gTMa

      • 12 Sep '13 - Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM - Relay of my interview ( 2 to  5 pm) in the special program - Gurukool.
      • 5 Sep '13 - Teacher's day - Kida to Vicky, a big man with a large heart

      • 3 Sep '13 - DinaMalar - leading tamil newspaper with my tips on safety to women  (Click image for readable view)
      • 30 Aug '13 - 12 Signs of a True Teacher 
      • 29 Aug '13 - The 16 finalists of "Petite Princess' beauty pageant to be trained in KravMaga (Click image for readable view)

      • 27 Aug '13 - Aval Vikatan - My tips on women safety gets a double spread article (Click image for readable view)

      • 26 Aug '13 - Workshop @ Tattvalokha, for mostly 40+ women..A different experience! :)

      • 24 Aug '13 - DinaMani - KravMaga for TamilNadu police after Israel!

      • 24 Aug '13 - This 1 min clipping shows CM Jayalalithaa obviously enjoying the Police KravMaga demo.  

      CM enjoying Police KravMaga - Chennai, TamilNadu

      • 23 Aug '13 - The TN Police CM medal parade KravMaga demo - probably the kravMaga demo with the largest audience in history - not counting the audience of the live TV coverage.

      • 14 Aug '13 - Deccan Chronicle on Vicky Kapoor's workshop on Road Rage & in-car Self-defence
        conducted by KravMaga Chennai 

      • 14 Aug '13 - Workshop for Health workers of NGO, The Banyan

      • 13 Aug '13 - 10 Tips to develop your Instincts for a Fraud - for the sake of your Survival 
      • 8 Aug '13 - Chennai - Ind. Exp. - A well balanced story on the reluctance of women, to take steps to protect themselves. Full story here - http://bit.ly/177TQQa

      • CIC (Civilian Instructor Course) will be held at Chennai, Nov. 23 to 29. First time outside Delhi ! Don't miss it !!
        The Instructor will be from GIT (Global Instructor Team) of IKMF (International KravMaga federation), Israel. This one week program is ideal for those
        who want to get familiar with the basics and also for aspiring Instructors. For more details call me up on 9340006600.
      • 4 Aug '13 - Car Defence workshop by All India Head Vicky Kapoor . First time in Chennai

      • 4 Aug '13 - Grading by All India Head Vicky Kapoor ..24 Chennai Kravits tested & passed

      • 20 July '13 All India Head Vicky Kapoor Chennai visit for Workshops & Grading - 3 & 4th Aug. '13
      • 19 July '13 Chennai City Police L&O Sub-Inspectors speak of their KravMaga experience. These officers are hard-core field men, who handle issues everyday..so one cannot bull-shit them and get away with it.

      Chennai police KravMaga

      • 17 July '13 - Shell Chennai women complete 20 hrs intensive self-defence course

      • 16 July '13 - Interview on Radio One 94.3 FM Morning Show - KravMaga & Fitness
        You can hear the interview here - https://soundcloud.com/sreeram-s/sets/kravmaga-sreeram-radio-one

      • 6 Signs of a Stupid Street Fighter - Why some people get into ugly situations
      • 8 July '13 - Full house at Safety workshop @ TCS Siruseri

      • 6 July '13 - KM Chennai is associated with Sensei Kebiraj who will share Jujitsu knowledge with SreeRam

      • July '13 - With ADGPs Karan Sinha IPS, Sanjay Arora IPS & The TN Spl. Police KravMaga demo team for CM medal parade 

      • 4th July '13 - Completed 20 hours women workshop @ Shell, Chennai & Bengaluru
      • June '13 - The Chief Minister will see a grand demo of KravMaga, by 70 men and women of TN Spl. Police.

      • 9, 17 & 24 May - Awareness workshops at TCS Karapakkam, Thoraipakkam and Sholinganallur 

      • 6th May -Self Defence Summer Camp for School Kids. First Batch starts at Jammis. Click here for details. 
      • 5th May - The Hindu , Downtown cover story on Fitness and martial arts covers KravMaga Chennai
      • 2nd May 2013 - 3 workshops at Farida Shoes, the largest employer at Ambur.
      • 28th April 2013 - VIT University, Vellore - Worksop for Girl students
      • 27th April 2013 - Naam Foundation organized workshop for destitute single women.

      • 22 April 2013 - Unarmed combat training of TN Police Commandos commence, thanks to ADGP Sanjay Arora IPS

      • 12th April 2013 - SreeRam spoke on Corporate Security at NASSCOM. Other panelists were ADGP Dr Shylendra Babu IPS,
        Rajesh Subramaniam, Director, Cognizant and Lawyer Geetha Ramaseshan

      • 3rd April 2013 - 48 Workshops for women's safety conducted in March 2013! All major IT Cos. & Banks.
      • 18th March 2013 - Completed 28 workshops for women in all Cognizant Chennai offices. Terrific response!

      • 13th March 2013 - Times of India - full page TOI's sponsored event - KravMaga self-defense for city college girls on Intl. Women's Day.  
        200 girls from city colleges + 50 from Rajalakshmi Eng. College ( who were the sponsors) attended

      • 10 Mar. 13 - Chennai Live FM interviews KravMaga SreeRam on Women's Safety. Here is the interview -

      Chennai Live Radio interview

      • Why is it NOT intelligent to compare different martial arts? 
        Newcomers & experienced martial often debate which is the best fighting system. Here I am discussing why it is futile.
      • 11th Feb 2013 - AGS Health, Tidel park will host 8 workshops for 200 women staff ; on handling sexual harassment
      • 10th Feb 2013 - Workshop for under-privileged kids at Mahabalipuram;organized by M.A.D (Make a Difference)
        M.A.D self-defense workshop for kids

      • Great news!! Sensei Vicky Kapoor, All India Head of IKMF will be visiting Chennai on 30th & 31st March , Saturday and Sunday
        He will be conducting workshops for Chennaites, grading the trainees and also giving advanced training for seniors. I am working on the costing for workshops and training. The grading fees are already fixed by the federation. That will also be announced separately. Read his full profile.
      • 20th Jan 2013 - Prabhu and Harikrishnan did a KravMaga for women lecdem to Rotary Guindy ladies
        rotary chennai women self defence workshop

      • 19th Jan 2013 - PURPLE FITNESS, Anna nagar hosted a workshop for their members; which was conducted by Satish & Harikrishnan  
        Purple, Anna Nagar women self defense
      • 16th Jan 2013 - Women from 6 to 60 came to understand that they are not totally helpless in an ugly situation.
        KravMaga for Women Workshop @ Bamboola, R A Puram
        Women Self defense Workshop, Chennai
      • 14th Jan 2013 - Warning to Women! Choosing a wrong martial-arts can put you in more Danger. Do you want to know how?
        Spare a minute and look into " 7 Dictums of what NOT to teach women in self-defense"
      • 9th Jan 2013 - Times of India , Pg2
        KravMaga Self defense instructor KravMaga SreeRam on the deterrent aspects, which is more critical for a women. ( CLICK for readable view)
        Corporate workshops on women self defense

      • 6Jan'13 -  Bystander Effect - Why public doesn't help victims
      • 3Jan'13 - Deccan Chronicle .. KravMaga SreeRam quoted on front page story.
        KravMaga SreeRam on women safety and self defense courses in Chennai

      • 28Dec'12 - TamilNadu police get trained in KravMaga. Indian Express Front page story!
        Web links -  http://newindianexpress.com/states/tamil_nadu/article1397536.ece   http://newindianexpress.com/cities/chennai/article1397531.ece
        TamilNadu police get KravMaga training

      • 28Dec'12 - KravMaga FREE workshop for girls of Avvai Home for orphans A joint initiative.of KravMaga Chennai & The Orange Leaf, Chennai. Amazing enthusiasm and pro-active participation from the girls. They were full of questions and even suggestions! Want to give them more such workshops.
        Avvai home for Orphan & underprivileged girls. Kravmaga workshop

      • Welcome ! Introductory  Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Workshop - A KravMaga Chennai initiative.
        by Puja Kanth Alfred - Counselling Psychologist & EFTU and AAMET Certified EFT Practitioner. Click to enquire and register!
      • 20 Dec '12 -  Will Self-defence work for a girl being raped ?!
        Since the Delhi gang-rape, so far 18 people have asked me -  " Will self-defence techniques actually work for an 'average girl' against a group of men.?! "
        My answer is - " Those who keep asking "Will this work?!" die without finding out whether it will."
      • 17 Dec '12 -  Self-defence Workshops for Women - Part I
        I am sharing the learning from the many workshops for women on 'self-defense and personal safety', I conducted in the last 4 years.
        (Disclaimer - The following are my own broad observations. Of course some women are exceptions; but they are very few.)
      • 17 Dec '12 - IKMF grading @ Athens had 400+ Kravists, Holland had 100+ Kravists!

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