Game Advocates Krakow - LinkedIn group now in existence!

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Oct 24, 2012, 3:05:46 PM10/24/12
Game Advocates Krakow is a group where video games industry people in Krakow get to connect, collaborate and present themselves to the global industry.
The group can be joined by individuals involved in the business of video-games across these disciplines: development, publishing, marketing, fundraising, consultancy, technology, outsourced services, professional services (legal, accounting, etc), organisations (government, industry, education) and industry social / special-interest groups.
Krakow has a growing games industry but it is currently not well connected together, either with the other businesses and organisations inside the region or globally. This group seeks to provide a solution for these communication "missing links"... creating a comprehensive regional network and advocating the opportunities and talent that exists in the region to the rest of the world.
The group exists just on LinkedIn for now, but it will spread out to other popular networks soon. Please come and join if this interests you. The more members we have the more useful the group will be for all.
Many thanks, Nick Holden.

Richard Lucas

Oct 27, 2012, 8:47:12 AM10/27/12
Great idea Nick
why not post a link to the Group here?
also suggest that you post on the Hive Facebook wall, and make an FB fan page
once there is a link I'll forward it to my Games network


Oct 28, 2012, 7:10:24 AM10/28/12
Here is a link to the Game Advocates Krakow group on LinkedIn:

Thanks Richard! I will also create a FB fanpage for the group and post that link here as well. Hive's FB wall already has a Games Advocates post (a suggestion from Ela). 

If the members of the Krakow Network have other ideas for how the Games Advocates community can get connected up - please just post a comment below and I will check it out!

Cheers, Nick.
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