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(23.09+) KpqClean Update

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HD Kwon

Sep 27, 2023, 4:58:13 AM9/27/23
to KpqC-bulletin
Dear all,

Our team updated KpqClean once more in this month.

You can access the updated our files and document.

We mainly updated three things.

1. Performance mesurement on ARM processor.
We additionally measured the performance on the ARM processor.
In this case, we used only -O3 option, and nano second is used as measurement unit.
Almost of algorithms are measured, but some algorithms couldn't measure because they used instructions that are not avaliable on ARM processors.
And some algorithms does not completed operation on ARM processors so we coulnd't measured.

2. Memory consumption
Last time, we checked for memory leaks.
This time we checked memory consumption.
Valgrind can measure the memory used when running an algorithm.
We derived memory consumption by summing the largest stack value and heap from the report.
We made an additional log analyze program because of the large amount of logs that Valgrind writes.

3. Constant time implementation
Valgrind can check whether a branch statement is created using a given flag.
We can find out whether the algorithm has been implemented in constant time with this data.
However, Valgrind does not analyze the behavior of each statement.
For example, some algorithms use secret keys to form branch statements, but there are cases where this does not lead to side-channel information leakage.
We analyzed all of Valgrind report files and classified them according to the risk of side-channel information leakage.

You can get detailed information in our github Readme.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Hyeokdong Kwon.

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