Kplex in a Docker Image...anyone ?

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Serge Robitaille

Jul 13, 2021, 1:11:14 AM7/13/21
to kplex
I am looking for guidance to make a Kplex Docker Image for FriendlyWrt 19.07.5.
Has anyone put Kplex in a Docker container ?

Keith Young

Jul 20, 2021, 12:24:17 PM7/20/21
to kplex
Has anyone put Kplex in a Docker container ?

Not only have at least 2 people put kplex in a docker container, they've kindly submitted pull requests which I have so far done very little with.  Check out the pull requests page on github:

My bad.  I've been tied up with "life things".  After I've sorted out 2 big changes which I feel are blocking 1.5 release (a re-work of udp interfaces which currently don't play well with dhcp plus external filters) I intend addressing docker where I'll learn from the current pull requests but possibly make some changes of my own.

I suggest you have a look at what the folks who submitted the pull requests have done and do please feed back any experiences.
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