RI-1259i 'How L. Ron Hubbard BECAME SATAN and CREATED HELL FOR US' of 8 Sept 1999 {R-RI 19990908 - RI-1259} - (re-posted 20161113)

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Nov 13, 2016, 2:39:06 AM11/13/16
to Koos Nolst Trenite
RI-1259i 'How L. Ron Hubbard BECAME SATAN and CREATED HELL FOR US'

                                                     8 September 1999
                                             {R-RI 19990908 - RI-1259}

                                               (re-posted 13 Nov 2016)

 RI-1259i  'How L. Ron Hubbard BECAME SATAN and CREATED HELL FOR US'

from Ambassador for Mankind

Message # RI-1259i for Internet

[Long version]

        'How the being L. Ron Hubbard created himself
          to become The Satan:

        'He decided to start creating the Uncreating of Creation,
          creating the opposite of what IS, by
          willing himself, to be the opposite of what he IS.'

                     'Ambassador for Mankind'

        "So totally self-destructive, and
          still willing to do that:
            To BECOME a non-part of Creation.
            To BECOME the rejection of Creation.

        "He started using his own Life-Force to destroy and
          to create death and disconnection,
           actually using his OWN Life-Force, to do that.

        "He started
          consciously directing his own Life-Force INTO Darkness.
           INTO death and unconsciousness.
            And INTO killing life."

                        'First Lady for Mankind'

       'Yes. And The Creation is still there.
         The people that he puts in there,
          are still part of The Creation -
           people that he puts in the Blackness,
            in the Darkness.
         It's only an illusion INSIDE The Creation.

       'So, with the Darkness,
         he creates an illusion
          that "The Creation is not there"...

       'And then he gets people trapped
         into that Darkness...

       '...and makes them think and believe
         that "The Creation is not there anymore",
          and that anything that he puts in that Darkness,
           is now a "reality".

       '"Absolute truth doesn't exist."
        "God doesn't exist."
        "The Angels don't exist."

       'Which is of course all not true,
         because anybody
          just has to look outside the Darkness,
           and it's all there:
            The Creation and Angels, and so on.'

                        'Ambassador for Mankind'

       (SUMMARY of the 38 minutes session
                 [plus of the 2 minutes evaluation at the end of the session]
                 of 27 August 1999 at 13:27 CEST
                  of The Ambassador with The First Lady for Mankind)

        [Ambassador:] The question is:
                        With your present knowledge and understanding,
                          how Hubbard captured me
                           74 million years ago.

        [First Lady:]
        "I went into your viewpoint just for a split second.
          There was put over you this big Blackness
            (a huge shot and cloud
              of Black, poisoned, Disconnection Life-Energy-Particles)."

        "You had your attention on
          him (who had made himself into Satan) originally,
           and then all of a sudden this (Black) Energy (hits you).

        "And then your perception on him is not...
          you are not able to put your perception on him,
           from your viewpoint."

        [Ambassador:] Yes.
                       That's a good point,
                        because it leads to THE QUESTION:

                       What, with that Blackness,
                        did Hubbard prevent me from seeing
                         of him, or about him?

        [First Lady:]
        "What he was before he did (throw) that (Black Energy at you).
          Like: Covering himself (with), or connecting himself,
           in this way, with this Black Energy.

        "It seems like (I am) watching a being (a person)...
          - I am watching here, I am
             getting a sense of, a being;
              lots of things about him, as a being;
               and then -
              how he killed himself
               in this Black Energy.

        "I am getting the sense of
          looking at, and
          knowing the nature of this being,
           and of the different things going on with him.
           And then at a point (I am seeing of him, that there is)
            some sort of self-destruction here."

        [Ambassador:] Hubbard's self-destruction.

        [Ambassador:] What did (this being) Hubbard
                       - by throwing that Blackness at me -
                       prevent me from seeing about him?

        [First Lady:]
        "Well, my sense of it is:
           HOW he destroyed himself here -
          to put it very direct.

        "It's the why, and the what...
          I am seeing
           a being actually CONSCIOUSLY create
            an act of self-destruction, here,
           the way he did it:
            The way he UNdid his nature
             (that he had BEFORE he created himself to be The Satan), here.

        "It (he) looks like a Life-Force-Energy (still) very Bright,
          and then it's just a little bit that I see there,
          and then everything is so Black,
           Black coming on, all the way around it.

        "Something looked for a moment like
           a dagger of White Life-Energy
            going into the Black,
              as if he is
               taking his own Life-Force
                into the Black
                  (in order to CREATE Black Life-Energy with it).

        "Using his own Life-Force to destroy and
          to create death and disconnection,
           actually using his own Life-Force, to do THAT.

        "I keep getting a sense of...
          consciously directing his own Life-Force INTO Darkness,
           INTO death and unconsciousness.
            And INTO killing life.

        "Oh, my God.
          I am looking at him using, consciously...
           his own Life-Force to create death
            and unconsciousness, and to create no-feeling!"

        [Ambassador:] You said: A spiritual suicide of Hubbard,
                       and, you don't think that this
                        had ever been done before.

        [First Lady:]
        "I don't... no...
          I have not... this is... yes.

        "I mean, who would want to do this.
          I mean this is (insane)...
           this does not make any (sense).
          It's not something we would do.

        "It's like... I would get the word
          'treason', here.
            On himself, and on life.

        "Like, really going against it,
          going AGAINST himself and life.

        "I am looking at prior to the decision.
          Looking to see if I can get prior.
           If I can get the motivation."

          repeating The First Lady's words:]

                      Creating the Uncreating of Creation.

                      Creating the opposite of what is.

                      Willing himself, to be the opposite of what he is.

        [First Lady:]
        "I get a sense of...
          him trying to prove a 'perilousness'
           [making a dangerous challenge],
          or trying to prove something.
           I get the sense of 'proving',
            like trying to 'prove which is stronger',
               The Creation
               his Uncreation of Creation.

        "My sense at this point, at this time, is
           TO BECOME THAT
            WHICH IS
           but yet still 'doing it anyway'.

        "So totally self-destructive, and
          still willing to do that:
            To BECOME a non-part of Creation.
            To BECOME the rejection of Creation.

        "And it is like somebody experimenting,
          and at the same time challenging,
           and trying to 'prove'.
          And destroying himself in the process of 'proving'.

        "I get that it's proving
           'outside of Creation',
          or, I got the sense of
           'doing something
             that is not done in Creation'.

        "The sense of something like
           'HE can do this'.
          Like he still got this sense
           of 'trying to be greater', or 'being the greatest'.

        "And in the process of doing it,
          he becomes totally destroyed,
           and becomes the opposite of what he is."

          repeating The First Lady's words:]

                      To prove, that he can have
                       contempt for The Creation.

        [First Lady:]
        "That 'he can BE the Black Energy if he wanted to',
          I mean, just like that."

        [Ambassador:] Yes. That he 'has the ability, to be totally evil'.

        [First Lady:]
        "But he had to kill his FEELING, to do that."

        [Ambassador:] Right. Well, he has proven it now, I think.
                       That he can.

        [First Lady:]
        "It's this out-creating Creation.
           It's like he is actually trying to be
            'out of The Creation'. [chuckle]
              As if there is more (than The Creation),
               or something else (than The Creation).

        "And then in that Darkness there,
          'anything can be there'."

        [Ambassador:] According to him, yes.
                       That's, what he is trying to prove all the time.

        [First Lady:]
        "And it could be anything he puts there.
          At least that's the idea.
           It's just that it is so unfeeling
              [lacking all love and all compassion -
                killing people for eternity
                 without any remorse or conscience or shame,
                and instead celebrating
                 his killing and torturing and murdering and terror
                  as 'his victory over The Creation
                    and over the Archangels']."

        [Ambassador:] Yes. And The Creation is still there.
                       The people that he puts in the Darkness and Terror,
                        are still part of The Creation -
                         people that he puts in the Blackness,
                          in the Darkness.
                       It's only an illusion INSIDE The Creation.

                      So, with the Darkness,
                       he creates an illusion
                        that 'The Creation is not there'...

                      And then he gets people trapped
                       into that Darkness
                        [he shoots out their spiritual vision]...

                      ...and makes them think and believe
                       that 'Creation is not there anymore',
                        and that anything that he puts in that Darkness,
                         is now a 'reality'.

                      'Absolute truth doesn't exist.'
                      'God doesn't exist.'
                      'The Angels don't exist.'

                      Which is of course all not true,
                       because anybody
                        just has to look outside the Darkness,
                         and it's all there:
                          The Creation and Angels, and so on.

        [First Lady:]
        "Yes, I'm telling people all the time: Take a look!

        "Just move through the Darkness, and keep going (looking),
          until you get outside of it.

        "And you will find
          that you ARE in Creation [chuckle].
           You'll be able to see what the Darkness is.

        "And you just get there
          with a whole lot of..."

        [Ambassador:] LOVE and FEELING.

        [First Lady:]
        "Love. Yes, you have to put the FEELING in it.
          And then just go for it.
           Just do it until you get there." [chuckle]

        [Ambassador:] Right. OK.
                       Thank you very much for looking at this.

        [First Lady:]
        "Oh, thank you."

        [Ambassador:] Very good.

        [First Lady:]
        "He (Hubbard, The Satan) didn't want you to see that.
          Because you would have put a stop to it right away." [chuckle]

        [Ambassador:] [laughter] Yes. Right.
                       That's what I would have done.
                        Well, we are doing that, we will do that,
                         and we are doing that now.

(END OF SUMMARY [Summary made by Freya])


This material was Audited
 with two 100 USD E-meter-Polygraphs

First Lady for Mankind,
 on 27 August 1999, 13:27 CEST (11:27 GMT),
 in session with Ambassador for Mankind:

[Ambassador:] You are ready to start, huh?

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] We have the twenty-seventh of August 1999,
               the time is now thirteen hours and twenty-seven minutes,
                it is Central European Summer Time.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] And this is the session.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] The question is:
                With your present knowledge and understanding,
                  how Hubbard captured me
                   74 million years ago.

[First Lady:]
"Hm... Hm."

[Ambassador:] M-hm. [= Indicating a reaction on the E-meter-Polygraph.]

[First Lady:]
"I was trying to put my attention
  at the point of where you were hit,
   trying to get that area."

[Ambassador:] Aha.
               There. M-hm. M-hm. There.
                [= Indicating reactions on the E-meter-Polygraph.]

[First Lady:]
"I am feeling through it,
  because we have gone through this part...

[Ambassador:] There...
               [= Indicating a reaction on the E-meter-Polygraph.]

[First Lady:]
"...many times.
  But I am feeling through,
   trying to understand the hit itself, more."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"...[trying to] look into it more."

[Ambassador:] M-hm. There.
                [= Indicating reactions on the E-meter-Polygraph.]

[First Lady:]
"It's so strange,
  because I am looking at some point on the hit itself.
   I seem to be also looking at the very point,
    at the beginning point here."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"At the same time
  I am getting lots of pink-violet [Aura] lights
   coming up here."

[Ambassador:] M-hm.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"...anyway, I'll just keep my attention."

[Ambassador:] M-hm.
               There! [= Indicating a reaction on the E-meter-Polygraph.]

[First Lady:]
"Yeah, I know, I got the...
  I am on the hit, the Black Energy hit."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"And I am looking for more.
  And I went into your viewpoint just for a split second.
   It was like this big Blackness coming over you."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"Like a... blocking...
  and I... So... I am trying to get it from your viewpoint."

[Ambassador:] M-hm.
               There! [= Indicating a reaction on the E-meter-Polygraph.]

[First Lady:]
"[Be]'cause I also had picked up...
   I ran it... this is... faster,
    because I also saw the...
     a certain Energy leave the point of the main hit of you."

[Ambassador:] M-hm.

[First Lady:]
"And now you are all green-orange
  [the color of the Aura light]."

[Ambassador:] M-hm.

[First Lady:]
"[Green-orange] dots everywhere. OK.
   So, I am trying to get into what you experienced."

[Ambassador:] Aha.

[First Lady:]
"My head feels not so good,
  I am looking at your viewpoint here.
   And my stomach feels
    like I am loosing strength and control here."

[Ambassador:] Aha.

[First Lady:]
"I'm loosing... I get a sense I am loosing...
  [But it's] not ME."

[Ambassador:] [You get] a sense of loosing something.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] There.

[First Lady:]
"Because, I, I, I get...
  I got the sense
   you are also loosing your perception on him,
    like he's being out of your perception here."

[Ambassador:] [clears throat] Right.

[First Lady:]
"With this... Like...
  And you had your attention on him originally,
   and then all of a sudden this Energy.

"And then your perception on him is not...
  you are not able to put your perception on him
   from your viewpoint...
 That's what I am..."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"...how I interpret it."

[Ambassador:] Yes. Ja-Ja [= Yes-yes].

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] Very good.

[First Lady:]
"...my sense is that,
  it's the sense of... your, your...
    your perception is down on holding it on him here."

[Ambassador:] Yes.
               That's a good point [said while yawning],
                because it leads to the question:
                  What, with that Blackness,
                   did he prevent me from seeing of him, about him?

[First Lady:]
"Mhm. I am trying to slow it way down,
  since you asked the question."

[Ambassador:] There! [= Indicating a reaction on the E-meter-Polygraph.]
               Yes. [said while yawning]

[First Lady:]
"Well, right when you said 'there',
  it got EXTREMELY Black."

[Ambassador:] There. There, there. There, there.

[First Lady:]
"And I guess you saw this. OK."

[Ambassador:] Aha.

[First Lady:]
"I am trying to understand more.
  Because the intensity of the Black
   just went up like a... a LOT."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"Like suddenly I am looking at
  almost like a sense of
   beyond solid, solid, solid, real strong.

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"I get a scared feeling from him, [from] Hubbard.

[Ambassador:] So, what did he prevent me from seeing about him,
               by him throwing the Blackness at me,
                there, at that time?

[First Lady:]
"[I am] trying to catch it on Hubbard
  just before the Blackness went
   [just before he threw the Blackness]."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"And I got something
  that started to come into words,
   like: the true nature of the being.
     Something in that area.
      But I am still trying to hold it."

[Ambassador:] [yawns]

[First Lady:]
"Ah... I get a sense of..."

[Ambassador:] There! Yes.

[First Lady:]
"...pictures around what [happened] before."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"What he was before he did that.
  Like covering himself or connecting himself
   in this way with this [Black] Energy.

"And I am looking at something
  that I don't quite understand,
   but it looks like... ...we'll sort it out. OK."

[Ambassador:] M-hm.

[First Lady:]
"It seems like watching a being...
  like I am watching here,
   getting a sense of a being
    and it seems like, it goes like,
      lots of things about him, as a being,
      and then how he killed himself..."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"...in this Energy.

"Something in that... like that, keeps going on.
  I am right at this point. It's like getting..."

[Ambassador:] 'How he killed himself'
                and what did you say after that?

[First Lady:]
"Oh, as a being, as...
  I mean, as looking...
   there's, there's something there, before."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] 'How he killed himself AND this Energy',
                did you say that?

[First Lady:]
"With the Energy, yeah."

[Ambassador:] WITH the Energy.

[First Lady:]
"With the Black (Energy)... yeah."

[Ambassador:] OK.

[First Lady:]
"And I... And I hope these are the correct words,
  but that's how it's..."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"...how I got it right now."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"But it's like getting the sense of..."

[Ambassador:] There, there.

[First Lady:]
  and knowing the nature of this being,
   and different things going on.

"And then a point of
  some sort of self-destruction here.
   Something like that."

[Ambassador:] Hubbard's self-destruction.

[First Lady:]
"M-hm. Something right in there."

[Ambassador:] There. There! There, there, there, there.

[First Lady:]
"Something went very wrong with him,
  in his arrogant... in his wanting to... in his creating here."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"Like a... like a... like a... He went..."

[Ambassador:] M-hm.

[First Lady:]
"It's almost like I get the sense
  he went violent and angry.
   Something like that in here. Something."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"Something he, eh...
  Something he fought, something he refused,
    something he... and he, something here,
     and then the...
  And it's all locked in this...
   OK. I got something..."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"...coming through here.
  OK. Guide me in, I think I got something...
   I am getting some real [heavy pushes (attacks)]..."

[Ambassador:] Yes. There, there. There, there, there.
               There, there. There.

[First Lady:]
"It's like wanting...
  I get the sense
   he refused the truth about himself, here."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"He re... refused some... some truth. And...
  Refused something here...
   It's like denying his own nature.
    Something he wouldn't look at, some idea,
     some... something here."

[Ambassador:] What did Hubbard,
               by throwing that Blackness at me,
                prevent me from seeing about him?

[First Lady:]
"Well, my sense is:
  How he destroyed himself here. To put it..."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"...very direct."

[Ambassador:] Yes. There, there, there!

[First Lady:]
"It's his... It's the way he destroyed himself."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"It's [the] why, and the what...
  It's like I am seeing a being
   actually con... consciously create
    an act of self-destruction, here.

"But it... I'm... it's...
  and the way he did it,
   the way he undid his nature, here."

[Ambassador:] Yes. Yes.

[First Lady:]
"Like an act of going wilfully against something here."

[Ambassador:] Right. There!

[First Lady:]
"Something about his insa... insanity

[Ambassador:] There.

[First Lady:]
"...created by this disconnection..."

[Ambassador:] There.

[First Lady:]
"...based on a self-denial, a... a denial."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"I'm actually beginning to see the ACT..."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"...of what he refused."

[Ambassador:] Right. There. Yes, there.

[First Lady:]
"He refused to be himself,
  is a very easy way of putting the words."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"I mean more than that."

[Ambassador:] M-hm.
               M-hm. There. [= Indicating reactions on the E-meter-Polygraph]

[First Lady:]
"It's still, it's a 'refused' something, 'will' something here,
  when I go in there."

[Ambassador:] Yes.
               By throwing his Blackness, that Blackness at me,
                what did he prevent me from seeing about himself?

[First Lady:]
"OK. Guide me in." [clearing throat]

[Ambassador:] M-hm.
               M-hm. There. There.
                [= Indicating reactions on the E-meter-Polygraph.]

[First Lady:]
"It got: Death. Something 'death'."

[Ambassador:] [clearing throat] Right.
               There. There.

[First Lady:]
"It seems to be a self-act of death, here, created."

[Ambassador:] There...

[First Lady:]
"Like he... How he... he actually killed himself. Or..."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"...did this to...
  It's like a defiance, though.

"Something. Right in there, really tight and looking at....
  trying to look around and feel what I can feel."

[Ambassador:] There, there, there. Yes.

[First Lady:]
"And then right there I found something."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] M-hm.

[First Lady:]
"I see something... feels weird."

[Ambassador:] There. There! There.

[First Lady:]
"Yes, I know,
  it's a streaming light of Energy.
   And I, and I don't understand...
    Looks like a split."

[Ambassador:] OK.

[First Lady:]
"[clearing throat]"

[Ambassador:] There.

[First Lady:]
"Getting on it.
  Just guide me in, I've got something very..."

[Ambassador:] There, there, there!

[First Lady:]
"I know, it looks like this..."

[Ambassador:] There, there, there, there!

[First Lady:]
"...a split,
  it looks like a Life-Force-Energy very bright,
   and then... it's just a little bit that I see there,
    and then everything is so Black coming on all the way around it."

[Ambassador:] Yes. You are talking about Hubbard.

[First Lady:]
"Yes, I am trying to see
  what he was preventing you from seeing."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] There.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] Yes, there.

[First Lady:]
"Oh! Weird. I hope..."

[Ambassador:] There. There.

[First Lady:]
"...I just got something.
  Something looked... that looked... Ohhh..."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"Something looked like for a moment like
   a dagger of white Energy
    going into the Black
      as if he is
       t... taking his own Life-Force
        into the Black."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"Like using his own Life-Force to destroy,
  like to create, em... death and disconnection.
   Actually using his own Life-Force to do that."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"Like shooting it into..."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"I keep getting like a sense of...
  consciously directing his own Life-Force into Darkness."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"Into... mhm... death and unconsciousness."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"And killing..."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"...life. Oh, my God.
  I am looking at him con(sciously)...
   using his own Life-Force to create death..."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"...and unconsciousness, and no feeling."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[Ambassador:] We have twenty-seven August 1999,
               this is the second side of the tape.
                It is now thirteen hours and fifty-one minutes,
                 the session started at
                  thirteen hours and twenty-seven minutes.

               You said: A spiritual suicide of Hubbard -
                and you don't think that this had ever been done before?

[First Lady:]
"I don't... no...
  I have not... this is... yeah.

"I mean, who would want to do this.
  I mean this is (insane)...
   this does not make any (sense)."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"It's not something we would do."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"It's like... like I would get the word 'treason' here."

[Ambassador:] Yes. There, there, there, there.

[First Lady:]
"On himself, and life."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"Like really going against it,
  going against himself and life."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"Ah... Mhm.
  [I am] looking at the... prior the decision."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"[Looking to see] if I can get prior."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"[If I can get] the motivation."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"And 'motivation'... I am trying to get in there."

[Ambassador:] M-hm.

[First Lady:]
"I've got a few things going on,
  trying to get it to translate up,
   so, [stay] real... real tight with me on here."

[Ambassador:] M-hm.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] There, there, there, there, there.

[First Lady:]
"There's 'willing'."

[Ambassador:] There.

[First Lady:]
"I got 'willing' in there."

[Ambassador:] Meaning: Intentional.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] M-hm. There.

[First Lady:]
"I get something about 'out-creating'."

[Ambassador:] There.

[First Lady:]
"I know. It's a creating..."

[Ambassador:] There.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] Creating an uncreating.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] Creating the Uncreation...

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] ...of, of Creation.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] Creating the Uncreating of Creation.

[First Lady:]
"Yeah. Oh, man.
  It's... this being still believes he's creating."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] There.

[First Lady:]
"Like creating the impossible,
  or something he gets from the complete opposite of an isness.
    Something, it's something deep, deep down.
     I hope you can follow my words on it..."

[Ambassador:] Yes, I know.

[First Lady:]
"[I'm trying to] (manage it) best I can."

[Ambassador:] M-hm. Creating the opposite of what is.

[First Lady:]
"A-ha. Willing to be that too.
  His own Life-Force to be that way."

[Ambassador:] Willing himself to be the opposite of what he is.

[First Lady:]
"Yes. Because I see, I...
  The, the Life-Force is there, in... in this."

[Ambassador:] Yes. His Life-Force.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] There.

[First Lady:]
"I get a sense of... Mhm..."

[Ambassador:] There...

[First Lady:]
"Trying to prove a perilousness,
  or trying to prove something.
   Like... almost like I get the sense of proving,
     like trying to prove which is stronger,
      or something, here, like,
        the Creation
        or his Uncreation of Creation."

[Ambassador:] Right.
               You used the word there,
                'trying to prove the'... sounded like 'paralysis',
                  but that's not what you mean.

[First Lady:]
"Oh, 'perilous'.
  It's like there is a perilousness in what he did.
   But there seems to be a proving..."

[Ambassador:] Perilous, [meaning] dangerous?

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] Aha. OK.

[First Lady:]
"Ah. OK. Here's the best way to translate it:"

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"My sense at this point, at this time, is
  that there is a willingness to become that which is so..."

[Ambassador:] M-hm.

[First Lady:]
"...removed from what is,
  and so totally dangerous,
   but yet still doing it anyway."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"So totally self-destructive,
  still willing to do that."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"To become a non-part of Creation."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"To become the rejection of Creation."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"And like somebody experimenting,
  and at the same time challenging
   and trying to prove.
  And... And destroying himself in the process to prove."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"I get it's the proving outside of Creation,
  or I got the sense of doing something
   that is not done in Creation."

[Ambassador:] Yes. There.

[First Lady:]
"The sense of something 'he can do this'.
  Like he still got this sense of being...
   of like trying to be greater, or the greatest."

[Ambassador:] There, there, there, there.

[First Lady:]
"And in the process of doing it,
  he becomes totally destroyed and... and the opposite.
   I mean..."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"He is destroying him(self)... his Life-Force here."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"Like, I keep thinking, I got: Contempt."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"That he can be contemptible.
  Like, or, it's like... Oh, it's such a strange idea."

[Ambassador:] That he can have contempt...

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] ...for Creation.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] To prove that he can have
               contempt for the Creation.

[First Lady:]
"And then something else coming up here."

[Ambassador:] There, there.

[First Lady:]
"I get... He get's some...
  There's something unlimited in nothing to be. Eh..."

[Ambassador:] He can be whatever he chooses.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] Also if it is something... [word garbled]

[First Lady:]
"He can be the Black Energy if he wanted to,
  I mean, like that."

[Ambassador:] Yes. Has the ability to be totally evil.

[First Lady:]
"But he had to kill his... his feeling to do that."

[Ambassador:] Right. Well, he has proven it now, I think.
               That he can.

[First Lady:]
"It's this out-creating Creation.
  Trying... As if that... But I get...
   I'm looking at the out...
     It's like he is actually trying to be
      out of Creation." [chuckle]

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"As if there is more, or something else."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"And then in... in that Darkness there,
  anything can be there."

[Ambassador:] According to him, yes.

[First Lady:]
"According to him, yeah."

[Ambassador:] That's what he is trying to prove all the time.

[First Lady:]
"And it could be anything he puts there.
  At least that's the idea.
   It's just that it is so unfeeling."

[Ambassador:] Yes. And [The] Creation is still there.
               The people that he puts in there
                are still part of [The] Creation.
                 People that he puts in the Blackness, in the Darkness.
               It's only an illusion inside The Creation.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] So, with the Darkness
               he creates an illusion
                that 'The Creation is not there'...

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] And then he gets people trapped
               into that Darkness...

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] ...and makes them think and believe
               that they... that '[The] Creation is not there anymore',
                and that anything that he puts in that Darkness
                 is now a 'reality'.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] 'Absolute truth doesn't exist.'
              'God doesn't exist.'
              'The Angels don't exist.'

[First Lady:]
"Mhm-mhm [= no]."

[Ambassador:] Which is of course all not true,
               because anybody had
                just has to look outside the Darkness,
                 and it's all there.

[First Lady:]

[Ambassador:] [The] Creation and Angels and so on.

[First Lady:]
"Yeah, I'm telling people all the time: Take a look!"

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"Just move through the Darkness, and keep going [looking],
  until you get outside of it."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"And you will find
  that you are in Creation [chuckle].
   You'll be able to see what the Darkness is."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"And it's a creation
  into uncreate the location of Creation [chuckle]."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"[To uncreate] the reality-experience of Creation."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"And you just get there
  with a whole lot of..."

[Ambassador:] LOVE and FEELING.

[First Lady:]
"Love. Yeah, you have to put the FEELING in it.
  And then just go for it."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"Just do it until you get there." [chuckle]

[Ambassador:] Right. OK.
               Thank you very much for looking at this.

[First Lady:]
"Oh, thank you."

[Ambassador:] Very good.

[First Lady:]
"Ahh. Ahh. He didn't want you to see that.
  Because you would have put a stop to it right away." [chuckle]

[Ambassador:] [laughter] Yes. Right.
               That's what I would have done.
                Well, we are doing that, we will do that,
                 and we are doing that now.

[First Lady:]
"We are doing that now."

[Ambassador:] Yes. So, thank you very much,
               also in the name of others...

[First Lady:]
"Thank you."

[Ambassador:] ...for you seeing this.

[First Lady:]
"All right."

[Ambassador:] Anything you want to say or ask
               before I end the session?

[First Lady:]
"I like the way you work with me to get in there,
  because it was really tight,
   and I had to get in there really tight. And..."

[Ambassador:] M-hm.

[First Lady:]
"...got to... [I] kept slowing it down, kept slowing it down."

[Ambassador:] M-hm.

[First Lady:]
"Because I kept getting... it... really fine.
  Like looking for a speck of sand in eternity.
   You know, it's like tiny, like little,
    got to find that one little spot."

[Ambassador:] Hm.

[First Lady:]
"And the softness keeps me going, there,
  the guide... the gentle guiding."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"It's like getting really in our... in our hip-pocket here."

[Ambassador:] Hm.

[First Lady:]
"Thank you, very much."

[Ambassador:] OK.

[First Lady:]
"Oh, man."

[Ambassador:] End of session at fourteen hours and seven minutes.

[First Lady:]
"Deception. Ultimate deception. Ahh... Oh, wow."

[Ambassador:] And that ends the recording of this session.

[Evaluation, after the end of the session,
  which was only recorded on tape:]

[Ambassador:] This is now also the end of the recording on the tape.
               The time here is fourteen hours and seventeen minutes.
                Which means the tape recorded still
                 ten minutes longer than the, eh... Harddisk,
                  because I forget to switch off the cassette recorder tape.

[First Lady:]
"I have a thought I want to share with you."

[Ambassador:] And that is?

[First Lady:]
"I'm starting to lose it, em..."

[Ambassador:] Yes, go ahead.

[First Lady:]
"I know how you are always requesting people
  to be themselves."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"Which means Energetically,
  as well as physically, awareness, consciously,
   really get it all together."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"Em... And I got this thought that, if... yeah,
  if we... if people would get the reality
    that if they are themselves,
     they can get out of 'the matrix' [the Darkness]."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"And they can help others.
  So it is that important,
   as the most important thing to do.

"And it's like adding another little part to it.
  The reality part -
   it's not just themselves being themselves,
    but it's... that's... [it's about] their freedom:
     That's their ability to get others free."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"So, it's not just 'be themselves',
  and then 'that's [the whole thing]... and they are just there',
   kind of in a state of like I am myself,
  BUT it's the WHOLE key to freedom,
   and [that is] the undoing [of] the stuff.

"You need to get THAT part in,
  that's why it's so important for them to BE themselves,
   [because] that's how they will get through this."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"And there is no other way.
  [Just having only] data won't do it."

[Ambassador:] Right.

[First Lady:]
"That's my thought, there."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"And if anybody wants to dispute it, that's fine,
  [but] that's my thought. You know."

[Ambassador:] Yes.

[First Lady:]
"So... [It's] one I, I... I know. That's all." [chuckle]

[Ambassador:] OK. Thank you.
               So this is then finally
                the end of the recording on the cassette tape,
                 at fourteen hours and nineteen minutes.


Koos Nolst Trenite - Ambassador for Mankind

Copyright 1999 by Koos Nolst Trenite,
 Ambassador for Mankind Foundation

Library of the Ambassador for Mankind

The 'Understanding Suppression Series'

'Discovery of True History of Mankind - The Audio files'

References (available at the Library):

- On L. Ron Hubbard, see
    'In memoriam Anti-Human-Rights Black Magician L. Ron Hubbard'

- About when Hubbard became evil, 74 million years ago

  'Discovery of True History of Mankind - The Audio files',

  RI-1209i 'The True History of Man's Insanity' of 5 May 1999
  RI-1208i 'God, and 100 Billion people, KILLED BY HUBBARD - How'
  RI-1205i 'Made to FEEL Criminal - How they did it' of 28 Apr 1999

  RI-1236Ai 'L. Ron Hubbard's Army against Angels, against Life - Part A'

  RI-1222Ai '"The Wall of Fire" - THE Catastrophe that killed Mankind - A'
  RI-1222Bi '"The Wall of Fire" - THE Catastrophe that killed Mankind - B'

- On Care and Life

  RI-1180i 'Definition of God (all religions)' of 31 Mar 1999

  RI-1211i  '"LTL" - Living Truthful Love = LIFE' of 6 May 1999
  RI-1163i 'The Question That Saves All' of 2 Mar 1999
  RI-1182i  'Memories Do Never Erase' 5 Apr 1999

  RI-1022i 'The Purpose of Life' of 26 Sept 1997
  RI-714i  'State of Sanity, Definition of' of 24 Oct 1996
  RI-738Si 'Christianity - Love, and Guilt solved' of 22 Dec 1996

  RI-1103i 'The Nature of War and Friendship - basic text' of 24 Sept 98

  RI-629i  'Definition of Care' of 12 July 1996
  RI-602i  'Definition of Power' of 20 June 1996

  RI-1064i 'Ambassador for Mankind and Human Rights of 10 Dec 1948 (UNO)'

  RI-908i  'The Ostrich-factor - on facing evil or criminality' 16 Jul 97
  RI-1122i 'Describing True Leadership' of 3 Jan 1999

  RI-1145i '"Rights" NOT GRANTED by Ambassador for Mankind' of 29 Jan 1999

'RI' = 'Right Indication'.

These references and other RI-Bulletins can well be obtained
 at any Library of the Ambassador For Mankind



Copyright 1999, 2016 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
 and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
 anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
 who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
 to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to "handle"
 Sociopaths, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
 of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
 or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
 and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
 about any organizations or individuals.

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