Dear Edward,
The problem was related to the absence of the m4 package
After installing it, the code (version 1.0.0rc1) has been built normally in my parallel environment using MPIF90 = "mpiifort" .
When I tried to run the ZnO example (tutorial 3), I still cannot assign the variable PARA_POSTFIX to "-np 4".
Even i run export PARA_POSTFIX="-np 4" command, the code still use -npool 4 wich is not adapted for the intel mpirun command.
This make the code crashing (see the message bellow)
Any help would be appreciated
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Koopmans spectral functional calculations with Quantum ESPRESSO
version 1.0.0rc1
Written by Edward Linscott, Riccardo De Gennaro, and Nicola Colonna
Please cite the papers listed in zno.bib in work involving this calculation
Running wannier/scf... failed
ase.calculators.calculator.CalculationFailed: Calculator "pwcalculator" failed with command "mpirun /home/zine/CODES/koopmans/1.0.0/bin/pw.x -npool 4 -in scf.pwi > scf.pwo 2>&1" failed in /home/zine/Downloads/koopmans/tutorials/tutorial_3/wannier with error code 1