Dear users,
I have been following the tutorials from the Hubbard-Koopmans School 2022 ( I followed the installation instruction from Koopman's website. But when I try to run the calculation, it gives me the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ubuntu/venvs/koopmans/bin/koopmans", line 8, in <module>
File "/home/ubuntu/opt/koopmans/src/koopmans/cli/", line 26, in main
workflow = read(args.json)
File "/home/ubuntu/opt/koopmans/src/koopmans/io/", line 36, in read
out = read_json(fd, **kwargs)
File "/home/ubuntu/opt/koopmans/src/koopmans/io/", line 32, in read_json
parameters = WorkflowSettingsDict(**utils.parse_dict(bigdct.get('workflow', {})))
File "/home/ubuntu/opt/koopmans/src/koopmans/settings/", line 131, in __init__
super().__init__(settings=settings, physicals=['alpha_conv_thr', 'convergence_threshold'], **kwargs)
File "/home/ubuntu/opt/koopmans/src/koopmans/settings/", line 230, in __init__
super().__init__(valid=[ for s in settings],
File "/home/ubuntu/opt/koopmans/src/koopmans/settings/", line 95, in __init__
File "/home/ubuntu/opt/koopmans/src/koopmans/settings/", line 165, in update
self.__setitem__(key, kwargs[key])
File "/home/ubuntu/opt/koopmans/src/koopmans/settings/", line 170, in __setitem__
return super().__setitem__(key, value)
File "/home/ubuntu/opt/koopmans/src/koopmans/settings/", line 147, in __setitem__
self._check_before_setitem(key, value)
File "/home/ubuntu/opt/koopmans/src/koopmans/settings/", line 235, in _check_before_setitem
super()._check_before_setitem(key, value)
File "/home/ubuntu/opt/koopmans/src/koopmans/settings/", line 174, in _check_before_setitem
raise KeyError(f'{key} is not a valid setting')
KeyError: 'n_max_sc_steps is not a valid setting'
Now when I compared the input file of ozone.json from the koopman's website with the one in the aforementioned github repo, I see that there are some differences. Should I consider that tutorial obsolete and use the webpage from now on?
Abdul Muhaymin
Graduate Student, Bilkent University